Does entropy drive our conscious experience of time?

In summary, according to this person, time is an illusion and free will is an illusion. The reason we perceive the future as undecided is because we don't have any memories of it, and the reason we perceive the past as fixed is because our memories of it do not change.
  • #1
From what I can gather, the laws of physics are time sysmmetrical- the exception being the second law of thermodynamics.

So could it be that our whole experience of time is driven souly by increasing entropy?

Assuming that we live in a deterministic universe(controversial I know) all past and future are determined- the difference is we can infer more information about the past than the future(other than that there is no qualitive difference). And so we have the illusion of choice about future events because they appear undecided.

An explanation I heard, was that objectively analyzing frames in a sequence which depict a sequence changing in steps from a low entropy state to a high entropy state is harder to predict than vice versa. Hence we percieve the past as fixed and the future as undecided, simply because more information can be infered in the direction of events which lead to lower entropy

The extprapolation of this is:
Free will is an illusion
Time is an illusion
Expectations of the future are no different to memories of the past

This isn't so much a specific question I'm asking- I'm just interested in anyone's thoughts on the nature of time and conscious experience.
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  • #2
I'd disagree with the explanation in your 4th paragraph. Take a simple example of entropy, a block of iron at 300 degrees lying on a table. Now if I asked you to predict what was going on with this block of iron 3 days ago you'd have trouble deciding. Flip the situation around, and now you're standing there and one half of the block of iron is heated to 400 degrees, and the other half is cooled to 200 degrees (using thermal contacts or something; not important). Now if you saw this half-hot and half-cold block of iron, and I asked you what would it look like in 3 days, you'd quite easily be able to predict that the temperature will have equalised.

That's the problem- the lattice vibrations inside the block are totally time-reversal invariant, but the macroscopic behaviour is clearly time-reversal variant.

I don't really follow the second sentence of the same paragraph. We perceive the past as fixed because our memories of it do not change, and we perceive the future is undecided because we don't have any memories of it, not because of entropy considerations.
  • #3
My two cents-What your reasoning implies is that you can put a person in a test room and correctly predict his every action. If that were true I would say that every person would be able to predict his own actions. The situation becomes very complicated and philosophical now. I believe physics can't answer this question (Atleast right now). There are some interesting movies like the Minority Report made on these assumptions. In the end its all subjective.
  • #4
MikeyW said:
I'd disagree with the explanation in your 4th paragraph. Take a simple example of entropy, a block of iron at 300 degrees lying on a table. Now if I asked you to predict what was going on with this block of iron 3 days ago you'd have trouble deciding. Flip the situation around, and now you're standing there and one half of the block of iron is heated to 400 degrees, and the other half is cooled to 200 degrees (using thermal contacts or something; not important). Now if you saw this half-hot and half-cold block of iron, and I asked you what would it look like in 3 days, you'd quite easily be able to predict that the temperature will have equalised.

That's the problem- the lattice vibrations inside the block are totally time-reversal invariant, but the macroscopic behaviour is clearly time-reversal variant.

I agree we can predict that the iron block will reach theomodynamic equalibrium with time but we can't predict the microstate as there are so many microstates which fullfill the criterea of thermodynamic equilibrium(high entropy) compared to the number of microstates which fullfill the criteria for half hot/cold iron block(low entropy).

If I may I'd like to modify your example slightly:
Imagine the iron block as a 2dimensional latice of molecules which are attached to each other by springs in a grid formation. Then imagine at t=0 a single molecule is put into a very high energy state and bounces around vigorously (without breaking the springs which attatch it to its neighbours) and with time the motion spreads throughout the latice radially until all molecules are jiggling at roughly the same energy state. You film this process and then gave the footage to someone except you only gave them the middle portion of the sequence and no information on which way to play the frames. Now they might be able to infer the exact original state(a single molecule at high energy) by tracing back the radial spread, more easily than predicting the exact end (micro)state. It's always going to be easier predicting low order to high order as there are less ways a highly ordered state can be.

MikeyW said:
I don't really follow the second sentence of the same paragraph. We perceive the past as fixed because our memories of it do not change, and we perceive the future is undecided because we don't have any memories of it, not because of entropy considerations.

Sure we have memories of the past and not the future and it's totally integral to our conscious experience. But why this should be in terms of physical laws which are time symmetrical(except the second law of thermodynamics)?
It's like saying the past is the past because it happened- it makes sense only as part of our conscious experience, not in terms of physics.
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  • #5
@ bcrelling I'm afraid you posted this subject in the wrong forum.

It was made clear to me from the moderators when they said "We strive to teach mainstream physics, not develop new ideas."
  • #6

Related to Does entropy drive our conscious experience of time?

1. What is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is commonly associated with the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time.

2. How does entropy relate to our conscious experience of time?

Entropy is thought to play a major role in our perception of time. As entropy increases, the amount of information available to our brains decreases, leading to a slower perception of time. This means that when we are in a state of high entropy, such as during moments of stress or intense focus, time may seem to pass more slowly.

3. Is there scientific evidence to support the idea that entropy drives our conscious experience of time?

While the concept is still being studied, there is some evidence that supports the idea that entropy plays a role in our perception of time. Studies have shown that changes in entropy can affect our perception of time, and that individuals with certain neurological conditions that impact their perception of time also show signs of higher entropy in their brain activity.

4. Can we control our perception of time by managing entropy?

While we may not be able to directly control entropy, there are ways to manage it in our daily lives. Techniques such as mindfulness and meditation have been shown to decrease entropy in the brain and improve our ability to perceive time accurately. This suggests that by managing our mental state and reducing stress, we may be able to influence our perception of time.

5. How does the concept of entropy and time relate to the larger field of neuroscience?

The study of entropy and time is a relatively new area of research in neuroscience, but it has the potential to provide valuable insights into how our brains process and perceive time. Additionally, understanding the relationship between entropy and time could have implications for treating neurological disorders and improving our overall cognitive function.

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