Does chaos amplify inherent quantum level randomness?

In summary: Hamiltonian from these measurements be justified?"The paper suggests that it is not possible to reconstruct the Hamiltonian from measurements of a quantum system, because chaos amplifies inherent quantum level randomness to macroscopic level. It is an interesting question for quantum tomography, however, because chaos can amplify the effects of quantum level randomness even when the system is in a deterministic state.
  • #36
PeterDonis said:
And then you contradicted yourself by arguing that it is.
Well, I still argued for the relevance of "normal 3D space" mentioned in my initial comment. Whether it is exactly "normal 3D space" (as "privileged" by Bohmian mechanics) or more diverse classical dynamical properties (like momentum) is not important, because our disagreement seems to be about something else.

PeterDonis said:
In any case, Bohmian mechanics is an interpretation of QM, and interpretation discussions are off topic in this forum. They belong in the interpretations subforum.
I had the impression that you wanted to discuss the dynamics of the wavefunction. Using Bohmian mechanics seemed like the easiest way to me to achieve this in a scenario where the wavefunction is agreed to be relevant, and the relevant dimensions are still reasonably small (i.e. at least the number of particles stays fixed without an infinite regress to more and more "environment" or larger and larger Hilbert spaces).
Physics news on
  • #37
gentzen said:
I had the impression that you wanted to discuss the dynamics of the wavefunction.
For the specific topic of this thread, that is what is relevant. More precisely, basic QM without adopting any interpretation is what is relevant, since the title question of this thread is posed independently of any interpretation. As I have said, discussions that involve specific interpretations belong in the interpretations subforum.

gentzen said:
Using Bohmian mechanics seemed like the easiest way to me to achieve this
Not if the discussion is to be independent of any interpretation.
  • #38
PeterDonis said:
Do you have a good reference for this?

Prescription for experimental determination of the dynamics of a quantum black box​

"We give an explicit way to experimentally determine the evolution operators which completely describe the dynamics of a quantum-mechanical black box: an arbitrary open quantum system. We show necessary and sufficient conditions for this to be possible and illustrate the general theory by considering specifically one-and two-quantum-bit systems. These procedures may be useful in the comparative evaluation of experimental quantum measurement, communication and computation systems."
-- Journal of Modern Optics, Volume 44, 1997 - Issue 11-12
(preprint also available on

  • #40
Filip Larsen said:
In principle yes. If you have a chaotic system of, say, interacting quantum particles then in principle you cannot know the exact initial condition and hence, at some point the quantum uncertainty has grown to the level of the macroscopic scale to which the motion is bounded.
How about in reality?

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