Does Special Relativity Affect Light Travel Time Between Moving Points?

In summary, in frame S', the magnitude of the difference in arrival times of the light flash at A' and C' is 0. However, in frame S, it may appear that the light flash reaches A' first due to the relative motion of A' and C' with respect to the light beam. This can be calculated using Lorentz transformations.
  • #1
Suppose that A', B' and C' are at rest in frame S', which moves with respect to S at a speed v=056*c in the +x direction. Let B' be located exactly midway between A' and C' in S', with A' and C' 10000 km apart; all are on the x-axis. At t'=0, a light flash occurs at B' and expands outward as a spherical wave. What is the magntidue of the difference in the arrival times of the flash wave at A' and C' in frame S' and S.

I know for sure that in frame S', the magnitude of the difference is 0. But should it also be the same in frame S since it takes the same amount of time for the light flash to travel to both A and C, which are the same distance apart?

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  • #2
Well, the light does travel at c in S, but since A' approaches the light beam and C' moves away from it, you'd expect the beam to reach A' first as seen from S (Assuming A'<B'<C').

But this is using intuition, just do the calculation using Lorentz tranformations.

FAQ: Does Special Relativity Affect Light Travel Time Between Moving Points?

What is special relativity and how does it relate to distance?

Special relativity is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein that explains the relationship between space, time, and motion. It states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and that the speed of light is constant regardless of the observer's frame of reference. This theory has significant implications for how we understand distance, as it shows that distance is not absolute and can change depending on the observer's perspective.

How does special relativity affect our perception of distance?

According to special relativity, distance is not an absolute concept and can appear differently depending on the observer's frame of reference. This means that two observers moving at different speeds may measure different distances between the same two objects. Additionally, the length of an object can appear to change when it is moving at high speeds, which can also affect our perception of distance.

Can special relativity explain the concept of time dilation?

Yes, special relativity predicts that time can pass at different rates for observers in different frames of reference. This is known as time dilation and is a result of the constant speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, time appears to slow down for that object relative to an observer in a different frame of reference.

How does special relativity impact space travel?

Special relativity plays a crucial role in space travel, as it explains the effects of high speeds and gravity on objects in motion. For example, as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases, making it more difficult to accelerate. This has important implications for space travel, as it requires a large amount of energy to reach high speeds. Additionally, special relativity explains the phenomenon of time dilation, which must be taken into account when calculating travel times for objects moving at high speeds.

Can special relativity be tested or observed?

Yes, special relativity has been extensively tested and validated through various experiments and observations. One of the most famous experiments is the Michelson-Morley experiment, which showed that the speed of light is constant regardless of the observer's frame of reference. Other experiments, such as the Hafele-Keating experiment, have also confirmed the predictions of special relativity. In addition, modern technologies such as GPS would not function accurately without taking into account the effects of special relativity on time dilation.
