Does e^{-ix} Have a Limit as x Approaches Infinity?

  • Thread starter jimmycricket
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In summary, the limit of e^{-ix} as x tends to infinity does not exist. This can be visualized geometrically as the point on the unit circle in the complex plane continuing to go around the circle indefinitely. Additionally, in the context of a square well potential, the wave function outside of the well should be 0 and any non-zero behavior would require a wave-packet rather than a plane wave.
  • #1
What is the limit of [itex]e^{-ix}[/itex] as x tends to infinity?
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  • #2
jimmycricket said:
What is the limit of [itex]e^{-ix}[/itex] as x tends to infinity?
What does ##e^{-ix}## represent? IOW, for a given x value, what does ##e^{-ix}## evaluate to?
  • #3
[itex]cos(x) - isin(x)[/itex]
  • #4
jimmycricket said:
[itex]cos(x) - isin(x)[/itex]

OK, so what do YOU think the limit should be, if anything?
  • #5
Well this is exactly my problem, I don't know. Perhaps I should have mentioned that I have considered the limit in terms of cos and sin and I'm not just asking you out of laziness. I would be inclined to say the limit does not exist. The reason I need to know is I am answering a question on square well potentials where solving schrodingers equation yields [itex]\psi(x)=Ae^{ikx} +Be^{-ikx}[/itex] outside of the well which in the region to the leftof the well simplifies to [itex]Ae^{ikx}[/itex] and I was wondering if this is because the wave function equals zero as x tends to minus infinity which implies B=0. I don't know if this is now the right place to ask this but if anyone can help that would be great.
  • #6
I can't comment on the physics question. However the original math question is answerable - there is no limit. You can envision it geometrically as being points on the unit circle in the complex plane. As x becomes infinite the point simply goes around the circle indefinitely.
  • #7
jimmycricket said:
Well this is exactly my problem, I don't know. Perhaps I should have mentioned that I have considered the limit in terms of cos and sin and I'm not just asking you out of laziness. I would be inclined to say the limit does not exist. The reason I need to know is I am answering a question on square well potentials where solving schrodingers equation yields [itex]\psi(x)=Ae^{ikx} +Be^{-ikx}[/itex] outside of the well which in the region to the leftof the well simplifies to [itex]Ae^{ikx}[/itex] and I was wondering if this is because the wave function equals zero as x tends to minus infinity which implies B=0. I don't know if this is now the right place to ask this but if anyone can help that would be great.

Do you know what it means when we say that a function, f(x), has a limit as x → ∞? Never mind the "epsilon-delta" stuff; just give an intuitive description.

Alternatively, think of the graph y = cos(x). Do the y-values settle down to a fixed value as x becomes larger and larger?
  • #8
jimmycricket said:
Well this is exactly my problem, I don't know. Perhaps I should have mentioned that I have considered the limit in terms of cos and sin and I'm not just asking you out of laziness. I would be inclined to say the limit does not exist. The reason I need to know is I am answering a question on square well potentials where solving schrodingers equation yields [itex]\psi(x)=Ae^{ikx} +Be^{-ikx}[/itex] outside of the well which in the region to the leftof the well simplifies to [itex]Ae^{ikx}[/itex] and I was wondering if this is because the wave function equals zero as x tends to minus infinity which implies B=0. I don't know if this is now the right place to ask this but if anyone can help that would be great.

A (infinite) square well potential should not have waves outside of the well. Outside the well, the wave function should just be 0. A finite square well can have a non 0 wave function outside the well, but they should exponentially decay instead of oscillate (assuming a bound state). Recheck your answers.

If you are dealing with scattering states, then the wave function must be a wave-packet, not a plane wave since plane waves are not normalizable.
  • #9
Mark44 said:
What does ##e^{-ix}## represent? IOW, for a given x value, what does ##e^{-ix}## evaluate to?

jimmycricket said:
[itex]cos(x) - isin(x)[/itex]
No, I was looking for a more specific answer, which @mathman gave you in post #6. In my question I specified "for a specific x value," so your response should have taken that into account.

FAQ: Does e^{-ix} Have a Limit as x Approaches Infinity?

What is the limit of e^-ix?

The limit of e^-ix as x approaches infinity is equal to 0.

What is the limit of e^-ix as x approaches 0?

The limit of e^-ix as x approaches 0 is equal to 1.

What is the limit of e^-ix as x approaches a complex number?

The limit of e^-ix as x approaches a complex number is equal to e^-ix.

What is the limit of e^-ix as x approaches negative infinity?

The limit of e^-ix as x approaches negative infinity is equal to infinity.

What is the derivative of e^-ix?

The derivative of e^-ix is equal to -ie^-ix.

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