Does Every Iron Core Have the Same Relative Permeability?

  • Thread starter Dash-IQ
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    Core Iron
In summary, the conversation discusses the use of high permeability ferromagnetic cores to boost the magnetic field B in electromagnets. The average relative permeability (μr) of iron cores varies and can reach over 1000. The behavior of μr also depends on the purpose of the core, with soft cores preferred for electromagnets and hard cores for permanent magnets. The value of μr changes drastically with the current (I) and it is important for B to return to zero when I goes to zero for electromagnets.
  • #1
B = μ0nI
Usually, the value of B is quite small...
I'd like to boost the magnetic field B to a much larger and stronger field, and the most efficient way I find to do that is using a high permeability core B = ku0nI.
What is the average μr of an iron core? They range from what value?
Do all iron have the same relative permeability?
Physics news on
  • #2
+ With the use of a high permeability ferromagnetic cores, it makes it more practical for electromagnets to have a magnetic field a Tesla and possibly higher?
  • #3
For most iron, mu changes drastically with I.
It also depends on what you want the core to do. For an electromagnet or transformer you want B to go back to zero elastically when I goes to zero. For more permanent magnetism, you want a fat hysteresis loop.
  • #4
Meir Achuz said:
For most iron, mu changes drastically with I.

Can you elaborate please on that(i.e example with values)?
Are ur of ferromagnets based on I? or are they a constant value when I = 0 or I = x Amps?
Is it true that their ur are over a 1000?

The rest I'm quite familiar with, as you are describing soft core(e.g iron low coercivity), and hard core's that are best when creating permanent magnets with(e.g neodymium low coercivity wider hysteresis area).
  • #5

I would like to clarify that not all iron is a good core. The effectiveness of an iron core depends on its relative permeability (μr) which is a measure of how easily a material can be magnetized. The higher the μr, the better the material is at amplifying the magnetic field.

In the equation B = μ0nI, μ0 is the permeability of free space and nI is the number of turns of wire and the current flowing through them. This equation is used to calculate the magnetic field strength (B) in a solenoid. However, the value of B is usually quite small and may not be sufficient for certain applications.

To boost the magnetic field strength, using a high permeability core, as described in the equation B = μ0knI, is a good approach. The constant k represents the relative permeability of the core material and can greatly enhance the magnetic field strength.

The average μr of an iron core can vary depending on the type of iron used. Generally, the range of μr for iron cores is between 200-5000. This is much higher than the μr of free space which is 1.

It is important to note that not all iron has the same relative permeability. The μr of iron can vary depending on its composition, purity, and processing methods. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully select the type of iron core for a specific application based on its relative permeability.

FAQ: Does Every Iron Core Have the Same Relative Permeability?

1. Is iron a good choice for a core material?

It depends on the purpose of the core. Iron is a commonly used core material for electromagnets and transformers due to its high magnetic permeability and low cost. However, it may not be suitable for other applications such as high-frequency transformers where other materials like ferrite are more effective.

2. What are the advantages of using iron as a core material?

Iron has a high magnetic permeability, meaning it can easily be magnetized and demagnetized. This makes it ideal for use in electromagnets and transformers. It is also readily available and relatively inexpensive compared to other core materials.

3. Are there any disadvantages to using iron as a core material?

One disadvantage of using iron is its susceptibility to corrosion. If the core is not properly coated, it can rust and affect its performance. Iron cores also have a lower saturation point compared to other materials, meaning they can only handle a certain amount of magnetization before losing their magnetic properties.

4. How does the quality of iron affect its performance as a core material?

The quality of iron can greatly affect its performance as a core material. Iron with impurities or inconsistencies in its composition can result in uneven magnetic properties, leading to decreased efficiency and performance. High-quality iron with consistent properties is essential for optimal performance as a core material.

5. Are there any alternatives to using iron as a core material?

Yes, there are many alternative materials used as core materials, depending on the application. Some common alternatives include ferrite, nickel, and cobalt. These materials may offer different magnetic properties and may be more suitable for specific applications. It is important to consider the requirements and specifications of the core before choosing an alternative material.

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