Does Computer Science a science that uses statistical methods?

In summary, the conversation discussed the different emphases available in a statistics major at a state university, specifically focusing on the science, business, and economics options. The core requirements for the major were also mentioned, along with the potential career opportunities for those with a combination of statistics and computer science skills. The conversation also touched upon the usefulness of statistics in fields such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, and the importance of building a strong portfolio and gaining hands-on experience in order to be employable in the competitive job market.
  • #1
I am considering majoring in statistics. The school (a mediocre state uni, by the way) calls the major "statistics", but the curriculum is that of an "applied statistics" program, in that it requires you to choose an emphasis that you could apply statistics to. I'm going to choose science emphasis, which has the requirement that I " choose areas of science that uses statistical methods". Is computer science an area of science that uses statistical methods? Also, the other options of emphasis are economics and business. Of the three emphasises (science, business, and economics), which is the most employable at the B.S level?

thanks for taking your time to read this.

The following are the required courses for the three emphasises of the statistics major:

Core Requirements
Course Title Units
CSC 210
CSC 309 Introduction to Computer Programming

Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers 3
MATH 226-228 Calculus I-III (4 units each) 12
MATH 301 GW Exploration and Proof - GWAR 3
MATH 325 Linear Algebra 3
MATH 338 Introduction to SAS 3
MATH 340 Probability and Statistics I 3
MATH 441 Probability and Statistics II 3
Total for Core Requirements: 30 units

Select one emphasis:

Business Emphasis
Course Title Units
DS 312 Data Analysis with Computer Applications 3
DS 412 Operations Management 3
ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis 3
FIN 350 Business Finance 3
ISYS 363 Information Systems for Management 3
Upper division quantitative course chosen in consultation with the statistics major advisor 3
Elective units selected with approval of advisor 6
Total for Business Emphasis: 24 units

Economics Emphasis
Course Title Units
ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis 3
ECON 301 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 3
ECON 302 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory 3
ECON 312 Introduction to Econometrics 3
ECON 615 Mathematical Economics 3
ECON 630 Econometric Theory 3
ECON 725 Applied Data Analysis in Economics 3
Elective units selected with approval of advisor: 3
Total units for Economics Emphasis: 24 units

Science Emphasis
Course Title Units
MATH 400 Numerical Analysis 3
MATH 430 Operations Research 3
MATH 460 Mathematical Modeling 3
MATH 490 Mathematics Seminar 3
Units selected on advisement from a coherent collection of courses in areas of science that use statistical methods. Under advisement, courses from other colleges may be selected. 12
Total for Science Emphasis: 24 units
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  • #2
I won't comment on employ-ability, but statistics and computer science are two fields that do go well together. Machine learning is one such field where a deep knowledge of statistics and computer science can prove to be rather useful. Furthermore, much of computer science focuses on data, and how to manage it. Statistician tend to deal with large datasets and knowing how to manages it makes you incredibly useful. In fact, knowing SAS and SQL and how to using the SQL aspect of SAS efficiently makes you a much better candidate than someone who just knows SAS.
  • #3
I am in a similar situation. I am doing EECS and thinking about doing a second major in maths (applied maths, discrete maths or statistics).
I think statistics is very useful for computer science, especially AI and ML. A lot of ML and AI is about analyzing big data and optimization. Knowing statistics can be very helpful there. I also think that if you end up wanting to work in quantitative finance, having statistics and CS skills is very desirable (given you have a high GPA and a good resume, finance is quite competitive).
If you can do some discrete maths subjects in the statistics major, that would be most useful for CS, I think.
Regarding employability, companies these days (and more so in the future IMO) don't care whether you have a degree in CS or not, all they care about is skills. So employability depends on how good you actually are. The best way to improve your programming skills is through getting involved in open source, that way you both improve your programming skills and build a portfolio.
I think machine learning will be a big field in the near future but you most likely need a masters or PhD to get involved.
Overall, I think having CS and statistics skills is highly employable given you are actually good.

FAQ: Does Computer Science a science that uses statistical methods?

1. What is computer science?

Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems, including their principles, their hardware and software designs, their applications, and their impact on society.

2. How does computer science use statistical methods?

Computer science uses statistical methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data in order to make informed decisions and predictions. It also uses statistical techniques for machine learning, data mining, and data visualization.

3. What are some examples of statistical methods used in computer science?

Some examples of statistical methods used in computer science include regression analysis, hypothesis testing, cluster analysis, and time series analysis. These methods are used to analyze data, identify patterns, and make predictions.

4. Why is it important for computer science to use statistical methods?

Using statistical methods in computer science allows for accurate and objective analysis of data, which is crucial in making informed decisions and predictions. It also helps in identifying trends and patterns in data, which can be used to improve systems and applications.

5. How does the use of statistical methods contribute to the advancement of computer science?

The use of statistical methods in computer science allows for the development of more advanced algorithms and models, leading to improved systems and applications. It also enables researchers to gain a deeper understanding of complex data sets, leading to further advancements in the field.

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