Does anyone NOT believe heat death is the final destination?

In summary, the author scoped the opinions of others, found that they were not very useful, and provided a summary of the relevant physics.
  • #1
And if not, what do you believe?
Space news on
  • #2
I don't think "believe" is the operative term here - the word carries some baggage with it in this context - there are a number of models, any of which may turn out to be better than the others.

The way to bet is that they will all turn out to be wrong. We do not know the ultimate fate of the Universe.

To answer the question as written: "does anyone not believe..."etc. please see:
... the answer is "yes" ... and the article deals out the alternatives that are supported by the evidence in big-bang cosmology.

Note: "I don't know" is a valid answer in science.
  • #3
I know you don't know. And I know "believe" is a troublesome word in science.

But I think it's a fair question
  • #4
... and I think it has been fairly answered.
The link I gave you provides the standard response to the question, and the standard response is really all we are allowed to give considering the ban on presenting personal theories. The evidence so far supports models where the Universe is overall very flat ... draw your own conclusions.

Note: Freeman Dyson presented a famous argument against the heat death.

Rhetorical: why would you expect others to venture an opinion when you don't offer one of your own?
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  • #5
I've read the numerous theories numerous times previously.

My own opinion, I venture heat death as overwhelmingly the most likely outcome. Although I'm no physicist to be fair.

That's I was scoping the opinions of others. This being a forum and all
  • #6
My own opinion, I venture heat death as overwhelmingly the most likely outcome. Although I'm no physicist to be fair.
The thing is to support your opinion - give it a go: what is it specifically that leads you to think that heat death is "overwhelmingly the most likely outcome". i.e. how are you assigning likelyhood to the different models? How do you answer Freeman Dyson's famous argument?

As you attempt to answer those questions, you will start to gain a better understanding of how physicists think, and also of the question you have asked and hopefully why you are getting the response I'm giving you.

That's [why] I was scoping the opinions of others. This being a forum and all
...being a moderated forum means that there are rules about what sorts of answers we are allowed to give you.

You have already scoped "the opinions of others" - you've "read the numerous theories numerous times previously".
Opinions are not really very useful in science anyway - so you've done better and looked up the actual physics (I hope).

Mind you ... it may make for a fun poll ;)
  • #7
I believe that falsifiability is the proper demarcation.
  • #8
Simon Bridge said:
The thing is to support your opinion - give it a go: what is it specifically that leads you to think that heat death is "overwhelmingly the most likely outcome". i.e. how are you assigning likelyhood to the different models? How do you answer Freeman Dyson's famous argument?

As you attempt to answer those questions, you will start to gain a better understanding of how physicists think, and also of the question you have asked and hopefully why you are getting the response I'm giving you.

...being a moderated forum means that there are rules about what sorts of answers we are allowed to give you.

You have already scoped "the opinions of others" - you've "read the numerous theories numerous times previously".
Opinions are not really very useful in science anyway - so you've done better and looked up the actual physics (I hope).

Mind you ... it may make for a fun poll ;)

I think you're tapping into something that occurs across forums all over the world (or perhaps the Universe).

The principle of having nothing to say and an overwhelming need to say it.
  • #9
That clicking sound you just heard is the sound of a thread closing.
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Likes Borek

FAQ: Does anyone NOT believe heat death is the final destination?

1. What is heat death and why is it considered the final destination?

Heat death, also known as the "big freeze", is a theory in physics that suggests the universe will eventually reach a state of maximum entropy, where all energy is evenly distributed and no work can be done. This means that all matter and energy will eventually reach a state of equilibrium, resulting in a lack of thermodynamic free energy and the inability for any further change to occur. This is considered the final destination because it is a state of complete disorder and stability, where no further evolution or progress can take place.

2. Is heat death a proven theory or just a hypothesis?

Heat death is a well-established theory in physics and is supported by various scientific evidence and observations, such as the second law of thermodynamics and the expansion of the universe. However, it is important to note that it is still a theory and not a proven fact, as there are still many unknowns and potential alternative explanations for the eventual fate of the universe.

3. Can anything prevent or delay heat death?

Currently, there is no known way to prevent or delay heat death. As it is a natural consequence of the second law of thermodynamics, it is believed to be an inevitable fate for the universe. However, there are some theories and ideas being explored, such as the possibility of a "big crunch" or the existence of parallel universes, which could potentially change our understanding of the final destination of the universe.

4. Does heat death mean the end of all life and existence?

It is believed that heat death will result in the end of all life and existence as we know it. However, it is important to note that the timeline for heat death is on a scale of billions of years, so it is not something that we need to worry about in our lifetime. Additionally, there is still much we do not know about the universe and potential ways to prolong or alter its fate.

5. How does the concept of heat death impact our understanding of the universe?

The idea of heat death has significant implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it. It challenges our perceptions of time, the laws of thermodynamics, and the concept of infinity. It also raises questions about the ultimate purpose and meaning of existence, as well as the potential for other universes or realities beyond our own. Overall, the concept of heat death forces us to confront the limitations of our current scientific knowledge and the mysteries that still remain about the universe.
