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I went ahead and worked the math on this one. I hope you can read a topographical map, the contour plot was easier for me to understand than the 3D surface plot. The darker the color the "deeper" the potential at that contour in the "hill and valley" analogy. There are 3 equally-deep deepest points each located at the center of one of the darkest contours.Antenna Guy said:If three masses are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle, and the "force" on anyone corner can be determined using the "center of gravity" of the other two corners, does the "deepest point in the valley" occur at any individual mass - or the "center of gravity" of the system?
The white rings represent the surface of the spherical mass. Note that the center of the mass does not correspond to the deepest point in the "valley". Therefore each mass will experience a net force which will pull it towards this deepest point.