Does having a degree in Engineering mean you are a Engineer

In summary: Yep, by law they aren't. They might still be called engineers by people but they can't, for example, go out on their own and offer their... services as an engineer.

does having a degree in Engineering mean you are a Engineer

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  • #1
does having a degree in Physics mean you are a Physicist?

does having a degree in Math mean you are a Mathematician?

does having a degree in Engineering mean you are a Engineer?

I personally don't think a degree gives you a title. I think your position at a company and the work you do gives you a title.
Physics news on
  • #2
Llama77 said:
I personally don't think a degree gives you a title. I think your position at a company and the work you do gives you a title.

That's wrong also. You can work at a grocery store and still be an engineer, physicists or mathematician.

I plan on becoming a mathematician, but I don't plan on working in academia. Does that mean I'll never become a mathematician? No.

To be an engineer in my opinion, you need the accredidation.

To be a mathematician in my opinion, need atleast a Master's but preferably a Ph.D.

To be a physicists, I have no idea. Is there accredidations for this? I would be more flexible in this field.
  • #3
I think if you have formal training in a discipline, and undertake work (paid or unpaid) in that discipline, then you are justified in using the title.
  • #4
JasonRox said:
That's wrong also. You can work at a grocery store and still be an engineer, physicists or mathematician.

I plan on becoming a mathematician, but I don't plan on working in academia. Does that mean I'll never become a mathematician? No.

To be an engineer in my opinion, you need the accredidation.

To be a mathematician in my opinion, need atleast a Master's but preferably a Ph.D.

To be a physicists, I have no idea. Is there accreditations for this? I would be more flexible in this field.

what makes a engineer need accreditation, I have 3 relatives whom are now in there late 50's and never went to college, 2 didn't graduate from high school. Started out all in different companies GM, Cisco and Eaton at lower end entry level jobs. Now after many promotions after many years all 3 of them are titled as Engineers by those respected companies and they have no college degree. They all deal with the specific design and development that a usually engineer would. They taught themselves all the math, physics, statics and everything, or they picked it up along the way. my uncle who works for cisco, is even in charge of HR for new engineers for there Wireless sensor network research department.

So are they not engineers?, even though they have been working as one for more than 15 years each, with the title of engineer.

and they are not technologists either, they all do developmental and research work for there companies
  • #5
I have a MS degree in Physics, but I do software development work. I don't think it would be fair to call me a physicist :)
  • #6
Law prohibits engineers to sign on engineering documents if they don't pass the PE (Professional Engineer) test. The PE test is the second of two tests engineers have to take. Anything has to be signed by a PE in the end and if anything fails, the PE who signed it is responsible for it by law. So, legally you are not an "Engineer" unless you pass that test. The qualifications for the test include a degree in engineering.

As far as I know, there's nothing that will legally qualify you to be a mathematician or a physicist and I really think you can be either of these or even an engineer without a degree. However, the PE test is needed for anyone to be viewed as an engineer by law.
  • #7
Physics_wiz said:
Law prohibits engineers to sign on engineering documents if they don't pass the PE (Professional Engineer) test. The PE test is the second of two tests engineers have to take. Anything has to be signed by a PE in the end and if anything fails, the PE who signed it is responsible for it by law. So, legally you are not an "Engineer" unless you pass that test. The qualifications for the test include a degree in engineering.

As far as I know, there's nothing that will legally qualify you to be a mathematician or a physicist and I really think you can be either of these or even an engineer without a degree. However, the PE test is needed for anyone to be viewed as an engineer by law.

yeah but the majority of EE, CSE students will never get the license. are they all not engineers.
  • #8
JasonRox said:
To be a mathematician in my opinion, need atleast a Master's but preferably a Ph.D.
I beg to differ.
  • #9
  • #10
It is completely fallacious to think that a degree makes you anything. A degree is just a means of acquiring knowledge; there are many others. It's also completely false to think the only way to acquire a professional title is to be well... a professional. The prime example is the title of philosopher. Does a philosopher need a degree or a job (some say that a philosopher needs to not have job, but I won't go there)?
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  • #11
A degree is a title, nothing more. Einstein did not have PhD when he came up with his Relativity theory, but he's more of a physicist than some people who do have that PhD.
  • #12
nealh149 said:
A degree is a title, nothing more. Einstein did not have PhD when he came up with his Relativity theory, but he's more of a physicist than some people who do have that PhD.

Einstein did have a PhD when he came up with SR.
  • #13
dan.crouthamel said:
I have a MS degree in Physics, but I do software development work. I don't think it would be fair to call me a physicist :)

As I was finishing up my BS, the head of the physics department asked me what I'm going to do now that I'm a physicist. However, whenever I mention my degree in a professional setting, I always specify that I am a graduate physicist since that's the term preferred by my insurance company. :biggrin:

The definition of physicist usually goes as: A specialist or expert in physics. I think any physics grad qualifies as a specialist in physics.

