Does Dim Reg really avoid a photon mass?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of dimensional regularization in calculating the one-loop correction to the photon propagator in QED. This method involves treating the number of spacetime dimensions as a continuous complex variable and using a "well-known formula" to solve the integral. However, it is pointed out that this formula is false and that the integral actually diverges for most values of d. The conversation also mentions that dimensional regularization can hide the physical implications of renormalization and that other regularization schemes, such as Pauli-Villars, may be more transparent in this regard. It is also noted that the use of dimensional regularization can make it difficult to understand the behavior of the theory at high energy scales, as it introduces a renormalization
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
The integral used in Dim Reg to renormalize the photon field without a mass term doesn't converge anywhere near d=4.
In the loop integral for the one-loop correction to the photon propagator in QED, the dominant term, after Wick rotation and angular averaging, has the form (omitting uninteresting factors) $$(1-2/d) e^2 \eta^{\mu\nu}\int_0^\infty \frac{p^{d+1}}{(p^2+\Delta)^2}dp,$$ where ##p## is the absolute value of the Euclidean loop momentum, ##d## is the number of spacetime dimensions, ##-e## is the electron charge, and ##\Delta=m^2+q^2x(1=x)## is a positive constant depending on the electron mass ##m##, the photon momentum ##q^\mu##, and the Feynman parameter ##x##. The integral is quadratically divergent for ##d=4##, and the dominant part is independent of the photon momentum. This would seem to require a mass correction term for the photon, breaking gauge invariance. Dimensional Regularization is presented as a solution: we treat ##d## as a continuous complex variable, and use the "well-known formula" $$\int_0^\infty \frac{p^{d+1}}{(p^2+\Delta)^2}dp=\frac12 \Delta^{d/2-1}\Gamma(1-d/2)\Gamma(1+d/2).$$ The prefactor ##(1-2/d)\propto(1-d/2)## miraculously shifts the argument of the first gamma function to ##(2-d/2)##, matching the next term of the integral result, and the ##q^2## found within ##\Delta## magically unites with a ##-q^\mu q^\nu## from the next term, so the end result has exactly the form required by gauge invariance.

But this inspiring tale has a plot hole: the "well-known formula" is false, and blatantly so. The integral on the LHS converges only for ##-2<Re(d)<2##, not anywhere in the neighborhood of ##d=4##. For purely real values of ##d\ge2## the integral goes to ##+\infty## like ##\Lambda^{d-2}## (with ##\Lambda## the UV cutoff), or like ##\log\Lambda## for ##d=2##. For complex ##d## with ##Re(d)<2##, the integral oscillates, with the amplitude diverging. The RHS, meanwhile, is finite except for simple poles at the nonzero even numbers. The discrepancy is most incredible at the (physically meaningful!?) value ##d=3##, where using the above procedure would lead to the conclusion that the loop diagram is finite, despite the clear linear divergence of the integral.

Now I can accept that if we somehow know (how??) that the diagram's value must be analytic in ##d## in a region that surrounds ##d=4## and also extends into the ##-2<Re(d)<2## region, then the convergence of the integral for ##-2<Re(d)<2## shows that the function we end up with is the only possible candidate. Also, I expect that actually formulating QED in ##(2+1)## dimensions probably requires changes more substantial than the ##d## dependence we use in Dim Reg for ##(3+1)## dimensions, so the finite value at ##d=3## need not be understood as physical.

But none of this answers the question: where did the divergent mass term go??
Is there a more convincing way to calculate this diagram, so that I can be reassured that the mass term truly does vanish somehow?
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  • #2
The photon mass "must" be zero at the end of the computation by the Ward identity, but you're correct that dim reg makes this rather opaque, since it tends to discard power-law divergences. For example, if you start with a massless scalar theory, you'll find that the fields remain massless to all orders in perturbation theory in dim reg, whereas they pick up masses in other regularization schemes (no symmetry protects scalar masses from being generated).

So it might be better for your sanity to convince yourself that the quadratic divergence cancels in a different regularization scheme, but you will need to choose a regulator which respects gauge invariance for this to work out. Besides dim reg, the most popular scheme is probably Pauli-Villars regularization. This is a little annoying for computing the vacuum polarization because you actually need to introduce multiple auxiliary Pauli-Villars fields, but it can be done. The textbooks by Bjorken & Drell ("Relativistic Quantum Mechanics"), Itzykson & Zuber, and Zee's textbook all describe how they calculation works out, and they all find that the offending terms exactly cancel out. I would see if you can get your hands on any of these to take a look at how the calculation works. But most textbooks prefer dim reg because it's less messy.
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Likes maline
  • #3
Dim. reg. is just a convenient way of regularization for certain calculations in perturbation theory. The problem with it is that it completely hides the physics behind renormalization. The important physical point is that renormalization always introduces a momentum scale into the problem, i.e., the renormalization scale.

