Does free particle possibly self-interact?

In summary: Is this a problem?In summary, the energy-momentum conservation law forbid free particle radiates. Then does free particle possibly self interact by emiting and absorbing virtue gauge boson particles? Is there a classical static field caused by ''virtue radiation'' surrounding the particle? If we consider many symmetries at a same time, how can we construct covariant derivative? Because we must consider many types of gauge field boson at a same time. There is self-interaction and this self-interaction indeed affects the masses, but all these processes are subject to renormalization, so the renormalized masses must always match the observed masses.
  • #1
Energy-momentum conservation law forbid free particle radiates.Then does free particle possibly self interact by emiting and absorbing virtue gauge boson particles?Is there a classical static field caused by ''virtue radiation'' surrounding the particle?

Is the origin of mass of fermions to be the self-interaction energy(saying above)(example electron mass is the energy of interacting between electron and static electric field cause by it?) or by Higg mechanism or by both?

If we consider many symmetries at a same time,how can we construct covariant derivative?Because we must consider many types of gauge field boson at a same time.
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  • #2
There is self-interaction and this self-interaction indeed affects the masses, but all these processes are subject to renormalization, so the renormalized masses must always match the observed masses.

I am not familiar with renormalization of self-energy diagrams in the presence of Higgs fields, but the situation w/o Higgs fields is well-known: you tune the renormalization such that the correct masses come out. In case of massless particles like photons this means that the contribution of the self-interaction to the total invariant mass must vanish.
  • #3
How about the Lagrangian that satisfies many symmetries?Weak interaction and electromagnetic interaction ''interfere'' each other(example W bosons can interact with photons).How about the interference between strong interaction and electroweak interaction?How can we construct the Lagrangian of SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)(in case particles interact through all three forces) from QCD Lagrangian and electroweak Lagrangian?
  • #4
It seems that the Standard Model says nothing about whether SU(3) and SU(2)xU(1) are ''isolated'' with each other or not.If there is a ''interference'' between SU(3) and
SU(2)xU(1) we have a ''unifying'' in the theory and we can write SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1),otherwise the SU(3) and SU(2)xU(1) are ''independent'' and therefore the total Lagrangian is a simple sum of SU(3) Lagrangian and SU(2)xU(1) Lagrangian.
  • #5
In the standard model the different SU(n) groups come w/o any relation between them.

FAQ: Does free particle possibly self-interact?

1. What is the definition of a free particle?

A free particle refers to a particle that is not subject to any external forces or interactions. This means that the particle's motion is solely determined by its own intrinsic properties, such as mass and velocity.

2. Can a free particle self-interact?

No, a free particle cannot self-interact. This is because self-interaction refers to the interaction between different parts of the same system, and a free particle is not part of a larger system.

3. Are there any exceptions to a free particle not self-interacting?

Yes, there are some exceptions to a free particle not self-interacting. For example, in quantum mechanics, a particle can interact with its own potential field, resulting in self-interaction. However, this is still not considered true self-interaction as the particle is still interacting with an external force.

4. How is self-interaction different from external interactions?

Self-interaction refers to interactions within a system, while external interactions refer to interactions between different systems. In the case of a free particle, there are no external forces acting on it, so it only experiences self-interaction with its own potential field.

5. Why is the concept of self-interaction important in physics?

The concept of self-interaction is important in physics because it helps us understand the behavior of particles and systems. It also plays a crucial role in quantum mechanics and field theories, where self-interactions can lead to interesting phenomena and effects.

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