Does Material Expansion Impact Accuracy in Thermal Expansion Experiments?

In summary, researchers conducted an experiment where a glass bottle filled with salted water was sealed with a cork and a pipette and thermometer were inserted. The bottle was then placed in ice until the water reached 0 degrees Celsius. A graph was created to track the volume of water and temperature. The researchers questioned if the expansion of the plastic pipette and glass bottle would affect the data of the water level in the pipette. They determined that the expansion of the plastic pipette would affect the data, but were unsure about the effect of the glass bottle's expansion. They also discussed how the volume of the bottle and water were related and how the temperature change affected the water level in the pipette.
  • #1
A glass bottle is filled with salted water, and a pipette is inserted in the top through the cork. ( Leaving the bottle sealed). A thermometer is also inserted to keep record of the temperature. The glass bottle is then inserted in ice until the water reaches Zero Celsius. Finaly, the temperature and the rise of the water in the pipette was observed.
A graph V(cm^3) vs T(C) was also created.
In this process, did the expansion of the plastic pipette and the glass(regular) affect the data of the rise and fall of the water in the pipette . Explain.

I have that the expansion in the plastic pipette would indeed affect the data, because that is what the reading of the water is done through. And therefore, say the water would have risen 3cm's but because the expansion of the plastic it only rose 2.5cm, then the height would be smaller, also the cross sectional area would be larger, and so the V(cm^3) would be different. Since,Change in V= Change in h X A . I think that is correct.
However when it comes to glass , I can't see how it would affect it because even if the bottle expands and water does not go as high in the bottle, it still rises in the pipette the same height. But I am unsure of this because it seems to me like it should affect it somehow, but how?
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  • #2
As you say, the volume of the bottle changes (but not increasing, I think).
Write an equation connecting the following:
- the change in volume of the bottle
- the change in volume of the water
- the change in volume of the portion of water that is in the pipette
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  • #3
Sorry, I forgot to mention that once the temperature reached abit below 0C, it was removed from the cold ice and so the temperature then started to rise. So yes, I believe the glass bottle would contract at first but then it would expand as it heats up. But I still can't see how it would affect the rise of the water in the pipette.
  • #4
Myr73 said:
Sorry, I forgot to mention that once the temperature reached abit below 0C, it was removed from the cold ice and so the temperature then started to rise. So yes, I believe the glass bottle would contract at first but then it would expand as it heats up. But I still can't see how it would affect the rise of the water in the pipette.
Let volume of bottle be B, volume of water be W, volume of water within pipette be Wp. What equation relates them?
  • #5
Volume Wp-->Change in h= h- h0-->Change in V(wp)= Change in h X A
Change in Volume W=0
Change in Volume B= I don't know, this is only a small part of the work, the expansion of everything but the air and water was first ignored, and then simply asked if the glass expansion would affect the rise in the pipette.
  • #6
Myr73 said:
Volume Wp-->Change in h= h- h0-->Change in V(wp)= Change in h X A
Change in Volume W=0
Change in Volume B= I don't know, this is only a small part of the work, the expansion of everything but the air and water was first ignored, and then simply asked if the glass expansion would affect the rise in the pipette.

Forget about the expansion for the moment. At some instant, let volume of bottle be B, volume of water be W, volume of water within pipette be Wp. What very simple equation relates them?
  • #7
If you mean volume of water in bottle , then it would be --> W= B + Wp
But if not you meant specifically the volume of of the bottle. then I am not sure
  • #8
Myr73 said:
If you mean volume of water in bottle , then it would be --> W= B + Wp
But if not you meant specifically the volume of of the bottle. then I am not sure
Isn't the bottle full at all times? How is the volume of the bottle different from the volume of water in it?
  • #9
Because when the water from the bottle rises into the pipette, the bottle is no longer full.
  • #10
Myr73 said:
Because when the water from the bottle rises into the pipette, the bottle is no longer full.