The most transparent way to see this is to stay in 4 dimensions and use the BPHZ method. Only if all fields in the theory are massive you can choose the point ##p=0## for all external legs of the divergent diagrams to define your renormalization scheme. The scales of the problem are the masses of the fields then.

Whenever you have massless particles this is not possible anymore, because then you have to subtract the counter terms in the space-like regions of the external momenta, where no cuts of the corresponding proper-vertex functions are, and this necessarily introduces a renormalization scale. Thus even in a completely massless theory (like QCD in the chiral limit with only massless quarks) you introduce a scale, and the (dimensionless) couplings become running couplings as a function of this scale ("dimensional transmtation"), and you may end up with a theory, where the fields become massive (dubbed "mass without mass" by Wilczek and referring to a famous paper by Coleman and E. Weinberg).

Unhiggsed Gauge symmetries prevent, however, the gauge bosons to pick up a mass due to the corresponding Ward identity for the gauge-boson selfenergy.

All this of course treats only the UV divergences. The IR and related collinear divergences have to be treated separately through appropriate resummations of "naive" perturbation theory or alternatively by introducing "infraparticles" instead of the "naive particles" of standard perturbation theory. The physics behind this is that the asymptotic states of charged particles in gauge theories (and in non-abelian theories also the gauge bosons themselves are charged and thus even in pure Yang Mills you have to deal with this issue) are not the naive "bare states" but entities that consist of a "bare particle" surrounded by its own gauge fields. Handwavingly you may say that, e.g., in QED a true asymptotic free "electron" is rather a "bare electron surrounded by a (virtual) soft-photon cloud". For a nice introduction to this line of thought, see

P. Kulish, L. Faddeev, Asymptotic conditions and infrared divergences in quantum electrodynamics, Theor. Math. Phys. 4 (1970) 745.
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Likes maline
  • #4
I guess the next big idea will be to give a transformation from virtual to real and vice versa.
  • #5
I've no clue what you mean by this.
  • #6
vanhees71 said:
I've no clue what you mean by this.
I have the same kind of feeling on your statement :"free "electron" is rather a "bare electron surrounded by a (virtual) soft-photon cloud"".

Unless we of course we translate the statements to equations...
Anyway I thought of something that you could transform a virtual particle by some physical mechanism to a real particle. In case of photons letting them gain mass or lose mass, I mean a "real" photon has no mass and a "virtual" photon has mass.

All this stuff in physics looks like a madman fantasies. :cool:
  • #7
You find the equations in the cited paper by Kulish and Faddeev. Physically it's very intuitive: There's no such thing as a charged particle without its Coulomb field, and this field is of long-range nature due the masslessness of the gauge field. An electron comes always with its Coulomb field. Diagrammatically this Coulomb field is described by an infinite sum over virtual soft photon lines. In formulae it's nothing than the Coulomb field.
  • #8
MathematicalPhysicist said:
I thought of something that you could transform a virtual particle by some physical mechanism to a real particle. In case of photons letting them gain mass or lose mass, I mean a "real" photon has no mass and a "virtual" photon has mass.

Please review the PF rules on personal speculation. And you would be well advised to read the series of Insights articles on virtual particles, particularly the one about common misconceptions.
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Likes maline and vanhees71
  • #9
Thank you for your answers, and I apologize for my delay in responding.
king vitamin said:
For example, if you start with a massless scalar theory, you'll find that the fields remain massless to all orders in perturbation theory in dim reg
Wow, that sounds bad. Does this mean that Dim Reg can't be considered reliable at all? Are there conditions that will let us know whether a Dim Reg result is correct, other than checking against a more "tame" method?
vanhees71 said:
The most transparent way to see this is to stay in 4 dimensions and use the BPHZ method.
That sounds promising. Can you recommend a resource to learn this method from?
vanhees71 said:
The physics behind this is that the asymptotic states of charged particles in gauge theories are not the naive "bare states" but entities that consist of a "bare particle" surrounded by its own gauge fields
This is another issue I've been confused about for some time. When we apply an electron creation operator to the QED vacuum, does the resulting state "come with" an electromagnetic field, or is it a bare state and the EM field must be generated dynamically? From your comments, and other sources, I take that it's the latter. But what does such a "bare state" mean? Why would such an obviously unphysical thing be in our Hilbert space at all?
  • #10
maline said:
Wow, that sounds bad. Does this mean that Dim Reg can't be considered reliable at all? Are there conditions that will let us know whether a Dim Reg result is correct, other than checking against a more "tame" method?
It's not bad at all! Given a certain set of bare parameters, different regularization schemes will result in a different mass gap. In dim reg, choosing the bare mass to be zero results in the physical mass gap being zero. In other regularization schemes it is different. But no matter what the regularization scheme, after exchanging bare parameters for renormalized parameters, you should end up with equivalent physics.

