Does string theory provide any additional insight to quantum mechanics?

In summary, string theory is best thought of as a meta-theory that provides a framework for a potential theory of everything. By studying string theory, one can gain an understanding of symmetries in quantum mechanics and other related concepts. However, it is not yet clear if string theory will provide deeper insights into quantum mechanics. The process of evaluating the Poisson brackets and performing canonical quantization can lead to negative normed quantum states, which can be resolved by choosing specific background spacetime dimensions and normal ordering constants. Ultimately, string theory may provide more insight into the physical world, but it is still in the early stages of development.
  • #1
If so, how.
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  • #2
I only peek at string theory occasionally to see how it is going - last I looked: "no"... though that is the short answer,
Probably string theory is best thought of as a meta-theory: a kind of scaffold on which a theory of everything may, eventually, be constructed.
Studying string theory can get you an understanding of symmetries etc that crop up in QM ... that sort of thing. Just like higher dimensional geometry can lead to understandings in 3D geometry. In a kind-of abstract way. For instance, it may be possible for someone to find insights into how QM and GR do not work together.

At best we would expect a new theory to provide insights into the old one in much the same way that the heliocentric model for the solar system provides insights into the geocentric one and Newtonian gravitation provides insights into Ptolemy's epicycles.
  • #3
Take Bosonic string theory for instance. You start with the classical sigma-model action, find the equation of motion and write down the mode expansion of the solution. Then you evaluate the Poisson brackets of the modes and perform the usual canonical quantization (so called "first quantization"). The modes follow the usual creation-annhiliation algebra of the quantum mechanical harmonic oscillators.

But in the process may you end up with negative normed quantum states. You get rid of those states (and maintain the conformal symmetry at quantum level) by choosing specific background spacetime dimension and normal ordering constant (for Bosonic theory they turn out to be 26 and 1 respectively). Finally you study the spectrum of the states in the positive definite Hilbert space so obtained (and it includes gravitons)

So basically, you don't get deeper insight into quantum mechanics. You just use it as an ingredient to make a self consistent theory in the hope of explaining physical world.
  • #4
At this stage it doesn't, but more insight could provide more insight, just as GR is 'emergent' from String Theory.

So I cannot answer your "how" question :P

FAQ: Does string theory provide any additional insight to quantum mechanics?

1. What is string theory and how does it relate to quantum mechanics?

String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics. It proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles, but rather tiny, vibrating strings. This theory offers a new way of understanding the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics.

2. How does string theory provide additional insight to quantum mechanics?

String theory provides additional insight to quantum mechanics by proposing that all particles are actually made up of these tiny strings, which vibrate at different frequencies. This allows for a unified description of all particles and their interactions, including gravity, which is not accounted for in traditional quantum mechanics.

3. What are the main criticisms of string theory's relationship to quantum mechanics?

One of the main criticisms of string theory is that it is currently untestable, as it requires energies far beyond what can be achieved in experiments. Additionally, some physicists argue that the theory lacks predictive power and relies too heavily on mathematical elegance rather than empirical evidence.

4. How does string theory address the measurement problem in quantum mechanics?

The measurement problem in quantum mechanics refers to the uncertainty and randomness of particles' behavior when observed. String theory offers a possible solution to this problem by proposing that particles are not point-like objects, but rather extended strings, which can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.

5. Is string theory widely accepted in the scientific community?

String theory is a highly debated topic within the scientific community. While some physicists support its potential to unify the laws of physics, others criticize its lack of empirical evidence and testability. As of now, string theory remains a theoretical framework and is not widely accepted as a complete theory of the universe.

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