Does Pure Rolling Exclude Kinetic Friction?

In summary, during pure rolling, the friction is static and the force of static friction is equal to or less than the normal force multiplied by the coefficient of static friction. On a horizontal surface, the static friction force is zero during free rolling, but may differ from zero when other external forces are acting, such as on an incline. Static friction only plays a role when the object is being accelerated, while rolling friction is a separate type of friction that occurs due to deformation of the rolling surfaces. Kinetic friction only comes into play during slipping, which is excluded during pure rolling.
  • #1
Is friction always zero when pure rolling has begun? Or is it static? Is there a difference between saying static friction at the point of contact and zero friction at the point of contact at the time when pure rolling has begun? That is of course for a rough surface on which the object is rolling.
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  • #2
The friction is static during pure rolling, and the force of static friction Fs≤μN.

Fs=0 during free rolling on horizontal surface, but different from zero when other external force acts, for example, when rolling on an incline.

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  • #3
Static fiction is there for a rolling object, but does no work unless the object is being accelerated, and then static friction comes into play (think about situations such as a car accelerating or braking, or being shoved sideways while the car travels straight ahead). The magnitude of the static friction force depends upon external forces acting to try to accelerate the object.

There's another type of friction called rolling friction which is separate from the kinetic or static versions. It's a friction that manifests due to deformation of the surfaces in contact. Think about the way a car tire flexes out-of-round as it rolls. The flexing consumes energy (which is why car tires become warm as you drive). The surface on which an object rolls may also be deformed by the weight of the object. In such a case the object is effectively always rolling out of a small depression as it moves along.
  • #4
gneill said:
Static fiction is there for a rolling object, but does no work unless the object is being accelerated, and then static friction comes into play.

Doesn't Kinetic Friction come into play then?
  • #5
andyrk said:
Doesn't Kinetic Friction come into play then?

Kinetic friction comes into play during slipping. Pure rolling excludes slipping.


Related to Does Pure Rolling Exclude Kinetic Friction?

What is friction?

Friction is a force that resists the motion of an object as it slides, rolls, or moves against another surface. It is caused by the microscopic roughness and irregularities of surfaces in contact.

How does friction affect rolling motion?

Friction can both help and hinder rolling motion. It can provide the necessary force for an object to start rolling, but it also creates resistance that slows down the object's motion.

What factors affect the amount of friction in rolling motion?

The amount of friction in rolling motion is affected by the materials and surfaces in contact, the weight and shape of the objects, and the speed of the rolling motion.

What is the difference between static and kinetic friction?

Static friction is the force that resists the initial motion of an object at rest, while kinetic friction is the force that opposes the motion of an object in motion. Static friction is typically greater than kinetic friction.

How can friction be reduced in rolling motion?

Friction in rolling motion can be reduced by using smoother and more slippery surfaces, reducing the weight of the object, and using lubricants. Additionally, using rolling bearings or wheels can also help reduce friction in rolling motion.
