Does air resistance affect projectile motion?

In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of air resistance on calculating the time it takes for a ball to return when thrown vertically. The person asking the question wonders if air resistance should be ignored, and if it was ignored when deriving the known laws for maximum height, range, and time. It is mentioned that air resistance is not constant and can greatly impact the accuracy of calculations, depending on the geometry, displacement, and speed involved. It is up to the person using the equations to determine if neglecting air resistance is a valid assumption. It is also noted that air resistance is proportional to the instantaneous velocity of the object and can dramatically affect the results of calculations.
  • #1
Hi all,

If someone threw a ball vertically & we want to calculate the time needed to for the ball to return back to his hand taking into account air resistance, would it be different if we ignore air resistance??

When they derive the known laws for the maximum height, range & time, did they ignore air resistance?

Physics news on
  • #2
Yes. They do ignore wind resistance. The standard equations of motion that most people are familiar with deal with a constant acceleration. Wind resistance is not constant.

The amount of error induced is going to depend greatly on the gemoetry, displacemets and speeds involved. In your example of tossing a ball, the error induced by not taking into account drag would be much much less (probably an order of magnitude less) than if the ball was shot up thousands of feet and allowed to come back down. The speeds the ball would reach being thrown would not come close to the speeds it would reach if it fell from a thousand feet. Also consider the fact that if a ball were dropped from a sufficient height, the ball would eventually stop accelerating (due to drag) and would fall at a constant speed.

Also, consider what the equations would tell you if you calculated how long it would take a flat piece of paper to fall from some height. It wouldn't be even close because in that case wind resistance plays a huge role.

It is up to the person applying the equations to make the proper assumption as to whether or not neglecting a complex term is a proper assumption to make.

When they derive the known laws for the maximum height, range & time, did they ignore air resistance?

Maximum height, range and time of what?
  • #3
generally the air resistance is proportional to the instantaneous velocity of the when u actually calculate the equation of motion it is exponential

FAQ: Does air resistance affect projectile motion?

1. What is a projectile?

A projectile is any object that is launched or thrown and moves through the air due to the force of gravity. Examples of projectiles include a baseball, a bullet, or a rocket.

2. How does air resistance affect the motion of a projectile?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that acts opposite to the direction of motion of a projectile. It increases as the speed of the projectile increases and can slow down the motion of the projectile as it moves through the air.

3. How is air resistance calculated?

Air resistance is calculated using the formula F = ½ρv²CdA, where F is the force of air resistance, ρ is the density of air, v is the velocity of the projectile, Cd is the drag coefficient, and A is the cross-sectional area of the projectile.

4. How does air resistance affect the trajectory of a projectile?

Air resistance can cause a projectile to follow a curved path instead of a straight line. This is because the force of air resistance acts in the opposite direction of the projectile's motion, causing it to slow down and change direction.

5. How can air resistance be reduced for a projectile?

There are several ways to reduce the effects of air resistance on a projectile. This can include using a more streamlined shape, reducing the cross-sectional area, or increasing the velocity of the projectile to overcome the force of air resistance.

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