Does the Area Law Always Hold True in Lattice Gauge Models?

In summary, Kogut discusses the area and perimeter laws for lattice gauge models. The area law is that the area of a lattice loop is quadratic in the length of the edges, while the perimeter is linear. The perimeter law is that the perimeter of a lattice loop is the sum of the perimeter of each edge in the loop. He also says that there are loops which have more perimeter units than area units, and these loops have a different behavior than loops which have fewer perimeter units.
  • #1
While reading through Kogut's lattice gauge theory introduction he goes through the area and perimeter laws for lattice gauge models. The result is something like this
\left\langle \prod _{l\in C}\sigma_{3}(l) \right\rangle \sim \exp(-P)
for low temperature, and
\left\langle \prod _{l\in C}\sigma_{3}(l) \right\rangle \sim \exp(-A)
for high temperature. He then says
So, at high T the correlation function falls very quickly as the loop is taken larger and larger, while at low T it falls off at a qualitatively slower rate.
However, I can certainly conceive of a couple different closed loops which have more perimeter units than area units. Is this relationship between area size and perimeter size more subtle, or have I missed something. Thanks.
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  • #2
jfy4 said:
However, I can certainly conceive of a couple different closed loops which have more perimeter units than area units. Is this relationship between area size and perimeter size more subtle, or have I missed something. Thanks.

You probably have in mind some degenerate loops which have one dimension parametrically small compared to the other. These are not loops that contribute to the discussion of confinement. Recall that one piece of evidence of confinement is that the quark-antiquark potential increases with separation. For your degenerate loops, the small dimension must always be the spatial one, since we must take the time cutoff ##T\gg L## by the physical situation. Then, for fixed ##L##, we are not separating the quarks at all, so we expect no significant difference between the confining and deconfining phases. It is only in the limit that ##L\rightarrow \infty## that we should expect to see a difference.

If you have something else in mind, please explain.
  • #3
I was thinking more like this, I'm going to explain this in terms of coordinates, (x,y).

starting at (0,0), connect the dots: (1,0),(1,1),(2,1),(2,2),(1,2),(1,3),(0,3),(0,2),(-1,2),(-1,1),(0,1),(0,0).
In words, a cross. This seems to have perimeter 12, but area 5. This seems to be a possbile loop, and these crosses can be made arbitrarily large I think.
  • #4
jfy4 said:
I was thinking more like this, I'm going to explain this in terms of coordinates, (x,y).

starting at (0,0), connect the dots: (1,0),(1,1),(2,1),(2,2),(1,2),(1,3),(0,3),(0,2),(-1,2),(-1,1),(0,1),(0,0).
In words, a cross. This seems to have perimeter 12, but area 5. This seems to be a possbile loop, and these crosses can be made arbitrarily large I think.

OK, suppose we scale the grid by a factor ##L##, so we have points ##(0,0), (L,0), (L,L)## and so on. Now the perimeter is ##P=12 L##, but the area is ##A=5L^2##. In the limit ##L\rightarrow \infty##, these have the behavior that was claimed. For any loop, the perimeter always scales linearly with the length of the edges, while the area is quadratic.
  • #5
When you say
fzero said:
. . . we scale the grid . . .
should I interpret that as
. . . under a RG transformation . . .
  • #6
jfy4 said:
When you say

should I interpret that as


It's not directly related to an RG transformation, or at least, we are not using that directly. I just wanted to introduce a scale corresponding to the size of the loop that we can vary, since Kogut is discussing the behavior for large loops. Of course the RG behavior is intricately tied in anyway. For example, the fact that the coupling constant of QCD grows in the IR is also an indication of confinement. But we are not directly using RG arguments to compare the perimeter with the area.
  • #7
I see what you mean. I had in mind though loops of the form:
and n can get as large as it wants. I guess I realize that there probably are large loops which don't follow these `laws' but they contribute little I suppose.

FAQ: Does the Area Law Always Hold True in Lattice Gauge Models?

1. What is the difference between area law and perimeter law?

Area law and perimeter law are two mathematical concepts used to describe the relationship between the size of an object and its properties. Area law refers to the relationship between the size of an object and the amount of space it occupies, while perimeter law refers to the relationship between the size of an object and the distance around its edges.

2. Which one is more important in determining an object's properties?

Both area law and perimeter law are important in determining an object's properties. However, the importance of each law depends on the specific characteristics of the object. For example, in a square, the area law is more important in determining its size, while in a circle, the perimeter law is more important.

3. How are area law and perimeter law used in real-life applications?

Area law and perimeter law are used in various fields, such as architecture, engineering, and urban planning. They are used to determine the amount of materials needed for construction, to design efficient structures, and to calculate the cost of land. In addition, these laws are also used in the study of biological systems, such as the growth of cells and the distribution of animal populations.

4. Are there any exceptions to area law and perimeter law?

There are some exceptions to area law and perimeter law, particularly in irregular shapes. For instance, a rectangle with a perimeter of 24 units can have different areas depending on the dimensions of its sides. Similarly, a square and a rectangle with the same perimeter can have different areas. In these cases, other factors such as angles and proportions also play a role in determining the object's properties.

5. How do area law and perimeter law relate to each other?

Area law and perimeter law are closely related, as both describe the relationship between an object's size and its properties. In some cases, they can be used interchangeably, such as in regular shapes like squares and circles. However, in irregular shapes, they may differ and both laws need to be considered to fully understand the object's properties.

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