Does Sundance preon kit match Kovtun-Zee composite neutrino?

In summary, the Sundance preon kit, a theoretical model describing the fundamental particles that make up matter, does not match the Kovtun-Zee composite neutrino, a proposed composite particle made up of other particles. While both theories aim to explain the behavior of the smallest building blocks of the universe, they differ in their approach and predictions. The Sundance preon kit suggests that all particles are made up of even smaller particles called preons, while the Kovtun-Zee composite neutrino proposes the existence of a new type of composite particle. Further research and experimentation is needed to determine the accuracy and validity of both theories.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
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new paper by Kovtun and Zee
idea of composite neutrino

earlier we discussed Sundance Bilson-Thompson topological preon model incorporated into quantum gravity by Lee Smolin
and described in the online Lecture Series Introduction to Quantum Gravity, Lecture #25.

It might be interesting for QG if the Sundance preon model is successful because it fits in naturally with spin networks. So my question is:

this composite neutrino idea of Kovtun and Zee, how well does it compat with the Sundance kit for building all the basic particles from framed braids?
Physics news on
  • #2
Just curious, probably no reason to suppose that either one is right---but it would be interesting if they happened to compat.

A schematic model of neutrinos
Pavel Kovtun, A. Zee
4 pages

"We show that the observed pattern for neutrino mixing arises naturally if neutrinos are composites of more elementary constituents carrying an SU(2) quantum number we call lepospin."

lepospin sounds vaguely like "liposuction", something I think they like to do a lot in SouthCalifornia---has the right ring for a Santa Barbara Kitpee idea.:smile:

here is the Sundance paper:
A topological model of composite preons
Sundance O.Bilson-Thompson
9 pages, 3 figures

"We present a modification of the preon model proposed independently by Shupe and Harari. A basic dynamics is developed by treating the binding of preons as topological in nature and identifying the substructure of quarks, leptons and gauge bosons with elements of the braid group B_3. Topological considerations and a straightforward set of assumptions lead directly to behaviour consistent with much of the known phenomenology of the Standard Model. The preons of this model may be viewed as composite in nature, and composed of sub-preons, representing exactly two levels of substructure within quarks and leptons."

A. Zee is a great guy and writes entertainingly and has creative ideas but he should know to keep the T in lepto and not erode it down to lepo--it loses crisp and gets like jello. and the Greek meaning is lost.
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  • #4
that is interesting, he should have some correspondence with A. Zee and Kovtun then, should not he?

any idea how this fits in with QG spin networks?
  • #5
marcus said:
...any idea how this fits in with QG spin networks?

Marcus, surely you (and others) know by now what I would say to that. :smile:
I would quite like to hear some other opinions.
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  • #6
Kea said:
Marcus, surely you (and others) know by now what I would say to that. :smile:


actually I don't, but I guess I'm not eager to find out

I would quite like to hear some other opinions.

I hope some are forthcoming!
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  • #7
The following also seems to be relevant. CarlB references an older paper of theirs.

Symmetries and Generalisations of Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing
P. F. Harrison W. G. Scott

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  • #8
"We show that the observed pattern for neutrino mixing arises naturally if neutrinos are composites of more elementary constituents carrying an SU(2) quantum number we call [tex]\mathfrak{LEPOSPIN}[/tex]."

CarB and the Tri-Bi guys could, I suppose, have discovered this very same quantum number only they made up a different name for it!
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  • #9
marcus said:
that is interesting, he should have some correspondence with A. Zee and Kovtun then, should not he?

CarlB was planning to travel this weekend to the AIP symposium, so perhaps he is not reading the forum. If someone has his private email or phone (the later preferably) it could be worth to alert him of the new preprint (an SMS should be enough?).
  • #10
they would have to use a subgroup though. not sure if that goes together. but it would be good to try and give the sundance-stuff some attachment to reality. best,


FAQ: Does Sundance preon kit match Kovtun-Zee composite neutrino?

1. Does the Sundance preon kit match the Kovtun-Zee composite neutrino?

The Sundance preon kit is designed to model the behavior and interactions of subatomic particles. The Kovtun-Zee composite neutrino is a theoretical concept that has not yet been observed or confirmed. Therefore, it is not possible to determine if the Sundance preon kit accurately matches the Kovtun-Zee composite neutrino.

2. What is a preon kit and how does it work?

A preon kit is a computational tool used by particle physicists to simulate the behavior of subatomic particles. It is based on the theory that particles like protons and neutrons are composed of smaller, more fundamental particles called preons. The preon kit uses mathematical equations and algorithms to model the interactions and movements of these preons.

3. Can the Sundance preon kit be used to study other particles besides neutrinos?

Yes, the Sundance preon kit can be used to study various subatomic particles, including quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons. It can also be used to simulate different types of interactions, such as strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity.

4. How accurate is the Sundance preon kit in predicting particle behavior?

The accuracy of the Sundance preon kit depends on the complexity of the particle and the interactions being simulated. In general, it has been found to provide a good approximation of particle behavior, but it is not a substitute for experimental data and observations.

5. Are there any limitations or challenges in using the Sundance preon kit?

Like any computational tool, the Sundance preon kit has its limitations and challenges. It is only as accurate as the equations and algorithms used to program it, and it may not be able to simulate extremely complex interactions or particles. Additionally, it is important to verify the results obtained from the preon kit with experimental data to ensure its validity.
