Does Gauss' law imply that the universe isn't compactified?

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of Gauss' law in a compactified space, where the distinction between "inside" and "outside" becomes ambiguous. The question is raised about the behavior of electric field lines in such a space, and it is concluded that in a closed universe, the direction of the field lines would not matter as Gauss' law would always produce the same result.
  • #1
Rocky Raccoon
The first Maxwell equation, Gauss' law makes a clear distinction between "inside" and "outside". But such a distinction can't be made in a compactified space (e.g. circle). Does that mean that the universe isn't compactified in a sense that if one was to move in a "straight" line one would never return to the starting place?
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  • #2
I am not sure what you mean by circles not having an inside and outside.

The Maxwell Equations in differential form don't make any inside/outside distinction. If you'd like to integrate them over a larger space, I suppose that you could say something about the volumes that you can integrate over, but this is a statement about integration, not about electromagnetism.
  • #3
I thnk the OP means a "curved" space, as in the pop-sci analogies of the circumference of a circle or the surface of a sphere .

But in both those examples, you can define a sub-region of space which has a closed boundary, and any two points are either on the "same side" of the boundary or on "opposite sides", so I'm not sure exactly what the OP's question is.
  • #4
What I meant to ask was:

Imagine 1+1 dimensional world with space compactified in a circle. If you go straight ahead for enough time, you reach the starting point. Put a point charge Q somewhere on the circle. Choose two point A and B so that Q is "inside" [A,B]. But then Q is "outside" [B,A]. What would Gauss' law give for an electric field in this case?
  • #5
Rocky Raccoon said:
What I meant to ask was:

Imagine 1+1 dimensional world with space compactified in a circle. If you go straight ahead for enough time, you reach the starting point. Put a point charge Q somewhere on the circle. Choose two point A and B so that Q is "inside" [A,B]. But then Q is "outside" [B,A]. What would Gauss' law give for an electric field in this case?

I think i understood what you mean. I may be talking nonsense, but i would risk saying that Gauss' law implies that the total electric charge of any space of this kind is zero, as the only way to avoid inconsistencies.

Like if there is a +Q charge at [A,B], there must be a -Q charge at [B,A] so the field lines that were diverging from +Q can converge to -Q. If there were not this -Q charge, the field lines that were diverging from +Q would converge somewhere without there being any charge there, and that would be inconsistent.
  • #6
coelho said:
I think i understood what you mean. I may be talking nonsense, but i would risk saying that Gauss' law implies that the total electric charge of any space of this kind is zero, as the only way to avoid inconsistencies.

Like if there is a +Q charge at [A,B], there must be a -Q charge at [B,A] so the field lines that were diverging from +Q can converge to -Q. If there were not this -Q charge, the field lines that were diverging from +Q would converge somewhere without there being any charge there, and that would be inconsistent.

I agree with you. So, in a closed universe, electric field lines would also have to be closed. In that case it doesn't matter which side is in or out since Gauss' law will always produce the same result.

Related to Does Gauss' law imply that the universe isn't compactified?

1. What is Gauss' law and how does it relate to the compactification of the universe?

Gauss' law is a fundamental law in physics that relates the flow of electric field through a closed surface to the charge enclosed within that surface. In terms of the compactification of the universe, it suggests that the universe is infinite and does not have a boundary or edge, as the flow of electric field would be infinite at a boundary. This implies that the universe is not compactified.

2. Can the universe still be compactified if Gauss' law holds true?

No, if Gauss' law holds true, it implies that the universe is infinite and does not have a boundary or edge. Compactification, on the other hand, refers to the idea of a finite or limited universe with a boundary. Therefore, the two concepts are incompatible.

3. How does the concept of compactification relate to theories such as string theory or the multiverse?

String theory and the multiverse are theories that propose the existence of extra dimensions beyond the three spatial dimensions we are familiar with. These theories do not necessarily contradict Gauss' law, as they allow for the possibility of a compactified universe with additional dimensions beyond our perception. However, they do challenge our understanding of the universe and its dimensions.

4. Are there any observations or evidence that support or contradict the idea of a compactified universe?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for or against the concept of a compactified universe. However, some theories, such as cosmic inflation, suggest that the universe may have undergone a period of rapid expansion, which could have caused it to appear compact at a larger scale. Additionally, the presence of dark energy and the accelerating expansion of the universe also raise questions about the structure of the universe.

5. Could future scientific advancements lead to a better understanding of the compactification of the universe?

Yes, as technology and scientific knowledge continue to advance, we may gain a better understanding of the structure of the universe and whether it is compactified or not. New observations and experiments, such as those conducted by the Large Hadron Collider, may provide insight into the fundamental laws of the universe and its dimensions. However, the concept of compactification remains a topic of debate and further research is needed to fully understand it.

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