Does anything ever repel gravity?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of repulsive gravity and the idea that gravity may be similar to the electromagnetic force between charges. However, it is explained that gravity is solely attractive and cannot be repelled. Additionally, there is discussion about the possibility of antigravity, but it is advised to research this topic using more specific terms such as "cosmological constant" and "exotic matter." The importance of critical thinking and skepticism when researching scientific topics online is also emphasized.
  • #1
I was studying electrostatics when I came across an idea if gravity just like electrostatics be repulsive in nature with something..Is there such things which repel gravity?...Thanks in advance
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  • #2
There is not. Gravity is solely attractive.
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Likes Simon Bridge
  • #3
Is there such things which repel gravity?...
Loosely: gravity is the force attracting masses so "repel gravity" makes no sense. Forces may be repulsive, but you cannot repel forces.

You'll see that with electromagnetic charges, like charges repel ... whereas, if we treat mass as the gravitational charge then we see like charges attract (and we only ever find positive charges).
This, I suspect, is the idea you have come across.

All this means is that it may not be useful to think of gravity as a force like the electromagnetic force between charges.
(This is pretty much the standard way to understand gravity: as a pseudoforce arising from geometry vaguely analogouse to centrifugal force arising from rotation. A negative gravity would be like postulating an inwards-pointing centrifugal effect.)

Still, there is quite a lot of discussion about a possible physical basis for antigravity ... ie. see "cosmological constant" and "exotic matter".
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  • #4
Simon Bridge said:
Loosely: gravity is the force attracting masses so "repel gravity" makes no sense. Forces may be repulsive, but you cannot repel forces.

You'll see that with electromagnetic charges, like charges repel ... whereas, if we treat mass as the gravitational charge then we see like charges attract (and we only ever find positive charges).
This, I suspect, is the idea you have come across.

All this means is that it may not be useful to think of gravity as a force like the electromagnetic force between charges.
(This is pretty much the standard way to understand gravity: as a pseudoforce arising from geometry vaguely analogouse to centrifugal force arising from rotation. A negative gravity would be like postulating an inwards-pointing centrifugal effect.)

Still, there is quite a lot of discussion about a possible physical basis for antigravity ... ie. see "cosmological constant" and "exotic matter".
Sir @Simon Bridge thanks for the comments,I would definitely surf for the "anti gravity" discussion !.
  • #5
..nothing substantive here except to compliment Simon on the generous answer. Particular genius in the "repelling a force" argument and the parallels drawn with centrifugal force; so easy to just give the short answer. Highest regards to you.
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Likes Simon Bridge
  • #6
One of the aims of these forums (fora? forae?) is to improve scientific literacy. Science is a process which involves asking questions, investigating them, and refining the questions for further investigation. So ven though a question may itself be simple to answer, it can be useful to refine the question.

I'm not convinced that researching "anti-gravity" will be all that useful, since a naive google of the term produces wikipedia and a lot of crackpots. I did provide good search terms that would lead to decent science. I encourage you to also look up "critical thinking" and "skepticism". These are essential tools for assessing anything you read online.
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Likes berkeman
  • #7
Prasun-rick said:
Sir @Simon Bridge thanks for the comments,I would definitely surf for the "anti gravity" discussion !.
Please do not post nonsense here at the PF. Please re-read the PF rules under INFO at the top of the page. Thread is closed.
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FAQ: Does anything ever repel gravity?

1. Does anything ever repel gravity?

No, to the best of our current scientific knowledge, nothing can repel gravity. The force of gravity is always attractive, meaning that it pulls objects towards each other.

2. Can anti-gravity technology be developed?

There is currently no evidence or scientific basis for anti-gravity technology. The concept of anti-gravity goes against our understanding of the laws of physics, particularly the law of gravity.

3. Are there any substances or materials that naturally repel gravity?

No, there are no known substances or materials that can naturally repel gravity. All objects, regardless of their composition, are subject to the force of gravity.

4. Is it possible to create a force field that can repel gravity?

There is currently no technology or scientific evidence to support the creation of a force field that can repel gravity. The force of gravity is a fundamental force of nature and cannot be easily manipulated or controlled.

5. Can gravity be cancelled out?

No, gravity cannot be cancelled out. Gravity is a fundamental force and cannot be eliminated or neutralized. However, its effects can be countered or reduced through other forces, such as the force of lift in airplanes or the force of magnetism in magnetic levitation.

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