There are engineers, professional engineers, and certified professional engineers who can use a PE stamp. And considering that the language has become loose to the point of absurdity - even garbage collectors are called sanitation engineers :rolleyes: - I would think that every engineering grad certainly qualifies for the title of "Engineer"; or even "Real Engineer"!
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  • #14
It's the way of thinking which makes you an engineer, nothing else.

But, of course, without a diploma, no one will take you seriously. :-p
  • #15
In the UK, you can join a professional body; such as, the IEEE ( for EE&E.

There are similar ones for Chem Eng (IChemE) etc.

These require the taking of degree courses at accredited universities.

See you for more general professional bodies:
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  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
I always specify that I am a graduate physicist since that's the term preferred by my insurance company. :biggrin:
WOW, are you like an actuary or somethin' ? :approve:

I KNEW IT ! You have always struck me as someone who could be rich. Don't ask me why, though.

  • #17
IMO, it is the combination of education and the position/work one is in/doing. If I left my current job and went into baking cakes, I would not consider myself an engineer any longer. I would say that I had an engineering education though.
  • #18
marlon said:
WOW, are you like an actuary or somethin' ? :approve:

I KNEW IT ! You have always struck me as someone who could be rich. Don't ask me why, though.


I do engineering and consulting for industry. Since it is important that I don't misrepresent myself, the clarification of title was required for PE&E [professional errors and omissions] and general liability insurance, and must be used when applicable for contracts. The insurance agent said that "physics guy" wouldn't work. :rolleyes: Graduate physicist was the preferred option.

As for money, the good years are really good, and the bad years are really bad. :biggrin:

1. engineering engineering professional: somebody who is trained as a professional engineer

• noun 1 a person qualified in engineering

b : a person who is trained in or follows as a profession a branch of engineering

1 a person whose job is to design or build machines, engines or electrical equipment, or things such as roads, railways or bridges, using scientific principles:

. one who is trained in the use or design of machines or engines, or in other areas such as electrical or chemical technology

1. One who is trained or professionally engaged in a branch of engineering.

a person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of engines or machines, or in any of various branches of engineering: a mechanical engineer; a civil engineer.

. A person skilled in the principles and practice of any branch of engineering

Seems to be all but unanimous.
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  • #19
If you do the 4-5 years of self-inflicted torture working on your B.S. in engineering, watching 60%+ of the people you started with drop the program, studying or working in the lab while you friends are partying, staying up till 4am for some weeks every night, knowing that when you go to sleep at night you will equations and diagrams floating about in your dreams, and giving up your command of the English language for a command of numbers.

You deserved to be called an engineer in my book.
  • #20
I gave it a big fat *NO*. You have to work in the field to earn the title of an "Engineer." If I work at McDonalds with my Engineering Degree, it would be insulting to consider myself an 'Engineer'.
  • #21
Llama77 said:
does having a degree in Physics mean you are a Physicist?

does having a degree in Math mean you are a Mathematician?

does having a degree in Engineering mean you are a Engineer?

I personally don't think a degree gives you a title. I think your position at a company and the work you do gives you a title.

I think that's actually a great question. My dad has a MS and an MBA in EE. He is the president of a company that focuses on EE, so would you say he's an engineer or a president? To be honest I agree with you that it's a title. However, while getting that title, you develop skills that are characteristic of your title. If you go for engineering, you think like an engineer. You go for medicine, you think like a doctor.

Related to Does having a degree in Engineering mean you are a Engineer

What exactly does it mean to have a degree in Engineering?

Having a degree in Engineering means that you have completed a program of study that focuses on the application of mathematics, science, and technology to design, analyze, and build structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes. It signifies that you have gained a solid understanding of the principles and concepts of engineering and are equipped to apply them in real-world situations.

Does having a degree in Engineering automatically make someone an Engineer?

No, having a degree in Engineering does not automatically make someone an Engineer. While a degree is a necessary step towards becoming an Engineer, it is not the only requirement. To become a licensed and certified Engineer, one must also gain practical experience and pass a series of exams. The title of Engineer is a professional designation that is earned through education, experience, and examination.

Can someone with a degree in a different field still work as an Engineer?

Yes, it is possible for someone with a degree in a different field to work as an Engineer. However, they would need to complete additional coursework and training to gain the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of engineering. Many engineering roles also require specific technical certifications or licenses, which may require additional education and experience.

Is a degree in Engineering necessary to work in the field of engineering?

While it is not impossible to work in the field of engineering without a degree, it is highly recommended to have one. A degree provides a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that are essential for success in an engineering career. It also opens up more job opportunities and can lead to higher salaries and career advancement.

Are all degrees in Engineering the same?

No, not all degrees in Engineering are the same. There are various branches of engineering, such as mechanical, civil, electrical, and chemical engineering, and each has its own specific focus and curriculum. Additionally, different universities may have different programs and specializations within the field of engineering. It is important to research and choose a degree program that aligns with your career goals and interests.

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