Does High Jumping Cause Weightlessness?

In summary, a high jumper clears a bar in a free fall and experiences weightlessness because all parts of his body are accelerated at an identical rate and there is no net force.
  • #1
Why a man clearing a bar in a high jump experiences weightlessness?
Physics news on
  • #2
F=ma even at the point of inflection.
  • #3
The jumper is in free fall. All parts of his body are accelerated at an identical rate so that he does not experience any net force. Yes, (ignoring air resistance), he is weightless in the same sense that an astronaut in orbit about the Earth is weightless.

There are multiple meanings of the word "weight" which are subtly different. The one that I prefer to is that weight is the apparent downward inertial force that must be countered in order to support a body, motionless, in a particular frame of reference. The jumper's "weight" then depends on which frame of reference we adopt.

We can adopt a freely falling frame of reference in which the object is at rest, weightless.

We can adopt a frame of reference tied to the surface of the Earth in which the jumper weighs the normal amount.

We can adopt a frame of reference tied to the center of the Earth in which the jumper weighs a little bit more than what a spring scale would read due to the fact that the Earth is rotating.
  • #4
Tulatalu said:
Why a man clearing a bar in a high jump experiences weightlessness?
The man experiences "weightlessness" not only as he clears the bar, but throughout the entire jump after he loses contact with the ground. All bodies in free fall are regarded as experiencing weightlessness. Ironically, within the framework of classical physics, bodies in free fall experiencing "weightlessness" have a single force acting on them, and it is their weight; go figure. Within the framework of general relativity, the picture is much more clear cut, because, in free fall, the force acting on the body is zero as it moves through curved spacetime.

  • #5
Thanks everyone! :D

FAQ: Does High Jumping Cause Weightlessness?

1. What causes weightlessness during spaceflight?

Weightlessness during spaceflight is caused by the absence of gravity. In space, objects do not experience the force of gravity as they do on Earth, allowing astronauts and objects to float freely.

2. How does weightlessness affect the human body?

Weightlessness can have various effects on the human body, including changes in blood pressure and circulation, muscle atrophy, and bone density loss. These effects can be mitigated through exercise and specialized equipment on spacecraft.

3. Can weightlessness be simulated on Earth?

Yes, weightlessness can be simulated on Earth through parabolic flights, where an airplane follows a specific trajectory to create brief periods of weightlessness. This is also known as the "vomit comet" and is often used for astronaut training and scientific research.

4. How long does it take for the body to acclimate to weightlessness?

The body begins to acclimate to weightlessness immediately, but it can take several days for the body to fully adjust. This is why astronauts often experience some initial discomfort and disorientation when entering space.

5. Does experiencing weightlessness have any long-term effects?

Long-term effects of experiencing weightlessness include muscle and bone loss, changes in vision, and potential impacts on the immune system. These effects can be minimized through proper exercise and nutrition, but further research is needed to fully understand the long-term impacts of weightlessness on the human body.

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