If the bottle is no longer full of water, what else is in the bottle? There's no airspace, right? Why does the water rise in the pipette if the bottle is not full?
  • #11
Because the temperature is changing.
  • #12
I think the formula for finding the change in height would be close to this,like a thermometer, except it wouldn't be quite the same, because the pipette is plastic,the liquid is water of course, and the liquid is not coming from the pipette itself but the glass bottle..--> Delta L= Vo / A { bwater- bglass}Delta T. Where b water is the coefficient of volume expansion for water and bglass is that for the bottle. However I know it wouldn't be precisely this because again the pipette is plastic. It is trying to find how to incorporate the bglass that I am having trouble with..Any ideas?? Thanks
  • #13
Myr73 said:
Because the temperature is changing.
How does that make the bottle not full?
Yes, it is just like a thermometer. When the temperature rises, the liquid rises in the narrow part because it has expanded more than the bulb has, and the bulb is full, so the only way for the liquid to go is up. When that happens with a thermometer, does a space appear in the bulb? No, it remains full.
  • #14
This is how I understand it to be.Because when the temperature rises, the water leaves the bottle and enters the plastic pipette., witch is only slightly inserted in the bottle, the rest sticks out. When I tested it, the water level went down in the bottle.because some of the water rose into the pippette. But,if it is the same as a thermometer, how do I include the plastic pipette in the formula. The coefficient of volume expansion for plastic is not provided.
Thank you
  • #15
Myr73 said:
This is how I understand it to be.Because when the temperature rises, the water leaves the bottle and enters the plastic pipette., witch is only slightly inserted in the bottle, the rest sticks out. When I tested it, the water level went down in the bottle.because some of the water rose into the pippette. But,if it is the same as a thermometer, how do I include the plastic pipette in the formula. The coefficient of volume expansion for plastic is not provided.
Thank you
If the water level went down in the bottle it was because you had some air trapped in it. The bottle should have been full, no air. When heated, the air expanded and pushed the water out of the bottle. That would have been a much bigger effect than either the expansion of the water or the expansion of the bottle.
Re the expansion of the pipette, its volume is so small that its expansion would be negligible.
  • #16
Ok , thanks
  • #17
Ok, So I have been using the data that was provided to me by the teacher and the above equation I had mentioned, in order to find the coefficient of volume expansion for the water at different temperatures. We were provided a list to compare it to , with the actual precise coefficients. I expect it to be a little off the list,however my answers seem to be way off.
I had used the following equation , where b is the coefficient--> {DeltaV/Vo Delta T} + b(glass)= b(water)
Any ideas what I have done wrong?
  • #18
Myr73 said:
Ok, So I have been using the data that was provided to me by the teacher and the above equation I had mentioned, in order to find the coefficient of volume expansion for the water at different temperatures. We were provided a list to compare it to , with the actual precise coefficients. I expect it to be a little off the list,however my answers seem to be way off.
I had used the following equation , where b is the coefficient--> {DeltaV/Vo Delta T} + b(glass)= b(water)
Any ideas what I have done wrong?
Please clarify: the data that you are now working with comes from your teacher, not from your own testing, yes? So for these data, the water level does not go down in the bottle?

I don't understand the equation you just posted. You seem to be adding a coefficient to some other term. That's not what you do with coefficients - you multiply them by some other term.
Please post full details of your working to make matters clearer. List all the measurements and show how you combine them to reach your answer. Post your answer and the correct one.
  • #19
So I began with the equation --> Delta V= b Vo Delta T --> That is provided in the book--> then I used both coefficients , that is the one of the expansion of glass and the one of the expansion of water. I figured if the glass expands, the water level would not rise as much in the pipette , therefore b= b(water) -b(glass).
--> Delta V= (b (water) - b(glass)) V0 Delta T--> in trying to find b(water), the equation becomes --> b(water)={DeltaV /V0 Dela T} + b(glass).
One I had to find was for 10 C ,therefore I took the
T1=9.5C T2=10.2C V1=318.9732cm^3 V2=318.9799cm^3 b(glass) = 27 X 10^-6C

V0= 0.319L delta V== 0. 0000067L delta T= 0.7 C
My answer is b(water)= 5.70 X 10^-5 (C ) ^-1
the correct b(water) for 10C is 0.088 X 10^-3 (1/k) I believe that is 88 X 10^-6 (C) ^-1

These are the answers I got the closest, the rest were much bigger differences.
  • #20
and yes the data is from the prof. I am unsure, if the water level in the bottle went down, I am guessing not, if you are correct, on how it should work.
  • #21
Myr73 said:
I took the
T1=9.5C T2=10.2C V1=318.9732cm^3 V2=318.9799cm^3 b(glass) = 27 X 10^-6C

