Does Cutting Grass Before a Hurricane Increase Flooding Risks?

  • Thread starter Plastic Photon
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In summary, the conversation revolved around a formula that was being developed to estimate the amount of water spewed into the streets during a hurricane due to people and the city cutting their grass before the storm. The initial formula was deemed too simple and was later revised to include factors such as absorption rates, run off rates, and a 50 mile radius. However, the accuracy of the formula was questioned and the conversation ultimately concluded with the realization that none of this could prevent the storm surge predicted by the news. The idea of using a differential equation to model the problem was also mentioned but was not fully understood.
  • #1
Plastic Photon
The story: when hurricane Rita came by, my dad and I were putting up boards when I decided to start making a formula to estimate the additional water that will be spewed into the streets due to people and the city cutting their grass before the storm.

What I thought, cutting grass would reduce the amount of water capable of being held by the grass.

So my inetial formula was - S = g1w - g2w where S is the extra amount of spewed water into the street due to less water held by cut grass. But I thought this was too simple and too obvious, so...

S = (g1w1 + g1a1) - (g2w2 - g1a2) In this case g1=lwh the volume of the uncut grass over a sqaure yard and g2 the volume of the cut grass, w will stand for inches of rain received and a1 and a2 are absorption rates of the water into the ground per square yard for uncut and cut grass. I chose to leave out evaporation due to the sun because this was a hurricane and I didn't expect the sun to shine, maybe UV rays will get by but is this significant?

My problem was I knew the formula was incorrect (I did not calculate run off or slope), and I asked my dad for advice. He said I should add in the the amount of water poured over a 50 mile radius. This is my problem, I am not too sure how to express this so here it is...
We will let (g1w1 + g1a1)=r1 and (g2w2 - g1a2)=r2

S = (r1d1 - r2d2)a In this case d1 and d2 are the run off rates (drainage) of water into the street done by liters per second and a is the area of the 50 mile radius.

Essentially what I was trying to understand is is it better to cut your grass before a hurricane because the water retained by your yard and the medians and sides of roads (city funded) might not be as much as if it were not cut. Will this cause massive flooding at a faster rate as to where the flood drains cannot keep up? There were other factors I did not put in such as wind, flying objects, absorption of water into the grass, animals, etc.

When all was said and done my dad laughed at the idea and said for a hurricane in this area it wouldn't matter because none of this could prevent the 15ft storm surge the news was hyping.:frown:

I am not too sure how accurate if at all the formula is but I thought you might enjoy the idea. If there is anything you'd like to add, correct or discuss, feel free to do so.
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Surely your relation could well be a first-order approximation for something more complicated. In general, it is easier to model real-life problems with a differential equation, since we often find that it's derivatives which are related to other things; the solution of that diff. eqn. usually gives a good relationship between the variables involved.
  • #3
Well that is one problem so far I am not equipt in handling are differential equations, we have not yet gotten to these in my math class at school. I'll keep that in mind.

Related to Does Cutting Grass Before a Hurricane Increase Flooding Risks?

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The math behind predicting the path of Hurricane Rita involves complex equations and models that take into account various factors such as wind speed, air pressure, ocean temperature, and other meteorological data. These calculations are constantly updated and adjusted as the storm progresses to provide the most accurate prediction.

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The accuracy of predictions for Hurricane Rita depends on many variables and can vary throughout the storm's lifespan. Generally, the closer it gets to landfall, the more accurate the predictions become. However, due to the unpredictable nature of hurricanes, there is always some degree of uncertainty in the forecast.

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The "cone of uncertainty" is the cone-shaped area on a hurricane forecast map that shows the potential path of the storm. The cone represents the potential margin of error in the prediction and can change in size and location as the storm progresses and more data is collected.

How is the intensity of Hurricane Rita calculated?

The intensity of Hurricane Rita is typically measured using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, which rates hurricanes from category 1 (weakest) to category 5 (strongest) based on their sustained wind speed. Other factors, such as storm surge and potential for damage, are also taken into consideration when determining the intensity of a hurricane.

How do scientists use math to assess the potential damage of Hurricane Rita?

Scientists use math to predict and assess the potential damage of Hurricane Rita by analyzing the storm's intensity, size, and path. This information, combined with data on population density, building construction, and other factors, can help scientists estimate the potential impact of the hurricane on a specific area and plan for potential evacuation and disaster response efforts.
