Does H = XX+YY spontaneously break symmetry in 1D?

In summary, the conversation discusses the Hamiltonian of the ferromagnetic Ising model and its ground state degeneracy due to spontaneous symmetry breaking. The focus then shifts to the Hamiltonian of the XY model and whether it displays similar spontaneous symmetry breaking. It is noted that the XY model is exactly solvable using free fermions and does not exhibit symmetry breaking. Additionally, it is mentioned that continuous symmetries cannot be discretely broken and the XY model has a continuous symmetry. The conversation also clarifies that the Ising model only has a discrete symmetry due to the limited spin orientations.
  • #1

I am working in 1D here. For the ferromagnetic Ising model ##H = -\sum_k X_k X_{k+1}## (or ##H = -YY##) we know that the ground state is gapped and has a twofold degeneracy due to SSB (spontaneous symmetry breaking) of the spin flip symmetry ##P = Z_1 Z_2 Z_3 \cdots##.

I am now interested in the Hamiltonian ##H = -XX - YY##. This is known to be gapless (as can be derived using a Jordan-Wigner transformation). However, is it known whether or not this displays spontaneous symmetry breaking? Note that it has a continuous symmetry ##SO(2) = U(1)##, and I am not asking whether it continuously breaks in 1D (as Coleman-Mermin-Wagner implies that does not happen) but rather whether there is still the discrete SSB similar to what happens for the above ##XX## Ising case. Moreover, how can one show it? (Analytically? Numerically?)
  • #3
Hey nonequilibrium,

This is the XY model. It is exactly solvable using free fermions and there is no symmetry breaking in the model. The fermion ground state is a Fermi gas which is translation invariant, time reversal invariant, and preserves spin rotation symmetry.

Note that, if I understood what you are suggesting correctly, it is not possible to "discretely" break a continuous symmetry. If you break a continuous symmetry you will get a Goldstone mode. You could imagine breaking some discrete symmetry, like time reversal or lattice translation, but that does not happen in this case.

Hope this helps.
  • #4
Physics Monkey said:
Note that, if I understood what you are suggesting correctly, it is not possible to "discretely" break a continuous symmetry. If you break a continuous symmetry you will get a Goldstone mode. You could imagine breaking some discrete symmetry, like time reversal or lattice translation, but that does not happen in this case.
I think what is meant is that the Ising model has only a discrete symmetry as sz can only point either up or down.
In the XY model, the spin can lie anywhere in the xy plane, so the symmetry is continuous (which can't be broken in 1d).

FAQ: Does H = XX+YY spontaneously break symmetry in 1D?

1. What is the meaning of "H = XX+YY"?

"H = XX+YY" is a mathematical equation that represents the Hamiltonian of a system in 1D. The XX and YY terms represent different energy contributions to the system.

2. What does it mean for symmetry to be spontaneously broken?

Symmetry breaking refers to a phenomenon in which a system that is initially symmetrical undergoes a phase transition and becomes asymmetrical. In other words, the system loses its symmetry without any external influence or force.

3. How is symmetry broken in a 1D system?

In a 1D system, symmetry can be broken when the Hamiltonian (H) of the system is not symmetric. This can occur when there is an imbalance in the energy contributions from the XX and YY terms, leading to a spontaneous breaking of symmetry.

4. What are some examples of systems where symmetry breaking in 1D occurs?

Symmetry breaking in 1D can occur in a variety of systems, such as magnetic materials, superconductors, and even in social systems. One well-known example is the Ising model, which describes the behavior of interacting magnetic spins in a 1D lattice.

5. What are the implications of spontaneous symmetry breaking in 1D systems?

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in 1D systems can have significant implications on the behavior and properties of the system. It can lead to the emergence of new phases, such as magnetization or superconductivity, and can also affect the system's response to external stimuli, such as temperature changes.

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