Does ST provide causation to QM?

  • Thread starter csmcmillion
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In summary, the conversation discussed the lack of causation in certain quantum mechanical events, such as neutron decay and electron leaps to lower orbits, and questioned whether string theory provides a causal mechanism for these events. It was mentioned that while standard string theory, QM, and QFT are probabilistic, Bohmian versions offer a deterministic explanation for events, including the time of decay. However, it was noted that there is no way to predict these events without changing the system. References were given for further reading on Bohmian formulations and the concept of particle creation and destruction in weak decays.
  • #1
I have a cursory understanding of QM which (as far as I know) fails to provide causation for certain events such as neutron decay and electron leaps to lower orbits. My understanding is that there is (currently) no know "cause" for these, and other, events - they simply happen. We cannot, for example, predict when a particular neutron will decay. I'm wondering if current String Theory provides a causal mechanism for such events?
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  • #2
Standard string theory is probabilistic, just as standard QM and QFT. However, there are also Bohmian versions of those which give a deterministic description of events, including the time of decay. For superstring theory in the Bohmian formulation see
  • #3
Demystifier said:
...there are also Bohmian versions of those which give a deterministic description of events, including the time of decay...

I'd be interested in a reference to a work that shows for a given neutron what to measure and how then to compute the time at which the neutron will decay.
  • #4
While the process is deterministic (with Bohm), there is no way to predict it - you cannot measure the quantities required for that, without changing the system (here: the neutron).
  • #5
In any event is there a reference that clarifies the quantities that are involved and the process by which the decay event occurs based on the quantities. I assume they are related to the quark-gluon process that is a neutron?
  • #6
mfb said:
While the process is deterministic (with Bohm), there is no way to predict it - you cannot measure the quantities required for that, without changing the system (here: the neutron).
True, except perhaps with a weak measurement, recently used to measure photon Bohmian trajectories in a laboratory:
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  • #7
So is there a reference that clarifies the quantities that are involved and the process by which the decay event occurs based on the quantities?
  • #8
Xristy, you probably know that spontaneous decay in QM can be described as tunnelling. A Bohmian description of tunnelling is presented in several sections of the book
P. R. Holland, The Quantum Theory of Motion
  • #9
Demystifier said:
Xristy, you probably know that spontaneous decay in QM can be described as tunnelling. A Bohmian description of tunnelling is presented in several sections of the book
P. R. Holland, The Quantum Theory of Motion

I thought that neutron decay was via the weak force involving (in one mode) the creation of an electron and electron anti-neutrino along with a proton.

I didn't know that it could be explained via QM tunneling.

Holland doesn't talk about the weak force and since there is particle creation I don't understand that a deterministic QM would be immediately applicable.
  • #10
Weak decays have a concept similar to tunneling, as they can be described with a short-living virtual W boson, which serves as an energy barrier.

Writing down the DeBroglie-Bohm interpretation with particle creation+annihilation is a bit tricky, but it is possible. MWI is deterministic as well, and particle creation and annihilation are nothing special there.
  • #11
xristy said:
I thought that neutron decay was via the weak force involving (in one mode) the creation of an electron and electron anti-neutrino along with a proton.

I didn't know that it could be explained via QM tunneling.

Holland doesn't talk about the weak force and since there is particle creation I don't understand that a deterministic QM would be immediately applicable.
You are right, that kind of decay requires particle creation and destruction, which Holland does not talk about. As mfb said, Bohmian description of particle creation and destruction is tricky, but possible. See e.g. [Int. J. Mod. Phys. A25:1477-1505, 2010] [Chapter 8. of a recent book]
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  • #12
mfb said:
Weak decays have a concept similar to tunneling, as they can be described with a short-living virtual W boson, which serves as an energy barrier.

Please provide a reference to this technique. I've searched through various texts on QFT and the Standard Model and can't find an explanation of how to carry through your idea.
  • #13
This is not a technique, but a hand-wavy comparison. Howevery, it allows to see why the top-quark is so short-living compared to the other quarks (and their mesons): The top-quark has enough energy to decay into a real b-quark and a real W boson. The other quarks cannot do this, the W in their decay has to be virtual, which supresses the decay (and makes the weak interaction "weak" - at the electroweak scale, it is not weaker than the electromagnetic interaction).

Related to Does ST provide causation to QM?

1. Does ST provide a causal explanation for quantum mechanics?

No, string theory (ST) does not provide a definitive causal explanation for quantum mechanics (QM). While ST attempts to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics, it is still a theoretical framework that is subject to ongoing research and debate.

2. How does ST relate to the uncertainty principle in QM?

String theory does not directly address the uncertainty principle in QM. However, some aspects of string theory, such as the concept of extra dimensions, may offer potential explanations for the uncertainty principle.

3. Can ST explain the phenomenon of quantum entanglement?

Currently, there is no consensus on whether ST can fully explain the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. Some researchers believe that ST may provide a potential explanation, while others argue that it is not directly addressed by the theory.

4. Has ST been proven to be the correct theory for QM?

No, string theory has not been proven to be the correct theory for QM. While it is a promising theoretical framework, it has not yet been experimentally verified and is still subject to ongoing research and debate.

5. Is ST compatible with other theories in physics?

String theory has been shown to be mathematically consistent with other theories in physics, such as general relativity and quantum field theory. However, it has not been fully integrated with these theories and its compatibility with other branches of physics is still a topic of ongoing research.

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