Does Juggling Follow Kepler's 2nd Law?

In summary, the balls follow an elliptical path as they drop and rise off of a cone-shaped wall. Their speed is not based on Kepler's 2nd Law, which is based on the inverse square law for gravitational force.
  • #1
Gold Member
This is really cool.


I notice the balls change speeds proportionate to their height on the wall as they follow their elliptical paths. Does their speed follow Kepler's 2nd Law?
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
That is pretty cool!
  • #3
DaveC426913 said:
Does their speed follow Kepler's 2nd Law?
Newton showed that Kepler's laws were a consequence of the inverse square law for gravitational force. In this case, the balls are subject to a gravitational force and to a push from the walls of the cone. My guess (and it is a wild guess) is that the horizontal components of the wall's push are inconsequential to the speed of the balls. But if the walls impart a force with a component in the vertical direction, then Kepler's laws are not obeyed.

Edit: I just realized that friction makes it unlikely that Kepler's laws apply.
  • #4
DaveC426913 said:
This is really cool.


I notice the balls change speeds proportionate to their height on the wall as they follow their elliptical paths. Does their speed follow Kepler's 2nd Law?[/QUOTE]

Definitely cool.

But the speed doesn't follow Keppler's law. The equations of motion can be derived using Lagrangian mechanics.


To do this, we compute the Lagrangain, which is just the difference of the kinetic and potential energies.

The kinetic energy of the ball is just 1/2 m v^2.

v can be divided up into two components - the horizontal speed, and the vertical speed. The square of the total velocity is the sum of the squares of the two components.

The state of the system can be represented by the height, h of the ball, and the angle, [itex]\phi[/itex] that the ball makes. [itex]2 \alpha[/itex] is the angle at the point of the cone.

Using a dot above a variable to represent taking it's derivative, we can then write the following:

The horizontal speed of the ball is just

[tex]\mathrm{tan} (\alpha)\, h \dot{\phi}[/tex]

The vertical speed of the ball, accounting for the slope it is on, is
\frac{\dot{h}}{\mathrm{cos} (\alpha)}

The potential energy of the ball is just mghWe can then write down the Lagrangian, setting the mass of the ball to 1 for simplicity (it won't contribute anything meaningful to the solution)

L = T-V = \frac{1}{2}(\mathrm{tan} (\alpha) \, h \dot{\phi})^2 + \frac{1}{2} (\frac{\dot{h}}{\mathrm{cos} (\alpha)})^2 - g h

Lagrange's equations give us the equations of motion

d/dt (\partial L / \partial \dot{\phi}) = \partial L / \partial \phi = 0


\dot{\phi} h^2 \mathrm{tan}^2 (\alpha) = \mathrm{constant}

There's another equation for h, but I won't write it down unless someone is interested.
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  • #5
The balls do follows kepler's second if you allow for friction (wich is pretty negligable in this case). Interestingly, I ocne heard a story that Kepler made this discovery by watching a chandeleer sway (and noticing that it took the same amount of time to complete one swing, no matter how big). This same principle is the reason pendulom clocks keep such excellent time, even though their magnetude of swing is not constant.
  • #6
LURCH said:
Interestingly, I ocne heard a story that Kepler made this discovery by watching a chandeleer sway (and noticing that it took the same amount of time to complete one swing, no matter how big).
Kepler made his discovery by careful analysis of Tycho Brahe's data. The chandelier story is about Galileo.

The story I heard was that Brahe collected the data in order to prove that the orbits of the planets were circles with the Earth at the center.
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  • #7
jimmysnyder said:
The story I heard was that Brahe collected the data in order to prove that the orbits of the planets were circles with the Earth at the center.
Also wrong. Here is the real skinny on Tycho's model.
  • #8
If you watch the balls, they don't lose much height after several passes, so we can safely say that friction is a small enough factor to ignore over short distances and times.


1] the balls clearly are accelerating as they drop, and decelerating as they rise

2] the balls are moving fastest at their peri ... uh ... periGreg, and slowest at their apoGreg

3] the balls are following an elliptical path (as any slice through a cone would be)

So, if they are NOT following Kepler's 2nd law, they are doing something very similar.

Which is probably what pervect is saying with those Latex hen-scratchings of his.
  • #9
its like those coin buckets at the mall, where you roll the coin down a ramp, which rolls the coin on its edge on the outside of a funnel. sometimes you can get it to follow an extremely elleptical path (the funnel isn't exactly cone shaped, usually curved toward the inside of the funnel)

FAQ: Does Juggling Follow Kepler's 2nd Law?

How is juggling related to orbital mechanics?

Juggling and orbital mechanics are both based on the principles of physics, specifically the laws of motion and gravity. In juggling, objects are thrown and caught in a specific pattern, following the laws of motion to maintain their momentum. Similarly, in orbital mechanics, objects in space are moving in specific patterns, following the laws of gravity to maintain their orbit around another object.

What is the connection between juggling and the stability of orbits?

Juggling requires precise control and coordination to keep objects in motion and prevent them from falling. Similarly, the stability of orbits depends on precise calculations and control to maintain the correct speed and trajectory of objects in space. Both juggling and orbital mechanics involve the concept of balance and stability.

Can juggling be used to demonstrate orbital mechanics?

Yes, juggling can be used to demonstrate the basic principles of orbital mechanics. By using different types of objects and varying the speed and trajectory of their throws, jugglers can mimic the movements of objects in space and demonstrate how orbits are affected by changes in speed and direction.

How does the shape of the orbit affect juggling patterns?

The shape of the orbit can affect the speed and trajectory of objects in space, just as it can affect the speed and trajectory of objects in juggling patterns. For example, a circular orbit requires constant speed and direction, while an elliptical orbit can result in changes in speed and direction, similar to the different types of throws used in juggling.

Are there any practical applications of studying juggling and orbital mechanics together?

Studying juggling and orbital mechanics together can help improve our understanding of physics and how objects move in space. This knowledge can have practical applications in fields such as aerospace engineering, where precise calculations and control are needed for the successful launch and navigation of spacecraft.
