Does Acceleration Affect Event Horizon Location?

In summary, a normally accelerating observer will have a horizon associated with them, but it is not an event horizon like the one associated with a black hole. The Rindler horizon, which is specific to the observer while they are accelerating, is not a globally invariant surface like the event horizon, and its existence depends on the observer and their acceleration. In curved spacetime, a Rindler horizon may exist for an eternally accelerating observer, but it will only be present if there are no other horizons present. If a black hole passes through the Rindler horizon, there will effectively be a single horizon that is a combination of the two, but the region behind the horizon will still be inaccessible to the observer.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Normal acceleration is equivalent to a uniform gravitational field throughout all of space. Thus, this extra field would shift an event horizon for an accelerating observer vs a non-accelerating observer
Normal acceleration is equivalent to a uniform gravitational field throughout all of space. Thus, if I am normally accelerating, I should observe an event horizon shifted as compared to a non-accelerating observer. Is this correct?
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  • #2
You are describing the Rindler horizon. This is not a true event horizon. Actual event horizons are global features of the manifold and do not depend on the observer.
  • #3
As Dale notes, an eternally accelerating observer in flat spacetime has an event horizon, the Rindler horizon, associated with them. It's different from a black hole event horizon in that it only has meaning for the accelerating observer, and if they ever stop accelerating there was never a horizon anyway.

I have not done any maths to support this, but I would expect a Rindler horizon to exist (at least in some circumstances) for an eternally accelerating observer in curved spacetime. If a black hole "passed through" the Rindler horizon then there would effectively be a single horizon that was some sort of union of the two surfaces, at least as far as the accelerating observer was concerned.

Of course, if the observer ever stops accelerating then there was never a Rindler horizon and the black hole's horizon is the only one present. So i think the answer is "no" in practice and "kind of" in an idealised eternal case.
  • #4
awardr said:
if I am normally accelerating, I should observe an event horizon shifted as compared to a non-accelerating observer. Is this correct?

No. There will be a horizon associated with you, but it is not an event horizon. See below.

Ibix said:
As Dale notes, an eternally accelerating observer in flat spacetime has an event horizon, the Rindler horizon, associated with them.

No, as @Dale specifically noted, the Rindler horizon is not an event horizon. In more technical language, it is not the boundary of a region that cannot send light signals to infinity.

The event horizon of a black hole is the boundary of such a region. And since whether or not light signals can reach infinity from a given event is an observer-independent invariant, the event horizon of a black hole, unlike a Rindler horizon, is the same for all observers.

The Rindler horizon, by contrast, is only the boundary of a region of spacetime that cannot send light signals that will reach that particular accelerating observer, while they continue to accelerate. That obviously makes the presence of a Rindler horizon dependent on the particular observer, and whether or not they are accelerating.

Ibix said:
I would expect a Rindler horizon to exist (at least in some circumstances) for an eternally accelerating observer in curved spacetime

As long as no other horizon intervenes, yes. See below.

Ibix said:
If a black hole "passed through" the Rindler horizon then there would effectively be a single horizon that was some sort of union of the two surfaces

Sort of, at least for that particular observer. There would be the black hole horizon, which is a globally invariant surface, and there would be the Rindler horizon, which is specific to that particular observer while they are accelerating. If there is a portion of the Rindler horizon that goes below the black hole horizon, then the region of spacetime "in between" (below the black hole horizon but above the Rindler horizon) still can't send light signals to the observer, so it is still behind the observer's horizon; but that will remain true even if the observer stops accelerating, because even though stopping the acceleration makes the Rindler horizon go away, it doesn't make the black hole horizon go away.

FAQ: Does Acceleration Affect Event Horizon Location?

1. How does acceleration affect the location of an event horizon?

Acceleration does not directly affect the location of an event horizon. The event horizon is determined by the mass of the black hole, not its acceleration. However, acceleration can indirectly affect the location of the event horizon by affecting the mass of the black hole through the process of accretion.

2. Does a higher acceleration result in a larger or smaller event horizon?

A higher acceleration does not necessarily result in a larger or smaller event horizon. As mentioned before, the mass of the black hole determines the location of the event horizon, not its acceleration. However, a higher acceleration can lead to an increase in the mass of the black hole through accretion, which in turn can affect the location of the event horizon.

3. Can a black hole's event horizon change due to acceleration?

No, a black hole's event horizon cannot change due to acceleration. The event horizon is a fundamental property of a black hole and is determined by its mass. While acceleration can indirectly affect the mass of a black hole, it cannot change the location of the event horizon.

4. How does the acceleration of a black hole affect its gravitational pull?

The acceleration of a black hole does not directly affect its gravitational pull. The gravitational pull of a black hole is determined by its mass, not its acceleration. However, a higher acceleration can lead to an increase in the mass of the black hole, which in turn can affect its gravitational pull.

5. Is there a limit to how much acceleration a black hole can have?

There is no known limit to how much acceleration a black hole can have. However, the maximum acceleration of a black hole would depend on its mass and the strength of its gravitational field. As a black hole's mass increases, so does its gravitational pull, which can limit the amount of acceleration it can have.

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