Does Sit ups/ weight lifting reduce growth?

In summary, weightlifting and sit ups/curl ups do not stunt growth. In fact, they promote bone growth through the natural response of the body to stress. Weight is not a major factor in bone growth and genetics and nutrition play a bigger role. The idea that weightlifting stunts growth is a myth perpetuated by companies selling "magical pills" to make someone taller. Additionally, steroids can weaken bones as they only target muscle growth and not overall body response to stress.
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Hey, I was wondering if sit ups/curl ups and weight lifting stunt growth. Due to the amount of weight and muscle not allowing bones to grow any further. If so, does sitting down while lifting weights help?
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  • #2
ConcealedDreamer said:
Hey, I was wondering if sit ups/curl ups and weight lifting stunt growth. Due to the amount of weight and muscle not allowing bones to grow any further. If so, does sitting down while lifting weights help?

Simply put, no. I've been weightlifting for a long time, and as an avid reader of health studies, trust me, it does not stunt growth. It promotes it. Weight is not a major factor in bone growth. Bones basically grow because of genetics and nutrion, they don't grow or not grow because of a person's weight.

In fact, it promotes bonegrowth. Bigtime. I only found one page on google about it stunting growth, and that same page advertised magical pills to make you grow taller. 'Nuff said.

Think about how and why weightlifting works.
The reason your muscles grow bigger is because your brain naturally adjusts to the added amount of stress, so it sends the message to build muscle. So why wouldn't bone growth work the same way? does work the same. When your brain senses the added stress, it sends chemical messages to any parts of your body that can compensate for the stress. That includes muscles, bones, fatty areas, ligaments, anything you can think of involving a lift.

That's one of the reasons steroids have been criticized and lifting has not: steroids only insert chemical messages to the muscles. Those actually can weaken bones.
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There is a common misconception that activities like sit ups, curl ups, and weight lifting can stunt growth in young individuals. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

In fact, engaging in regular physical activity, including strength training, can have numerous benefits for growth and development. It can help build strong bones and muscles, improve posture, and increase overall physical fitness.

Sitting down while lifting weights may not necessarily impact growth, but it is important to maintain proper form and technique while performing any exercise. This can help prevent injury and promote efficient muscle growth.

It is also important to note that proper nutrition and adequate rest are essential for healthy growth and development. So, if you are concerned about your growth, focus on maintaining a balanced diet and getting enough rest, in addition to incorporating strength training into your routine.

In summary, there is no evidence to suggest that sit ups, curl ups, and weight lifting will stunt growth. In fact, these activities can have numerous benefits for overall health and development. Just remember to maintain proper form and technique and prioritize nutrition and rest for optimal growth.

FAQ: Does Sit ups/ weight lifting reduce growth?

1. How does weightlifting affect growth?

Weightlifting can help increase muscle mass and strength, but it does not have any direct impact on a person's height. In fact, weightlifting can improve overall health and potentially contribute to a better posture, which can make a person appear taller.

2. Can sit-ups stunt growth?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that sit-ups can stunt growth. In fact, sit-ups can help strengthen abdominal muscles and improve overall physical fitness, but they do not have any effect on a person's height.

3. Will weightlifting at a young age affect growth?

Weightlifting at a young age can be beneficial for building strength, but it is important to use proper form and not overdo it. As long as the exercises are done correctly and with supervision, weightlifting should not have any negative impact on growth.

4. Is it safe for teenagers to lift weights?

Yes, it is generally safe for teenagers to lift weights as long as they use proper form and do not overexert themselves. It is important for teenagers to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight as they build strength. It is also recommended to have supervision from a trained professional.

5. Can weightlifting affect growth in puberty?

Weightlifting does not have any effect on the growth that occurs during puberty. In fact, regular exercise can have positive effects on overall health and may contribute to proper growth and development during this time. It is important to use proper form and not overexert oneself when weightlifting during puberty.
