Does \(\Psi_A(x,t)\) Indicate a Time-Dependent Probability and Average Energy?

I won't repeat it.In summary, the given wave function can predict the probability that a particle is somewhere in the box to be t-dependent, but the average energy is time-independent. The correct expression for the time-dependent average energy is E = \frac{E_6 + E_4 + E_2}{3}, weighted by the relative probabilities of each state. And while the energy of a specific state cannot be determined in quantum physics, the average energy of a system can be calculated using the wave function.
  • #1
I am to find if the following wave function can predict the probability that a particle is somewhere (anywhere) in the box to be t-dependent. And whether it has time-dependent average energy.

[tex] \Psi_A (x,t) =K (-\Psi_6 (x,t) + \Psi_4 (x,t)- \Psi_2 (x,t))[/tex]

here's what I did to find if this finction predicts that the particle is somehere in the box:

[tex] \int \Psi_A (x,t) * \Psi_A (x,t) dx =K (-\Psi_6 (x,t) + \Psi_4 (x,t)- \Psi_2 (x,t)) K (-*\Psi_6 (x,t) + *\Psi_4 (x,t)- *\Psi_2 (x,t))=3k^2[/tex]

this means that this finction does predict that a particle is somehere in the box

if this function has time dependent average energy:
[tex]\frac{E_6 + E_4 + E_2}{3}[/tex]

right? my friend said that the energy can't be found, but isn't this the average energy?
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  • #2
UrbanXrisis said:
I am to find if the following wave function can predict the probability that a particle is somewhere (anywhere) in the box to be t-dependent. And whether it has time-dependent average energy.

[tex] \Psi_A (x,t) =K (-\Psi_6 (x,t) + \Psi_4 (x,t)- \Psi_2 (x,t))[/tex]

here's what I did to find if this finction predicts that the particle is somehere in the box:

[tex] \int \Psi_A (x,t) * \Psi_A (x,t) dx =K (-\Psi_6 (x,t) + \Psi_4 (x,t)- \Psi_2 (x,t)) K (-*\Psi_6 (x,t) + *\Psi_4 (x,t)- *\Psi_2 (x,t))=3k^2[/tex]

this means that this finction does predict that a particle is somehere in the box

if this function has time dependent average energy:
[tex]\frac{E_6 + E_4 + E_2}{3}[/tex]

right? my friend said that the energy can't be found, but isn't this the average energy?

This is not the average energy. Each energy in the numerator needs to be weighted to the relative probability of each state, ie.
[tex]\frac{E_6\int dx \Psi_6^*\Psi_6 + E_4\int dx \Psi_4^*\Psi_4 + E_2\int dx \Psi_2^*\Psi_2}{\int dx \Psi_A^*\Psi_A}[/tex]

  • #3
I think it's safe to say (altough the OP didn't mention it) that the [itex]\Psi_i[/itex] are normalized eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, so their absolute square integrates to 1.

So, that's the correct expression for the energy. If you are asked to prove that it is independent of time, it's trivial once you know that if [itex]\Psi_i[/itex] is normalized at some instant, it stays normalized. The relative difficulty is in showing that.

In general, the average of any time-independent observable that commutes with the Hamiltonian is always constant.
  • #4
UrbanXrisis said:
I am to find if the following wave function can predict the probability that a particle is somewhere (anywhere) in the box to be t-dependent. And whether it has time-dependent average energy.

[tex] \Psi_A (x,t) =K (-\Psi_6 (x,t) + \Psi_4 (x,t)- \Psi_2 (x,t))[/tex]

here's what I did to find if this finction predicts that the particle is somehere in the box:
Others have given many useful hints but let me add a few details. First, the question is not about whether the wavefunction predicts that the particle is somewhere in the box! Of course it does (it would have to be identically zero to predict that the particle is nowhere in the box).

[tex] \int \Psi_A (x,t) * \Psi_A (x,t) dx =K (-\Psi_6 (x,t) + \Psi_4 (x,t)- \Psi_2 (x,t)) K (-*\Psi_6 (x,t) + *\Psi_4 (x,t)- *\Psi_2 (x,t))=3k^2[/tex]
Strictly speaking, K may be complex, so you should be getting 3 KK* =3 |K|^2 (assuming that Psi_1, Psi_2, etc are normalized and orthogonal..which they are if you mean the standard normalized energy eigenstates)

this means that this finction does predict that a particle is somehere in the box
Again, this just follows from the fact that the wavefunction is not zero!
if this function has time dependent average energy:
[tex]\frac{E_6 + E_4 + E_2}{3}[/tex]
This is the correct expression but how did you get it? (just curious).
But your conclusion is wrong! This result clearly does not depend on time (there is no time dependence!)
right? my friend said that the energy can't be found, but isn't this the average energy?
Of course the average energy can be found since the wavefunction is known. (however, asking "what is the energy of that state" is not a well defined question in quantum physics, as opposed to classical mechanics. Measuring the energy can produced either of the three energies with a probability of 33.3%...Maybe that's what you friend was referring to. But the *average energy* is clearly well-defined).

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FAQ: Does \(\Psi_A(x,t)\) Indicate a Time-Dependent Probability and Average Energy?

What is the probability of a particle existing at a specific location?

The probability of a particle existing at a specific location is determined by its wave function, which describes the distribution of its possible positions. The square of the wave function at a given point represents the probability of finding the particle at that location.

How does the probability of a particle vary over time?

The probability of a particle can change over time due to its wave function evolving according to the Schrödinger equation. This equation describes how the wave function changes over time and can be used to predict the probability of finding the particle at different points in space at different times.

Can the probability of a particle be greater than 1?

No, the probability of a particle cannot be greater than 1. The square of the wave function, which represents the probability, must always be between 0 and 1. This means that the probability of finding a particle at a specific location cannot exceed 100%.

What factors affect the probability of a particle?

The probability of a particle can be affected by several factors, including its mass, velocity, and the potential energy of its surroundings. These factors can influence the particle's wave function and determine the likelihood of finding it at a specific location.

How is the probability of a particle related to its uncertainty?

The probability of a particle is directly related to its uncertainty. The more certain we are about the position of a particle, the narrower its wave function will be and the higher the probability of finding it at that location. Conversely, the more uncertain we are about its position, the broader its wave function will be and the lower the probability of finding it at any specific point.
