Does higher level neuroscience still require a great deal of memorization?

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  • Thread starter Nano-Passion
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In summary, the study of biology or neuroscience involves a lot of memorization, but this can be offset by the pedagogy in graduate school.
  • #1
One thing that put me off from pursuing the study of biology or neuroscience was that it all seemed to involve a loot of memorization. Which is why I am attracted to pursuing mathematics and physics instead.. because things just click together and relatively little memorization is needed.

Is memorization a key role throughout the study as a neuroscience major?
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  • #2
memorization isn't inherent in any academic field; that has more to do with the pedagogy.
  • #3
Pythagorean said:
memorization isn't inherent in any academic field; that has more to do with the pedagogy.

Well in this educational system it seems that biology/neuroscience requires A LOT of memorization compared to the more (I would contend) logic-based majors such as mathematics and physics. By logic I mean less memorization of countless terms and more of thinking analytically. I'm not belittling the biological sciences but just saying that to survive a PhD you need to go through much more memorization than other types of fields.

Is memorization still heavily oriented towards a PhD in neuroscience? I always have friends complaining of how much memorization is needed to be a doctor, but I was hoping it wouldn't generalize to neuroscience as well.
  • #4
In one of my graduate neuroscience courses, we read journal articles and critiqued them, mostly, and gave presentations. The theory was developed through homeworks and exams; the final was an elaborate take-home research project.

In my other more general class, there was some memorization of key concepts, but again, a heavy weight was on presentations and a research project.

I don't really care, personally, about memorizing the names of amino acids, proteins, or genes, for instance. I come across a certain set over and over again as I read the literature to try and understand a phenomena and they eventually just stick.
  • #5
Pythagorean said:
In one of my graduate neuroscience courses, we read journal articles and critiqued them, mostly, and gave presentations. The theory was developed through homeworks and exams; the final was an elaborate take-home research project.

In my other more general class, there was some memorization of key concepts, but again, a heavy weight was on presentations and a research project.

I don't really care, personally, about memorizing the names of amino acids, proteins, or genes, for instance. I come across a certain set over and over again as I read the literature to try and understand a phenomena and they eventually just stick.

Memorization of key concepts is a good thing, on the other hand, memorizing all the terms seems much more dry to me. Presentations and research projects are in my opinion much more intriguing than the memorization of all the terms.

In what point of your major did you feel that the memorization of terms lightened up a bit?
  • #6
I think grad school was the most obvious turning point, but even the change form 100/200 level courses to 300/400 level courses during my undergrad was noticeable.
  • #7
Pythagorean said:
I think grad school was the most obvious turning point, but even the change form 100/200 level courses to 300/400 level courses during my undergrad was noticeable.

That is pretty cool.. so its kind of weathering the early storm kind of thing.

Eh.. I wish I had more than one life, I also love neuroscience. =/ But the social system stops me from being able to pursue more than one of my passions.

FAQ: Does higher level neuroscience still require a great deal of memorization?

1. What is the role of memorization in higher level neuroscience?

Memorization is an important element in higher level neuroscience, as it allows scientists to acquire and retain a vast amount of information about the brain and its functions. It helps in understanding complex concepts, theories, and experimental results, and allows for the integration of new knowledge with existing knowledge.

2. How much memorization is required in higher level neuroscience?

The amount of memorization required in higher level neuroscience varies depending on the specific area of study and the individual's learning style. However, it is generally a significant component of the learning process, as it involves retaining a large number of terms, definitions, and concepts.

3. Can higher level neuroscience be learned without memorization?

While it is possible to understand some aspects of higher level neuroscience without memorization, it is not recommended. Memorization allows for a deeper understanding of the subject matter and is crucial for making connections between different concepts and theories.

4. Is memorization the only way to learn higher level neuroscience?

No, memorization is not the only way to learn higher level neuroscience. However, it is an essential component of the learning process. Other methods, such as hands-on experimentation, critical thinking, and problem-solving, also play a crucial role in understanding and applying higher level neuroscience concepts.

5. How can one improve their memorization skills in higher level neuroscience?

There are various techniques and strategies that can help improve memorization skills in higher level neuroscience, such as creating visual aids, using mnemonic devices, and practicing active recall. It is also essential to have a good understanding of the material and to review regularly to reinforce the information in long-term memory.

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