Does Hubble's Law imply that galaxies are accelerating away

The curvature needed to explain the accelerating expansion is very slight. In fact, the acceleration is so slight that it's not really noticeable until you get far enough away that the expansion rate is much smaller than it is in our neighborhood.
  • #1
Elorm Avevor
Is I understand it Hubble's law states that V = Hd = dx/dt
Solving this differential equation, I got d = kexp(HT) where k is an arbitrary constant.

This implies d²x/dt² = Hv = H²d and dⁿx/dtⁿ = Hⁿd.

However (at least for me), finding the value of k is a problem, for 1, it must vary from galaxy to galaxy because they are all different distances to us. It must also be small because when t tends to 0, x should tend to 0.

My questions are essentially:
Is my maths correct?
Are galaxies moving away exponentially?
Why when approximating the age of the universe do you use 1/H? because this implies galaxies have been moving at a constant velocity since their formation and I don't understand how that's possible from Hubble's law
Thank you
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  • #2
Elorm Avevor said:
Solving this differential equation, I got d = kexp(HT)

This only works if ##H## does not depend on ##t##. But in our universe, that's not the case. The idealized case where ##H## is independent of ##t## is called the de Sitter universe:

In this universe, there is no matter, just a positive cosmological constant. Our best current model says that our universe will approach this state in the far future. But currently, the density of matter is still large enough that it has a significant effect on the behavior of ##H##, making it still depend on ##t##. So the solution you found does not describe our current universe.
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  • #3
Elorm Avevor said:
Is I understand it Hubble's law states that V = Hd = dx/dt
Solving this differential equation, I got d = kexp(HT) where k is an arbitrary constant.

This implies d²x/dt² = Hv = H²d and dⁿx/dtⁿ = Hⁿd.

However (at least for me), finding the value of k is a problem, for 1, it must vary from galaxy to galaxy because they are all different distances to us. It must also be small because when t tends to 0, x should tend to 0.

My questions are essentially:
Is my maths correct?
Are galaxies moving away exponentially?
Why when approximating the age of the universe do you use 1/H? because this implies galaxies have been moving at a constant velocity since their formation and I don't understand how that's possible from Hubble's law
Thank you
To add a little bit to what PeterDonis stated, I really like this way of examining the situation. It's actually the precise reasoning I use when talking about why a slowly-varying rate of expansion can be described as an accelerated expansion (too often people think that the common phrase "accelerating expansion" means that the rate of expansion is increasing: it is not).

The argument is idealized, however. At present the rate of expansion is still decreasing, but it is doing so slowly enough that far-away galaxies are moving away from us at accelerating rates. Provided the cosmological constant explains our current observations, eventually the rate of expansion will settle to around 80% its current value.
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  • #4
A quick follow up question.

If Hubble's constant changes over time, surely each distant galaxy you observe would have a different value for H = v/d seeing as their light was emitted at different times in the past so Hubble's constant was different for each of them. But as I understand it, graphs of v against d show a straight line through the origin implying that all observed far away objects have the same value for Hubble's constant irrespective of when the observed light was emitted.

  • #5
Elorm Avevor said:
as I understand it, graphs of v against d show a straight line through the origin

Only for small redshifts. For larger redshifts the graph curves. The specific curvature of the graph is what allows us to conclude that the expansion of our universe was decelerating until a few million years ago, but is now accelerating.
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  • #6
PeterDonis said:
Only for small redshifts. For larger redshifts the graph curves. The specific curvature of the graph is what allows us to conclude that the expansion of our universe was decelerating until a few million years ago, but is now accelerating.
Much of the time even graphs of longer distance/redshift relationships appear to be nearly straight lines. This is an illusion created by how the graphs are drawn: the axes are not linear, but logarithmic. In a plot where both axes are logarithmic, a curve which follows a power law (e.g. d = z^2) looks like a straight line. The distance/redshift relation isn't exactly a power law, but it's close enough to appear close to straight on such graphs.
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Related to Does Hubble's Law imply that galaxies are accelerating away

1. Does Hubble's Law imply that galaxies are accelerating away?

Yes, Hubble's Law states that the farther away a galaxy is from Earth, the faster it is moving away. This implies that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

2. How does Hubble's Law support the Big Bang Theory?

Hubble's Law provides evidence for the Big Bang Theory by showing that the universe is expanding and has been expanding since its beginning. The observed redshift of galaxies also supports the idea that the universe was once much smaller and has been expanding ever since.

3. Can Hubble's Law be used to measure the age of the universe?

No, Hubble's Law only describes the rate at which galaxies are moving away from each other, not the age of the universe. Other methods, such as measuring the cosmic microwave background radiation, are used to estimate the age of the universe.

4. Does Hubble's Law apply to all galaxies?

Yes, Hubble's Law applies to all galaxies, regardless of their size, shape, or location in the universe. However, the law may not be accurate for very distant galaxies due to the effects of dark energy on the expansion of the universe.

5. How does Hubble's Law relate to the concept of the expanding universe?

Hubble's Law is a key piece of evidence for the expanding universe. It shows that the universe is not static, but rather constantly expanding and evolving. The law also supports the idea that the universe began with a single, massive explosion (the Big Bang) and has been expanding ever since.

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