Does integrated rate law have stoichiometric coefficient?

In summary, different rates will be obtained depending on the equation used to integrate the rate law.
  • #1
So anytime I've seen textbooks explain integrated rate laws, they usually start with a reaction of the form A -> B and then from there say, if we know the reaction is first order with respect to [A] then:

v = -d[A]/dt = k[A]

And then subsequently integrate this to find ln[A]/[A]i = -kt

I get that. My issue is this. From what I always thought, the integrated rate laws are universal, and now that I have this equation I can use it any time I know that a reaction is first order with respect to A. But what if I have an equation of the form:

aA -> B

where there is a stoichiometric coefficient in front of A. If experimental data still tells us that the rate law is first order with respect to A, can I just use the same integrated rate law that I found above? or would I have to say the following:

v = - (1/a) d[A]/dt = k[A]

in which case you would get:

ln[A]/[A]i = -(a)kt

So for a reaction 2A -> B

You would find ln[A]/[A]i = -2kt

Assuming the rate was always first order with respect to [A], wouldn't you get a different integrated rate law for every instance that you have a different stoichiometric factor (a) in front of your reactant? If so why isn't the general form of the equation given as ln[A]/[A]i = -akt

Hope this makes sense - not sure where my reasoning is off
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  • #2
I'm interested in this as well...the textbook says that order of the reactant is not related to the stoichiometric coefficient.

Off-topic..but I knew a guy named Khoi Vu :P
  • #3
maybe it's me :D
  • #4
do u go to cypress? because if so then it is you lol
  • #5
khoivu said:
So anytime I've seen textbooks explain integrated rate laws, they usually start with a reaction of the form A -> B and then from there say, if we know the reaction is first order with respect to [A] then:

v = -d[A]/dt = k[A]

And then subsequently integrate this to find ln[A]/[A]i = -kt

I get that. My issue is this. From what I always thought, the integrated rate laws are universal, and now that I have this equation I can use it any time I know that a reaction is first order with respect to A. But what if I have an equation of the form:

aA -> B

where there is a stoichiometric coefficient in front of A. If experimental data still tells us that the rate law is first order with respect to A, can I just use the same integrated rate law that I found above? or would I have to say the following:

v = - (1/a) d[A]/dt = k[A]

in which case you would get:

ln[A]/[A]i = -(a)kt

So for a reaction 2A -> B

You would find ln[A]/[A]i = -2kt

Assuming the rate was always first order with respect to [A], wouldn't you get a different integrated rate law for every instance that you have a different stoichiometric factor (a) in front of your reactant? If so why isn't the general form of the equation given as ln[A]/[A]i = -akt

Hope this makes sense - not sure where my reasoning is off
You pretty much have it. The general form is dA/dt=-kA, where k=ak' for a first order reaction. The general form does not change, only the k value effectively changes.

Woopydalan said:
I'm interested in this as well...the textbook says that order of the reactant is not related to the stoichiometric coefficient.
If I recall correctly, for the order of the reaction is the stoichiometric coefficient for an elementary reaction but does not need to be so far a composite reaction.
  • #6
I understand. A constant is constant, no matter how we says it k or k'. But if the question asks to find a value of rate constant based on integrated rate law, then it would be important to know what kind of equation we should use, the one that has stoichiometric coefficient or the one that does not since they will produce different rate constants. Then how can you deal with such situation?
  • #7
i go to occ
  • #8
Stoichiometry does not predict rate law, reaction mechanism does. Conversely, finding rate laws experimentally gives insight into mechanism of the reaction (or at least limits the possible ones).

So if your mechanism was that two molecules of A had to collide (with a certain energy and orientation) and when they did they turned fast into B then your rate would = k[A]2.

But if the mechanism was that A turned itself into a reactive state A* and A* rapidly and efficiently reacted with any A molecule around

A → A* followed by A* + A → A2 , second reaction fast, then rate would have the form k[A].

Yours is just a preliminary doubt, I think as soon as you get into some detailed examples of mechanisms or kinetics you won't have any problems.
  • #9
haha khoi I tried getting into that class but when she did the hat pull out names I didn't get in =(

atleast I got in at fullerton though

I liked that dr. gonzales she seemed funny =/

FAQ: Does integrated rate law have stoichiometric coefficient?

1. What is an integrated rate law?

An integrated rate law is a mathematical expression that relates the concentration of a reactant to time in a chemical reaction. It is derived from the rate law, which describes the relationship between the rate of a reaction and the concentrations of the reactants.

2. What is a stoichiometric coefficient?

A stoichiometric coefficient is a number that represents the relative number of moles of each reactant and product in a balanced chemical equation. It is used to determine the molar ratio between reactants and products in a chemical reaction.

3. How does the stoichiometric coefficient affect the integrated rate law?

The stoichiometric coefficient does not directly affect the integrated rate law. However, it is used in the initial concentration of the reactant, which is a factor in the integrated rate law. The stoichiometric coefficient may also be used to determine the order of the reaction.

4. Can the stoichiometric coefficient change during a reaction?

No, the stoichiometric coefficient remains constant throughout the reaction. It is determined by the balanced chemical equation and does not change unless the reaction is altered or a different set of reactants and products are used.

5. How is the stoichiometric coefficient used in stoichiometry calculations?

The stoichiometric coefficient is used to calculate the amount of reactants and products in a reaction. It is used in stoichiometric ratios to determine the molar amounts of products formed from a given amount of reactants, or vice versa.

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