Does Density Affect Falling Object Speed?

In summary, the question was whether two objects with different densities dropped from the same height would land at the same time. The probable answer is yes, as proven by Galileo. However, taking air resistance into account, the heavier object will land first. The terminology "break the inertia" was used to describe the effect of the heavy object pushing air out of the way. This does not contradict Galileo's findings, which were based on free fall without air resistance.
  • #1
Disclaimer: Dont hurt me, I am not exactly a physics nut or anything, and what I am about to say has probably been figured out, its just that I thought of it, and I never heard anything of it before, soooo...

Problem:If two objects were dropped from a height with the same texture, shape, size, and dropping conditions(this wouldn't be in a vacuum), but with different densities, would they land at the same time.

Probable answer(pounded into our heads by 4th grade science teachers)
Yes, they will land at the same time, prooved by gallileo(sp?)

-MY- answer: no, for the heavyer sphere would break the the inertia of the air better than that of the less dense sphere.

I repeat that most likely this is already known, but no one I asked around here(where I live) got that answer, even my brother who is a freshman at CMU studying physics, so I thought it was a good Idea if he didnt get it.

Erm... Yeah... :rolleyes:

(First Post!)
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  • #2
Welcome to PF.
You are correct, if you include air resistance in the model (that's the "scientific" term), then the heavier ball will land first (it's usually too tiny a difference to measure, though).
Do not use the terminology "break the inertia" about this phenomenon, it is unclear what you mean by it (I made the most favourable interpretation of that term).

However, you do not contradict Galileo, because he was talking only about free fall, i.e-, when air resistance is absent from the model.
  • #3
Sorry :C
when I said "break the Inertia" I meant the fact that the air wasnt moving until the heavyer ball shoved it out of the way. Ah well. I figured as much.

Thank you
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FAQ: Does Density Affect Falling Object Speed?

1. How does density affect the speed of a falling object?

Density does not directly affect the speed of a falling object. The speed of a falling object is primarily determined by its weight and the force of gravity.

2. Does a denser object fall faster than a less dense object?

No, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their density. This is known as the principle of equivalence and was famously demonstrated by Galileo's experiments with different weighted objects.

3. Can the shape of an object affect its falling speed?

Yes, the shape of an object can affect its falling speed. Objects with a larger surface area will experience more air resistance, which can slow down their fall. However, this only applies in environments with air resistance, such as the Earth's atmosphere.

4. How does air density affect the falling speed of an object?

Air density can affect the falling speed of an object by creating air resistance. In denser air, there are more air molecules present, which can slow down the object's fall. This is why objects fall faster in a vacuum, where there is no air resistance.

5. Is there a relationship between density and terminal velocity?

Yes, there is a relationship between density and terminal velocity. Objects with a higher density will reach their terminal velocity (maximum falling speed) faster than objects with a lower density, as they encounter more air resistance. However, once both objects reach their terminal velocity, they will fall at the same speed, regardless of their density.

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