Does Higgs Boson Discovery Support 4-D Spacetime Model?

In summary: The Higgs particle is a very important and necessary ingredient of the SM. In summary, the Higgs boson discovery would support a 4-D spacetime model as it is postulated within the framework of the standard model of particle physics, which assumes special relativity and a flat 4D spacetime. However, the Higgs potential and its connection to higher energy physics is still not fully understood. Any speculation about time travel and the Higgs boson is considered pseudo-science and has no basis in actual science. If the Higgs boson is not found, the standard model will likely remain the same with the possibility of new physics at higher energy levels being added.
  • #1
Would the Higgs boson discovery support a 4-D spacetime model?
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  • #2
Yes. The Higgs is postulated within the framework of the standard model of particle physics, which takes special relativity as one of its assumptions. Special relativity assumes a flat 4D spacetime called "Minkowski spacetime".
  • #3
Descartz2000 said:
Would the Higgs boson discovery support a 4-D spacetime model?

The discovery of the Higgs particle (+ non-discovery of other particles + non-discovery of other effects) would confirm that SM + 4-dim GR is 'correct' and 'complete' within the energy range accessable at the LHC.

But it doesn't say anything regaring higher energies, Planck scale physics, unification of gravity with other forces, SM generated by broken SUSY generated by low-energy strings + compactification.
  • #4
So the Higgs particle isn't PREDICTED by the standard model, but merely added in addition to it?
  • #5
No, the Higgs is predicted by the SM. But in order to produce that predition - and, more importantly, explain a large number of other experimental observations, the SM has to "parachute in" a quartic 'Mexican hat' Higgs field potential into its Lagrangian. The SM has no deeper justification for this than that it explains the data.

More likely, most of us probably feel, that Higgs potential is the result of some even more fundamental physics at higher energy levels...
  • #6
atyy said:
Yes. The Higgs is postulated within the framework of the standard model of particle physics, which takes special relativity as one of its assumptions. Special relativity assumes a flat 4D spacetime called "Minkowski spacetime".

Is this why I have seen some discussion on aspects of time travel in relation to the Higgs boson, in the sense that the past, present, and future are 'laid out' or existing in principle? Or, maybe it is better for me to ask: How does time travel relate the Higgs boson discovery, or is this merely pseudo-science speculation and really nothing to do with science at all?
  • #7
I don't know where on Earth you heard it, but any connection between the Higgs boson and time travel is total nonsense. It doesn't even deserve the term 'speculation'.
  • #8
AdrianTheRock said:
No, the Higgs is predicted by the SM. But in order to produce that predition - and, more importantly, explain a large number of other experimental observations, the SM has to "parachute in" a quartic 'Mexican hat' Higgs field potential into its Lagrangian. The SM has no deeper justification for this than that it explains the data.

More likely, most of us probably feel, that Higgs potential is the result of some even more fundamental physics at higher energy levels...

So if no Higgs boson is found, what happens to the standard model? Will it essentially stay the same with the addition of the new physics at higher energy?
  • #9
Bill_K said:
I don't know where on Earth you heard it, but any connection between the Higgs boson and time travel is total nonsense. It doesn't even deserve the term 'speculation'.

The place on Earth that I read about this concept was while sitting in front of my computer. Type in 'higgs boson and time travel' into a search engine and see what pops up-
  • #10
StevieTNZ said:
So if no Higgs boson is found, what happens to the standard model? Will it essentially stay the same with the addition of the new physics at higher energy?
Probalbly yes. The success of the SM is outstanding, especially in the el.-mag. and in the strong sector. The weak points are neutrino and Higgs physics.

FAQ: Does Higgs Boson Discovery Support 4-D Spacetime Model?

1. What is the Higgs Boson and why is its discovery important?

The Higgs Boson is a subatomic particle that was first theorized in the 1960s as a key component of the Standard Model of particle physics. Its discovery in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider confirmed the existence of this fundamental particle and provided crucial evidence for the Standard Model. This discovery is important because it helps us understand how particles acquire mass and provides insights into the fundamental forces that govern the universe.

2. How does the discovery of the Higgs Boson support the 4-D spacetime model?

The 4-D spacetime model, also known as the Standard Model of cosmology, is a theory that describes the fundamental structure of the universe. The discovery of the Higgs Boson supports this model by providing evidence for the existence of the Higgs field, which is a crucial component of the Standard Model. This field is responsible for giving particles their mass and is a fundamental part of the 4-D spacetime model.

3. What is the significance of the Higgs Boson's mass in relation to the 4-D spacetime model?

The mass of the Higgs Boson is a crucial factor in the 4-D spacetime model. The Higgs field, which is responsible for giving particles their mass, has a specific energy level that is determined by the mass of the Higgs Boson. This energy level affects the behavior of particles and is essential for understanding the fundamental forces of the universe described in the 4-D spacetime model.

4. How does the Higgs Boson discovery impact our understanding of the universe?

The discovery of the Higgs Boson has greatly impacted our understanding of the universe. It has confirmed the validity of the Standard Model of particle physics, which is our current best explanation for the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. It has also provided insights into the origin of mass and the behavior of particles, helping us to further our understanding of the universe and its fundamental laws.

5. Are there any implications for future research in particle physics with the discovery of the Higgs Boson?

The discovery of the Higgs Boson has opened up new avenues for research in particle physics. It has provided evidence for the existence of the Higgs field and its role in giving particles mass, but there are still many unanswered questions about this field and its interactions with other particles. This discovery has also sparked interest in exploring other areas of particle physics, such as dark matter and dark energy, which could potentially lead to further breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe.

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