V0= 0.319L delta V== 0. 0000067L delta T= 0.7 C
My answer is b(water)= 5.70 X 10^-5 (C ) ^-1
the correct b(water) for 10C is 0.088 X 10^-3 (1/k) I believe that is 88 X 10^-6 (C) ^-1
I get the same answer from those data.
Quoting the two volumes that way doesn't make a lot of sense. There is no way they could have been measured that accurately. The real data, I presume, are an initial volume of around 0.319L, or a bit under, and a change in volume of 6.7E-6L as seen by the rise in the pipette.
You should estimate the error range for both the change in the volume (how accurately could the height be measured? how accurately is the pipette cross-section known?), and the change in temperature (how accurate is the thermometer reading?).
However, I struggle to explain an error of 50% in the final answer that way.
Where are you getting the true value for water from? and give 2E-4 at 20C.
  • #24
Ok, Thanks... Here they are-->
at 1C --> T1=0.7C T2=1.6C V1= 318.9665 cm^3 V2=318.9598cm^3
--> b(water)==0.00005(C^)-1 or is it ( because Delta V is minus) b=3.66 X 10^-6 C^-1

at 4C --> T1=3.2C T2=4.4C V1=318.9531cm^3 V2=318.9531cm^3
Delta V= 0 Delta T= 1.2C
Delta V=( b(water)- b(glass)) V0 DeltaT--> (since Delta V is 0)--> b(glass)=b(water)= 27 X 10^-6 (C^)-1

at 7C --> T1= 6.8C T2=7.9C V1=318.95645cm^3 V2=318.9598cm^3
Delta V= 0.00335cm^3=0.0000035L Delta T=1.1C --> b(water)=3.697 X 10^-6 ( C)^-1

at 20C--> T1=18.4C T2=21.5C V1=319.1072cm^3 V2=319.1742cm^3
Delta V= 0.067cm^3 =0.000067L Delta T= 3.1C--> b(water)=9.475 X 10^-5 (C) ^-1
  • #25
Myr73 said:
Ok, Thanks... Here they are-->
at 1C --> T1=0.7C T2=1.6C V1= 318.9665 cm^3 V2=318.9598cm^3
--> b(water)==0.00005(C^)-1 or is it ( because Delta V is minus) b=3.66 X 10^-6 C^-1

at 4C --> T1=3.2C T2=4.4C V1=318.9531cm^3 V2=318.9531cm^3
Delta V= 0 Delta T= 1.2C
Delta V=( b(water)- b(glass)) V0 DeltaT--> (since Delta V is 0)--> b(glass)=b(water)= 27 X 10^-6 (C^)-1

at 7C --> T1= 6.8C T2=7.9C V1=318.95645cm^3 V2=318.9598cm^3
Delta V= 0.00335cm^3=0.0000035L Delta T=1.1C --> b(water)=3.697 X 10^-6 ( C)^-1

at 20C--> T1=18.4C T2=21.5C V1=319.1072cm^3 V2=319.1742cm^3
Delta V= 0.067cm^3 =0.000067L Delta T= 3.1C--> b(water)=9.475 X 10^-5 (C) ^-1
I plotted up your results and the official numbers from the link. Looks to me that adding 1E-4 to all your results brings the two sets of numbers into reasonable alignment. But that would imply an expansion coefficient for the glass about 5 times that quoted. You might care to check my analysis.
I don't think I can help any more on this.
  • #26
Ok, thank you for your assistance
  • #27
I am going to test it wt pyrex coefficient
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Related to Does Material Expansion Impact Accuracy in Thermal Expansion Experiments?

1. What is thermal expansion of water?

Thermal expansion of water is the phenomenon where the volume of water increases as its temperature increases. This is due to the molecules in water having more kinetic energy and moving further apart, causing the overall volume to expand.

2. Why does water expand when heated?

Water expands when heated because the molecules are constantly in motion and have more energy at higher temperatures. This causes the molecules to move further apart, increasing the overall volume of the water.

3. How much does water expand when heated?

The amount of expansion of water depends on its initial temperature and the temperature change. On average, water expands by about 0.2% for every 1°C increase in temperature.

4. What are the practical applications of thermal expansion of water?

The thermal expansion of water is important in many industrial and everyday applications. It is used in thermometers, water heaters, and heat exchangers. It also plays a significant role in weather patterns and ocean currents.

5. Does water always expand when heated?

No, water does not always expand when heated. The thermal expansion of water only occurs between the temperatures of 0°C and 4°C. Below 0°C, water actually contracts when heated, and above 4°C, it expands at a slower rate.

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