The above is all for scalar field theories, where there isn't a symmetry preventing a mass from being generated by interactions. With either gauge theories or fermions, there are symmetries (gauge and chiral respectively) which prevent masses from being generated provided your regulator respects the symmetry. (In some sense, dim reg prevents a mass from being generated because it preserves the scale invariance of the classical field theory, but scale symmetry is not preserved by all regulators - it generically suffers a so-called "anomaly.")
  • #11
maline said:
That sounds promising. Can you recommend a resource to learn this method from?

This is another issue I've been confused about for some time. When we apply an electron creation operator to the QED vacuum, does the resulting state "come with" an electromagnetic field, or is it a bare state and the EM field must be generated dynamically? From your comments, and other sources, I take that it's the latter. But what does such a "bare state" mean? Why would such an obviously unphysical thing be in our Hilbert space at all?
You find a treatment of the BPHZ method in my lecture notes on QFT:

Concerning the issue with the "infra-particles": Of course, a "bare electron" is unphysical, because it doesn't come with its own em. field. For short-range interactions, however they are the true asymptotic states. E.g., if you regularize the IR trouble in QED with a photon mass (which you can in fact do without violating gauge symmetry, because the electromagnetic gauge group is U(1), which as an Abelian group allows a gauge-boson mass without violating gauge symmetry using the Stueckelberg formalism). Then it turns out that the asymptotic free states are those of non-interacting "bare" particles. For "true QED" with massless photons that's no longer the case because of the long-range nature of the Coulomb potential, and using the bare-particle asymptotic free states leads to IR issues. In the conventional approach you have to resum the corresponding divergent diagrams (IR and collinear). This "ladder resummation" takes care of the correct "dressing" of the charged particles with a "soft-photon cloud", including the charge's own electromagnetic (Coulomb) field.

For a very clear treatment of this conventional approach, see Weinberg, Quantum Theory of Fields, vol. 1. For the "infraparticle approach" see

P. Kulish, L. Faddeev, Asymptotic conditions and infrared divergences in quantum electrodynamics, Theor. Math. Phys. 4 (1970) 745.

or (more comprehensive)

T. W. B. Kibble, Coherent Soft-Photon States and Infrared Divergences. I. Classical Currents, Jour. Math. Phys. 9 (1968) 315.

T. W. B. Kibble, Coherent Soft-Photon States and Infrared Divergences. II. Mass-Shell Singularities of Green’s Functions, Phys. Rev. 173 (1968) 1527.

T. W. B. Kibble, Coherent Soft-Photon States and Infrared Divergences. III. Asymptotic States and Reduction Formulas, Phys. Rev. 174 (1968) 1882.

T. W. B. Kibble, Coherent Soft-Photon States and Infrared Divergences. IV. The Scattering Operator, Phys. Rev. 175 (1968) 1624.
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Related to Does Dim Reg really avoid a photon mass?

1. What is Dim Reg and how does it relate to photon mass?

Dim Reg, short for dimensional regularization, is a mathematical technique used in quantum field theory to regulate divergent integrals. It is used to calculate the mass of particles, including photons, in a way that avoids infinities and allows for more accurate predictions.

2. How does Dim Reg avoid a photon mass?

Dim Reg avoids a photon mass by introducing an additional dimension to the calculation, which allows for the cancellation of infinities. This allows for a more precise calculation of the mass of the photon.

3. Is Dim Reg a reliable method for avoiding photon mass?

Yes, Dim Reg is a widely accepted and reliable method for avoiding photon mass. It has been extensively tested and used in various calculations in quantum field theory with successful results.

4. Are there any limitations to using Dim Reg to avoid photon mass?

While Dim Reg is a useful tool, it is not a perfect solution and does have some limitations. It is not applicable in all cases and can sometimes lead to inconsistencies in calculations. Additionally, it does not provide a physical explanation for the mass of particles.

5. Are there any alternative methods for avoiding photon mass?

Yes, there are alternative methods for avoiding photon mass, such as using a different regularization technique called cutoff regularization. However, Dim Reg is often preferred due to its simplicity and the fact that it preserves important symmetries in calculations.

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