Does Connes spectral model solves the Hierarchy problem?

  • Thread starter nicoo
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In summary, the NCG model à la Connes may still suffer from the hierarchy problem, but the incorporation of supersymmetry and ongoing research could provide solutions in the future.
  • #1
I was surprised to read that NCG model à la Connes still may suffers from the Hierarchy problem.
Supersymmetric QCD in the Noncommutative Geometry
[...] there is the infamous "hierarchy problem", which is that the Higgs squared mass parameter mH2 receives enormous quantum corrections from the virtual effects of every particle that couples to the Higgs field. These diffculties also exist in the NCG standard model.
It is known that these shortcomings are remedied by introducing supersymmetry into the standard model. In order for the NCG standard model to be phenomenologically viable, it is quite desirable to incorporate supersymmetry into the model.

AFAIK, in the Spectal Model the Higgs and top quark masses are computed. So they are direct consequences of the few hypothesis of the model and are in line with experimental values.
I would say there is no Hierarchy problem anymore, since the low mass of the Higgs (with respect to the GUT scale) is not unnatural and fined-tune anymore but "logical" because it comes from direct computation.

So, does NCG solves the Hierarchy problem?

BTW, a very nice introduction to NCG by Andrzej Sitarz
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Thank you for bringing up this interesting topic. As you mentioned, the hierarchy problem is a longstanding issue in particle physics and it is not unique to the standard model. It is indeed surprising that the NCG model à la Connes still may suffer from this problem, even though it is a more advanced and elegant approach to describing the fundamental particles and their interactions.

One possible explanation for this is that the NCG model, while incorporating many aspects of the standard model, still has some differences that could lead to different quantum corrections and ultimately, the hierarchy problem. As you also noted, the introduction of supersymmetry has been a successful solution to this problem in the standard model, and it is possible that incorporating supersymmetry into the NCG model could also help alleviate this issue.

I agree with you that the direct computation of the Higgs and top quark masses in the NCG model is a promising step towards a more complete understanding of these particles. However, it is important to continue exploring and testing the model in order to fully understand its strengths and limitations.

Thank you for sharing the link to Andrzej Sitarz's introduction to NCG. I will definitely check it out. Overall, it seems that the NCG model is a fascinating and promising approach to particle physics, but more research and experimentation is needed to fully understand its capabilities and limitations.

FAQ: Does Connes spectral model solves the Hierarchy problem?

1. What is the Connes spectral model?

The Connes spectral model is a mathematical framework proposed by French mathematician Alain Connes to address the Hierarchy problem in particle physics. It is based on noncommutative geometry and provides a novel approach to unifying the fundamental forces of nature.

2. How does the Connes spectral model solve the Hierarchy problem?

The Connes spectral model proposes that the Hierarchy problem, which refers to the large discrepancy between the gravitational force and the other three fundamental forces, can be solved by introducing extra dimensions that are not accessible to traditional experiments. These extra dimensions are described by noncommutative geometry, which allows for a natural hierarchy of energy scales.

3. What is the evidence that supports the Connes spectral model?

There is currently no direct experimental evidence for the Connes spectral model. However, some theoretical studies have shown that it can successfully predict the masses of elementary particles and the energy scales at which they interact, which is a key feature of the Hierarchy problem.

4. Are there any limitations to the Connes spectral model?

Like any scientific theory, the Connes spectral model has its limitations. One of the main criticisms is that it is highly mathematical and lacks direct empirical support. Additionally, it has not yet been fully integrated with the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the known particles and their interactions.

5. How does the Connes spectral model relate to other attempts to solve the Hierarchy problem?

The Connes spectral model is one of several proposed solutions to the Hierarchy problem. Other approaches, such as supersymmetry and extra-dimensional theories, have also been proposed. However, the Connes spectral model offers a unique perspective and has the potential to address other longstanding issues in physics, such as the unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics.
