Does My NBody Simulation Look Accurate?

  • Thread starter crepincdotcom
  • Start date
In summary: M moves. M's center of mass is moving, but the line between M and m is still there. m is still attached to M. This is what's called tangential velocity. If you look at the line between M and m, it's moving faster than M. So when M moves, m moves with it.
  • #1

That's the output of my home-made NBody solver. I'm wondering if it looks right to you all. Two things to be aware of:

1) The particles shoot away from the singularity because when they are solved in on timestep with r approching 0, the force is enormous and they fly too far for the next timestep to catch them. I haven't figured out a way to fix this yet.

2) It appears to go slower at the corners... is this because they're more far away?

Thanks a lot,

-Jack C
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  • #2
I also wrote a tutorial/paper/something on the subject that, let me tell you, is not anywhere close to as good as most of you could likely write. If you'd like to take a look though (suggestions?), you can see it (and the source to my program) at

Thanks again,

-Jack C
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  • #3
Do you have any Z axis in this? Some of the particles seem to hover a little too long, but a Z position could explain this.

Yes, the corners contain the furthest test particles. They don't accelerate as fast at first.

To fix the r approaching 0 problem, you have to prevent r from ever reaching 0. In real life, you can not have a distance of 0 from anything. The closest you can come is the combined radii of the objects. That's why you can lift a ball off the ground. If the distance were 0, then the gravitational force would be infinity and you couldn't lift it. The ball's distance from the Earth is the ball's radius + the Earth's radius.

One way to prevent the test particles from coming too close is collision detection. Whatever that object in the middle is (Star, planet) has a size. When a test particle's distance (r) is equal to or less than the middle object's radius + the radius of the test particle (if any), destroy the test particle. If it has mass, transfer its mass and momentum to the parent object.

Another way to prevent the test particles from coming too close is to give them some tangental velocity which should cause them to orbit the center object instead of crash to its surface. That would make a more interesting simulation too.
  • #4
tony873004 said:
Do you have any Z axis in this? Some of the particles seem to hover a little too long, but a Z position could explain this.
No, just x and y.

tony873004 said:
To fix the r approaching 0 problem, you have to prevent r from ever reaching 0. In real life, you can not have a distance of 0 from anything. The closest you can come is the combined radii of the objects.
But the issue is not that the distance is evaulated at zero, it's that the distance is CLOSE to zero, giving that large force. The radii idea sounds interesting, but I was going for more of a point-mass simulation.

tony873004 said:
Another way to prevent the test particles from coming too close is to give them some tangental velocity which should cause them to orbit the center object instead of crash to its surface. That would make a more interesting simulation too.
Hmm I'll think about that.


-Jack C
  • #5
crepincdotcom said:
But the issue is not that the distance is evaulated at zero, it's that the distance is CLOSE to zero, giving that large force. The radii idea sounds interesting, but I was going for more of a point-mass simulation.

You can't evaluate it at exactly 0. You'll get a division by 0 error or overflow. But even close to 0 gives you unrealistic results. It still is a point-mass simulation even if you consider radius. Point mass simply means that in your formula for gravitational acceleration you consider it to be a point mass rather than a flattened sphere like Jupiter. Earth's shape is not perfectly spherical and the mass is not evenly distributed. This has effects on low Earth orbit satellites. But the further you get from Earth, the more Earth starts behaving like a point mass. So you can use radii and still have point mass.

The only way to correct the error if you don't give your objects tangental velocity or incorporate collision detection is to take a slower time step. But without any tangental velocity your objects will still be drawn towards the 0 radius point no matter how slow you run it. They are dropping like rocks, just like the Space Shuttle would drop like a rock if it had no tangental velocity.
  • #6
OK... could you explain this tangental velocity concept a little deeper?


-Jack C
  • #7
crepincdotcom said:
OK... could you explain this tangental velocity concept a little deeper?

Consider two objects M and m. Big M is the heavier object. Draw a line between the two objects. Now draw another line perpendicular to this line, intersecting object m.

Whatever direction object m moves, you can look at its velocity as a combination of radial velocity and tangental velocity. In the case of your objects, they all seem to start out with a velocity of 0. The center object pulls on them directly towards itself. All their velocity is contained in the radial component.

Now consider a satellite in a circular low Earth orbit. It would need to have a velocity of about 7 km / s to maintain orbit. Since its orbit is circular, its radial velocity (towards or away from Earth is 0) and its tangental velocity 7 km/s (perpendicular to the direction of the center of the Earth)

If you add your radial and tangental velocity with the pythagorean theorem you get your total velocity. Total velocity = sqrt (radial velocity squared + tangental velocity squared).

When you give your objects some initial tangental velocity, it prevents them from falling directly towards the center mass. Instead, it makes a closest approach and then starts to receed away.

In the following lines of your code:
    Particles[i].vi = 0;
    Particles[i].vj = 0;
try some values other than 0. I don't know what units you're using, so just play around with them.

Maybe put one of them outside of your loop that generates random positions so you can specify its position as well.

You'll probably find some values that give you orbits rather than freefall trajectories onto your singularity.
  • #8
Aha... that's smart.

But at somepoint won't I still have to use some method to deal with the singularity, because if they orbit but still get closer and closer... eventually some particle is bound to get very close.

How do "real" (professional) NBody codes solve this problem?


-Jack C
jack {[@]}

FAQ: Does My NBody Simulation Look Accurate?

1. How do you determine accuracy in your scientific experiments?

Accuracy in scientific experiments is determined by comparing the results to an accepted or known value. This can be done through various methods such as using control groups, repeating the experiment multiple times, and using precision measuring tools.

2. Can you explain the difference between accuracy and precision?

Accuracy refers to how close the measured value is to the true value, while precision refers to how close multiple measurements are to each other. A measurement can be precise but not accurate if it consistently deviates from the true value.

3. How do you ensure the accuracy of your data?

To ensure the accuracy of data, scientists use various methods such as calibrating instruments, using standardized procedures, and minimizing sources of error. It is also important to carefully record and analyze the data to identify any outliers or inconsistencies.

4. How do you account for human error in scientific experiments?

Human error can be minimized by following strict protocols and procedures, having multiple researchers replicate the experiment, and using advanced technology and equipment. However, it is also important for scientists to acknowledge and address any potential sources of human error in their experiments.

5. Is accuracy more important than precision in scientific experiments?

Both accuracy and precision are important in scientific experiments. While accuracy ensures that the results are close to the true value, precision ensures that the results are consistent and reproducible. Depending on the experiment, one may be more important than the other, but ideally, both accuracy and precision should be prioritized in scientific research.

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