Does position operator have eigen wave function?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Hermitian operators and their eigen functions in quantum mechanics. The position operator in the 1D infinite well is Hermitian, but its eigen function cannot be normalized and does not form a basis. The concept of a Rigged Hilbert space is mentioned as a way to deal with this issue. However, even in this extended space, the eigen functions do not constitute a basis. The conversation also notes that the original poster has been banned for violating forum rules.
  • #1
I am learning quantum mechics. The hypothesis is:

In the quantum mechanics, all operators representing observables are Hermitian, and their eigen functions constitute complete systems. For a system in a state described by wave function ψ(x,t), a measurement of observable F is certain to return one of the eigenvalues of the operator F.

In the 1D infinite well, the position x should be an observable, its operator x is Hermitian, and its eigen function satisfies xg(x)=x'g(x), leading to g(x)=δ(x-x'), the eigenvalue x' is any real number. But g(x)=δ(x-x') cannot be normalized, and it cannot be a wave function since a wave function must be normalizable. Then my question is:

1. Is the position x a Hermitian operator?
2. If it is, why there is no eigen wave function?
Physics news on
  • #2
nosafeway said:
Is the position x a Hermitian operator?
Yes, the position operator is hermitian. But for the spectral theorem, a slightly stronger condition is needed: self-adjointness. These conditions agree only in the finite dimensional case. In the infinite-dimensional case, the domain of the operator matters. The position operator is self-adjoint on ##L^2(\mathbb R)## if you restrict its domain to the space of Schwarz functions ##\mathcal S(\mathbb R)##. (You can look up the all the definitions in Wikipedia.)

If it is, why there is no eigen wave function?
In infinite dimensions, the eigenvectors don't need to form a basis anymore. The position operator is an extreme example, since it doesn't have eigenvectors at all.

For the full spectral theorem, have a look at this:
  • #3
You're right that the eigenfunctions of the position operator cannot be normalized in the usual sense of the ##L^2## norm as we're dealing with distributions now i.e. they don't live in the usual Hilbert space of square Lebesgue integrable functions. The way to get around it is to use what's known as a Rigged Hilbert space:
  • #4
One thing needs to be noted here, though: Rigged Hilbert spaces indeed allow you to define the notion of generalized eigenvectors, but there is still no sense in which these generalized eigenvectors would constitute a basis.
  • #5
rubi said:
One thing needs to be noted here, though: Rigged Hilbert spaces indeed allow you to define the notion of generalized eigenvectors, but there is still no sense in which these generalized eigenvectors would constitute a basis.
Don't they constitute a basis for the extended space Ωx?
  • #6
Some may have noticed that the original poster has been banned. nosafeway was the reincarnation of a previously banned member, who was the reincarnation of a previously banned member, who was ...

FAQ: Does position operator have eigen wave function?

1. What is the position operator in quantum mechanics?

The position operator, denoted by ^x, is a mathematical operation used in quantum mechanics to describe the position of a particle in space. It is a Hermitian operator, meaning its eigenvalues are real numbers, and it is used to calculate the probability of finding a particle in a certain position.

2. Does the position operator have an eigen wave function?

Yes, the position operator does have an eigen wave function. The eigen wave function of the position operator is the wave function that corresponds to a specific eigenvalue, or position, of the particle. It is represented by the Dirac delta function, which is a mathematical function that is zero everywhere except at the specific position of the particle.

3. How is the eigen wave function of the position operator related to the uncertainty principle?

The eigen wave function of the position operator is related to the uncertainty principle in that it represents the most precise measurement possible for the position of a particle. The uncertainty principle states that the more precise the position measurement of a particle, the less precise the measurement of its momentum, and vice versa. Therefore, the eigen wave function of the position operator has a very narrow peak, indicating a precise position measurement, but its corresponding momentum wave function is spread out, indicating a less precise momentum measurement.

4. Can the position operator have multiple eigen wave functions?

No, the position operator can only have one eigen wave function for a given particle. This is because the eigen wave function represents a specific position of the particle, and a particle can only have one position at a given time. However, a particle can have different eigen wave functions for different properties, such as position and momentum, as these properties are complementary and cannot be precisely measured at the same time.

5. How is the position operator used in the Schrödinger equation?

The position operator is used in the Schrödinger equation to describe the evolution of a particle in space over time. The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes the wave function of a particle and how it changes over time. The position operator is used in this equation to calculate the potential energy of the particle, which is an important factor in determining its behavior and motion.
