Does Boric Acid Expire ? or become B2O3 after 5-10 years on its own?

  • Thread starter mubashirmansoor
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    Acid Years
In summary, Boric acid (H3BO3) should last indefinitely when kept at room temperature and stored properly. However, when heated, it can start to decompose and lose water. It is not possible for it to turn into B2O3 on its own, but it may react with other substances present, such as Na2O. The resulting glass properties may not be a reliable indicator of what actually occurred during the experiment. Overall, boric acid is a stable compound and does not have an expiration date.
  • #1
Does Boric Acid Expire ? or become B2O3 after 5-10 years on its own?


I have had some Boric acid (99.9%) bought a very long time ago... The expiry date was in 2006...

I have used it recently and it is as if it's pure B2O3. Is that even possible??! How could it be?! or is there something I am missing?

The experiment I had done was heating some of this Boric acid along with certain glass modifiers (Na2O and PbO) and the density as well as other optical properties of resulting glass are as if I have used B2O3 in the batch. There hasn't been any weight loss associated with the decomposition of Boric acid either!

thanks in advance...
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  • #2

When kept at room temperature Boric Acid should last forever. Sometimes though the term "Boric Acid" can be applied to more than one chemical so you should check the label and see what the chemical formula on it says.
  • #3

its Analytic grade H3BO3...

It has been at room temperature in a poorly sealed plastic container.
  • #4

mubashirmansoor said:
The experiment I had done was heating some of this Boric acid along with certain glass modifiers (Na2O and PbO) and the density as well as other optical properties of resulting glass are as if I have used B2O3 in the batch. There hasn't been any weight loss associated with the decomposition of Boric acid either!

When heated, boric acid starts to decompose below 200°C, I don't see how it could not lose the water - unless it reacted with Na2O present. Perhaps properties of the glasses you are referring to have error margins wide enough so that they are not an indicator of what have really happened?

To answer directly your question: no, it won't expire nor change to B2O3, it is quite stable.
  • #5

I cannot definitively answer whether or not boric acid expires or turns into B2O3 after 5-10 years on its own without conducting a thorough analysis and experiment. However, based on my knowledge of chemical reactions and the properties of boric acid, it is unlikely that it would expire or spontaneously turn into B2O3 on its own.

Boric acid is a stable compound and does not easily decompose or react with other substances at room temperature. Its chemical formula is H3BO3, which means it contains hydrogen, boron, and oxygen atoms. B2O3, on the other hand, is a different compound with a different chemical formula (BO3) and structure. It is unlikely that boric acid would spontaneously convert into B2O3 without any external factors or conditions.

It is possible that the boric acid you have used in your experiment has undergone some changes over time, such as slight impurities or changes in its physical properties. However, it is unlikely that it would turn into B2O3 without any external factors or conditions.

I would recommend conducting further experiments and analysis to determine the exact composition and properties of the boric acid you have used. This will provide a more accurate answer to your question. Additionally, it is always important to check the expiration date of chemicals and to properly store them to ensure their stability and effectiveness.

FAQ: Does Boric Acid Expire ? or become B2O3 after 5-10 years on its own?

1. What is boric acid and how does it expire or change over time?

Boric acid is a white, odorless, and crystalline substance that is commonly used in insecticides, cleaning products, and as a preservative in food and cosmetics. Over time, it can lose its potency and become less effective due to exposure to air, moisture, and other factors.

2. Can boric acid expire or turn into B2O3 on its own without any external factors?

Boric acid does not have a specific expiration date, but it can slowly convert into boric oxide (B2O3) over time due to chemical reactions with moisture and carbon dioxide in the air. This process can be accelerated by exposure to high temperatures, sunlight, and other environmental factors.

3. How long does it take for boric acid to expire or convert into B2O3?

The rate at which boric acid expires or converts into B2O3 can vary depending on the storage conditions and purity of the substance. Generally, it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 years for boric acid to significantly degrade and turn into B2O3 on its own.

4. What are the effects of using expired or converted boric acid?

Using expired or converted boric acid may result in reduced effectiveness in its intended use. For example, as an insecticide, it may not effectively kill pests or as a preservative, it may not inhibit bacterial growth in food or cosmetics. Additionally, boric oxide (B2O3) is a stronger base than boric acid, which can lead to irritation or burns if it comes into contact with skin or eyes.

5. How can I tell if my boric acid has expired or converted into B2O3?

To determine if your boric acid has expired or converted into B2O3, you can perform a simple test. Dissolve a small amount of the substance in water and add a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator. If the solution turns pink, it indicates the presence of boric acid. However, if it turns colorless, it means the boric acid has converted into boric oxide (B2O3). Additionally, you may notice a change in the appearance or texture of the substance, such as clumping or discoloration. If you are unsure, it is always best to replace the boric acid to ensure its effectiveness and safety.
