Does Boyle's Law Apply to Saturated Air?

In summary, the problem is asking for the final pressure when the volume of air saturated with water vapour is halved isothermally. The answer given in the book is "less than 2P but greater than P," which disagrees with the answer of "2P" obtained using Boyle's law. This is because as the volume decreases, the air loses saturation and the number of water molecules decreases, leading to a final pressure that is less than double the initial pressure.
  • #1
I have a have a doubt in the following problem:
# A volume V of air saturated with water vapour exerts a pressure P. If the volume is made V/2 isothermally, what will be the final pressure?
I solved it using Boyle's law but that answer which is "2P" doesn't agree with the answer given in my book which is "less than 2P but greater than P". Could you please explain why?
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  • #2
Amith2006 said:
I have a have a doubt in the following problem:
# A volume V of air saturated with water vapour exerts a pressure P. If the volume is made V/2 isothermally, what will be the final pressure?
I solved it using Boyle's law but that answer which is "2P" doesn't agree with the answer given in my book which is "less than 2P but greater than P". Could you please explain why?
For a particular temperature, the air is saturated with water vapour at a unique pressure (or you could say, the pressure determines the saturation temperature-the boiling point).

So, as you start at saturation pressure (ie at boiling point) and then increase the pressure (decrease the volume) keeping the temperature the same, the air loses saturation (the air cannot hold as much water). This means that the number of moles of water molecules in the air decreases (turns to liquid). Since PV=nRT, PV is not constant because n decreases. So [itex]P_f = n_fRT/Vf < n_iRT/Vf = 2niRT/Vi = 2Pi = 2P[/itex]


Related to Does Boyle's Law Apply to Saturated Air?

What is Boyle's law and how does it relate to gases?

Boyle's law states that at a constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure. This means that as pressure increases, volume decreases, and vice versa.

Why might Boyle's law not apply in certain situations?

Boyle's law assumes that the gas being studied is an ideal gas, which follows certain assumptions such as having no intermolecular forces. In real-world scenarios, gases may not behave ideally, causing deviations from Boyle's law.

What are some examples of situations where Boyle's law does not work?

Boyle's law may not work in scenarios where the gas is at a high pressure or low temperature, or when the gas molecules have strong intermolecular forces. Additionally, gases in non-uniform environments or undergoing chemical reactions may also not follow Boyle's law.

How can we account for these deviations from Boyle's law?

To account for deviations from Boyle's law, scientists often use the van der Waals equation, which takes into account the volume of the gas molecules and the attractive forces between them. Other equations, such as the ideal gas law, may also be used in certain scenarios.

Why is it still important to understand Boyle's law even though it may not always apply?

Boyle's law is a fundamental concept in the study of gases and provides a good approximation for the behavior of many gases in various situations. It also serves as a building block for more complex gas laws and equations, making it an important concept in the field of science.

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