Does Cavitation Occur in a Beer Bottle Under These Conditions?

In summary, the problem involves calculating the acceleration due to pressure changes in a vertical direction. The given variables include the density of water, a variable a, the specific weight of water, outside pressure, temperature, vapor pressure, and height. The equations used are -##\nabla{p}-\gamma\hat{j}=\rho\hat{a}## and a dot product with ##\hat{j}## is used to solve for the acceleration, resulting in a value of 2159.7 ft/s2. The solution and process may be questioned, including the use of other variables and how the beer was replaced with water.
  • #1

Homework Statement

##\rho##water = 1.94
a = variable
##\gamma## = 1.94(32.2) = 62.4
Pressure outside P1 = 2116 lb/ft3
Temp = 75 F
Pressure at bottom P2 = vapor pressure = 52.3 lb/ft3
Height = 6 inch = .5 ft

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

direction of change in pressure is vertical going from bottom to top so it is ##\hat{j}##
I dot ##\hat{j}## with each term of -##\nabla{p}-\gamma\hat{j}=\rho\hat{a}##
then I obtain
-##\frac {dp} {dl}## - ##\gamma## = ##\rho##a
-(P1-P2)/.5 - ##\gamma## = ##\rho##a

solving for a i get 2159.7 ft/s2
does this make sense?


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  • #2
Great question!

I don't know the answer to it but was curious if other beers were used in the experiment.

Also how did the beer get replaced by water?

FAQ: Does Cavitation Occur in a Beer Bottle Under These Conditions?

1. What is cavitation in beer bottles?

Cavitation in beer bottles refers to the formation of tiny bubbles or voids in liquid beer due to a sudden decrease in pressure. This can occur when a bottle of beer is opened, resulting in a release of gas and a characteristic "fizz" sound.

2. How does cavitation affect the taste of beer?

Cavitation can affect the taste of beer in two ways. First, it can cause a loss of carbonation, resulting in a flatter and less bubbly beer. Second, it can also release certain compounds and aromas from the beer, potentially altering its flavor profile.

3. Is cavitation harmful to beer?

Cavitation is not harmful to beer. In fact, it is a natural occurrence and can even enhance the flavor and aroma of some styles of beer. However, excessive cavitation can cause a loss of carbonation and potentially affect the overall quality of the beer.

4. Can cavitation occur in all types of beer bottles?

Yes, cavitation can occur in all types of beer bottles. However, it is more common in bottles with thinner glass and a larger surface area, such as long-neck and twist-off bottles. This is because these bottles are more susceptible to sudden changes in pressure.

5. How can I prevent cavitation in my beer bottles?

To prevent cavitation in beer bottles, it is important to store them in a cool and stable environment. Avoid shaking or agitating the bottles before opening, as this can increase the likelihood of cavitation. Additionally, using thicker glass bottles and avoiding twist-off caps can also help reduce cavitation.
