Does light aimed outward contribute to the pull of space-time in black holes?

In summary, black holes can pull photons in although they move at the speed of light. So, does this means that black holes pull space-time in faster than light and if so, why can space-time "travel" faster than light?No, inside the event horizon, light directed outgoing is falling slower than an arbitrarily accelerating outgoing particle, such that it remains going outwards at c relative to the struggling rocket. Yet both are actually decreasing their SC r coordinate (quite fast).
  • #1
Black holes can pull photons in although they move at the speed of light. So, does this means that black holes pull space-time in faster than light and if so, why can space-time "travel" faster than light?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
Space-time does not "travel" (not the way you seem to be talking about anyway[*]). The BH is a region of extremely curved space-time so that, when viewed from a distance, objects tend to get sucked in (they "roll down" the curve).

It is a little like a wagon rolling on the ground - a steep-sided hole can "suck down" even the fastest wagon, but the ground does not have to move to do this.


[*] there are situations where two objects can have their separation change faster than the speed of light ... the expansion of the Universe is one example.
You have to be careful not to let this confuse you. At this stage you just need to wrap you mind around the concept of space-time.
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  • #3
stevenx said:
Black holes can pull photons in although they move at the speed of light. So, does this means that black holes pull space-time in faster than light and if so, why can space-time "travel" faster than light?

As Simon Bridge has pointed out, this is not space-time traveling.

Interestingly however, space can and does 'expand' faster than the speed of light. This is also not a 'travel', and is not prevented by relativity theory.
  • #4
In relativity, all speed has to be relative to something. When we talk of the "speed of light", we mean speed relative to a local particle with mass. Light trying to escape from a black hole is traveling at exactly the speed of light relative to a local observer who can't escape either and who is falling in faster than the light is.
  • #5
<ahem> if the observer and the light are both heading for the center of mass, then isn't the light falling faster than the observer?

Perhaps, "the observer is more affected than the light".
Trying to talk sensibly, and simply, about relativity is a pain.
  • #6
Simon Bridge said:
<ahem> if the observer and the light are both heading for the center of mass, then isn't the light falling faster than the observer?

Perhaps, "the observer is more affected than the light".
Trying to talk sensibly, and simply, about relativity is a pain.

No, inside the event horizon, light directed outgoing is falling slower than an arbitrarily accelerating outgoing particle, such that it remains going outwards at c relative to the struggling rocket. Yet both are actually decreasing their SC r coordinate (quite fast).

Dr. Greg said: " Light trying to escape from a black hole". The implications is outward directed light.
  • #7
:) "if the observer and the light are both heading for the center of mass" i.e. going inwards. Presumably inwards traveling light is going faster than any inwards traveling massive body?
  • #8
Simon Bridge said:
:) "if the observer and the light are both heading for the center of mass" i.e. going inwards. Presumably inwards traveling light is going faster than any inwards traveling massive body?

No again. Dr. Greg meant outward directed light. Due to the geometry of BH interior (spherically symmetric, uncharged), outward directed light moves steadily (even rapidly) closer to the r=0 singularity. However, massive body, trying to escape, decreases r even faster - again, even though firing thrust toward r=0. So outgoing light locally appears to move outwards at c relative to struggling rocket, while both decrease in r quite rapidly.
  • #9
PAllen said:
me said:
Presumably inwards traveling light is going faster than any inwards traveling massive body?
No again.
No? inwards traveling light does not go faster than inward traveling massive bodies?
Dr. Greg meant outward directed light.
<sigh> I know - but Dr Greg responded to my comment, saying I got it wrong, using outward directed example to illustrate. But I was talking about inwards directed light. We spend all this time telling students that velocity is a vector right? [mumble: This was supposed to be a one-comment aside mutter grumble] :( Please let's continue in private or we'll hijack the thread.
  • #10
Simon Bridge said:
... but Dr Greg responded to my comment, saying I got it wrong
I'm sorry if you got that impression, but I never actually said that. I was responding to the original questioner, and my post wasn't even consecutive to yours, and made no mention of it. As PAllen said, I was talking about light aimed outward (i.e. trying, but failing, to go outward) rather than light aimed inward.

Never mind, let's see what the questioner has to say.

Related to Does light aimed outward contribute to the pull of space-time in black holes?

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star dies and its core collapses, creating a singularity with infinite density and zero volume.

2. How do black holes affect space-time?

Black holes have a significant effect on space-time due to their immense gravitational pull. They bend the fabric of space-time, causing time and space to warp around them. This phenomenon is known as gravitational lensing.

3. Can anything escape from a black hole?

Once an object or light enters the event horizon of a black hole, it cannot escape. The event horizon is the point of no return, where the gravitational pull is too strong for anything to escape. However, some particles can escape from the outer edges of a black hole through Hawking radiation, but this process is very slow.

4. How do we observe black holes if they do not emit light?

We cannot directly observe black holes because they do not emit any light. However, we can detect them indirectly through their effects on surrounding matter. For example, we can observe the gravitational pull of a black hole on nearby stars and gas, or we can detect the X-rays emitted from the hot gas as it spirals into the black hole.

5. Can black holes merge with each other?

Yes, black holes can merge with each other if they are close enough in proximity. When two black holes merge, they create a more massive black hole. This phenomenon has been observed by scientists through the detection of gravitational waves, confirming Einstein's theory of general relativity.

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