Does the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory make predictions?

In summary: That's a fair point. In principle, Bohmian mechanics could make predictions that would be different from the Born rule, but so far it hasn't done so.It's possible that Bohmian mechanics could make predictions that would be different from the Born rule, but so far it hasn't done so.
  • #1
I find the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory interesting but what I still feel missing in the descriptions I could find so far is that it reformulates what we already know but nobody speaks of new testable predictions that could eventually distinguish it from other interpretations (such as a new phenomenon, new particles, etc.. that classical QT does not predict or that it sheds light on anomalies, etc). Are there any?
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  • #2
Aidyan said:
nobody speaks of new testable predictions that could eventually distinguish it from other interpretations

That's because there aren't any. All interpretations of QM make the same predictions; that's why they're called interpretations instead of different theories.
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  • #3
In principle, interpretational approaches like Bohmian mechanics and physical collapse theories could make predictions of new physics. The current shortcoming of these approaches is that we do not know if they explain all of current physics. These possibilities of new physics are discussed by
Primordial quantum nonequilibrium and large-scale cosmic anomalies
Samuel Colin, Antony Valentini
Improved noninterferometric test of collapse models using ultracold cantilevers
A. Vinante, R. Mezzena, P. Falferi, M. Carlesso, A. Bassi
Testing the limits of quantum mechanical superpositions
Markus Arndt, Klaus Hornberger
  • #4
atyy said:
In principle, interpretational approaches like Bohmian mechanics and physical collapse theories could make predictions of new physics.

Yes, and if they do, they are no longer interpretations of standard QM; they are new theories, which have standard QM as an approximation in some appropriate limit.
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  • #5
PeterDonis said:
Yes, and if they do, they are no longer interpretations of standard QM; they are new theories, which have standard QM as an approximation in some appropriate limit.

Not everyone uses "interpretation" in this way, although it is certainly a valid sway to define your terms. The more general idea of an interpretation is a solution of the measurement problem of Copenhagen. In that sense, Copenhagen is the only "interpretation" that is not an interpretation.
  • #6
atyy said:
Not everyone uses "interpretation" in this way

That's true; however, when push comes to shove, nothing that is commonly referred to as an interpretation of QM makes any testable predictions that aren't made by all the other interpretations. Things that do--for example, the GRW stochastic collapse model--aren't called interpretations in the literature; they are called theories or models. For example, none of the papers you linked to (all of which are very good references) describe themselves as testing QM interpretations; they are testing models that make potentially testable predictions that are not made by standard QM, in order to see to what extent the basic postulates of standard QM remain valid in domains outside those in which they have already been tested.
  • #8
The de Broglie-Bohm "predicts" classical mechanics. More precisely, it explains in a simple way the quasi-classical evolution of the macroscopic world, which is not the case for ortodox quantum mechanics.
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  • #9
Bohmian mechanics will predict something different *if* you allow the possibility that the particle distribution at some time does *not* conform to the Born rule. The reason this is hypothesized is that there is a theorem that suggests that if you start with a non-Born distribution, then over time it will gradually evolve, in a manner akin to thermalization in thermodynamics, to a Born rule distribution asymptotically, and it will do so with probability 1. And thus if you allow for this, it makes the Born rule able to be a derivable theorem, as opposed to a postulate that has to be assumed from the beginning, and thus makes the theory slightly simpler. Such a deviation from Born behavior could be imagined to have been at the Big Bang, and this has been suggested would lead to possible observable consequences in cosmological studies for the structure of the early Universe and thus of remote areas such as the CMB radiation. However, failure to observe this would not falsify Bohmian mechanics, rather merely those versions that posit non-Born behavior at the Big Bang. We could still assume the Born rule as a postulate that has held from the beginning, and then there is no refutation.

How does this jive with the issue of interpretation versus theory? Simple. The Born rule is part of standard quantum mechanics. If you remove the rule to derive it later as a theorem where you start the hidden parameter with a non-Born distribution, then you are no longer simply interpreting QM, you are creating a new theory, as you have modified the original theory by removing a component as a basic element and instead substituted in that role a different element (the hidden positions) from which you are going to derive it. If, however, you do not do this, then you do indeed have an interpretation: no prediction it makes is different from that made by standard QM. You have added a new element, but you have not modified any of the rest, and the new element admits of no contradiction, and simply serves to fill a philosophical gap.

The only reason this modification is considered is that it looks attractive since the theorem of approach to Born behavior in the limit is mathematically proven, and thus it is tempting to go there as fewer assumed principles in a theory is a nice thing to have, but it is not at all necessary.

That said, if we DID observe the variations predicted by the non-Born distribution hypothesis, then we would know that Bohmian mechanics is the "correct" way to understand QM, and moreover, standard QM is falsified as a strict theory.

If anything, the real difficulty with Bohmian mechanics is that it really only works naturally for nonrelativistic particle QM (and so also, the appearance of faster than light speeds in it should not be taken as a strike against, it IS formulated on a Galilean space-time, not a Lorentzian one, where that infinite speed is allowed, just as in Newtonian mechanics!). It doesn't straightforwardly generalize itself to the case of relativistic quantum field theories which we know are the more broadly-applicable ones, and moreover it does not provide a general framework for interpreting an arbitrary quantum theory. However, this is actually not something that should be taken as a surprise: It is often forgotten, but Bohm actually technically did not intend for this interpretation to be a final one. He simply gave it as an example to show that you *could* make a theory in which a classical-like, deterministic reality could exist between measurements, and have it reproduce all the observable predictions of standard QM, contrary to some detractors at the time (and some which still exist now), and in that, he was absolutely correct. Thus its non-generalizability should not be a surprise because it was not created for that purpose to begin with. It was a proof of concept, so to speak.
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  • #10
sshai45 said:
That said, if we DID observe the variations predicted by the non-Born distribution hypothesis, then we would know that Bohmian mechanics is the "correct" way to understand QM, and moreover, standard QM is falsified as a strict theory.
Even though I am a strong supporter of Bohmian mechanics, I disagree with this statement. Bohmian mechanics allows deviations from the Born rule, but it doesn't make clear predictions of what exactly those deviations are. The specific computations by Valentini are not unambiguous predictions, but just ad hoc examples of what those deviations might look like.
  • #11
Aidyan said:
Are there any?
The approach I advocate in makes a generic prediction that, at some lower distances, fundamental physics should be described by non-relativistic QM, and not by relativistic QFT. In particular, it predicts violation of Lorentz invariance. However, those predictions are not very specific in a quantitative sense, so experimental verification of Lorentz violation would at best be a hint, certainly not a proof, that Bohmian mechanics might be right.
  • #12
Demystifier said:
The approach I advocate in makes a generic prediction that, at some lower distances, fundamental physics should be described by non-relativistic QM, and not by relativistic QFT. In particular, it predicts violation of Lorentz invariance. However, those predictions are not very specific in a quantitative sense, so experimental verification of Lorentz violation would at best be a hint, certainly not a proof, that Bohmian mechanics might be right.
What about the other way around? No violation of Lorentz invariance so far is a hint that Bohmian mechanics might be wrong.
  • #13
martinbn said:
What about the other way around? No violation of Lorentz invariance so far is a hint that Bohmian mechanics might be wrong.
Yes, it's a hint that the Bohmian approach in the paper above might be wrong. It's always easier to defend standard current theories than the alternative ones.
  • #14
martinbn said:
What about the other way around? No violation of Lorentz invariance so far is a hint that Bohmian mechanics might be wrong.

There is no known rigorous construction of interacting special relativistic quantum theory in 3+1 dimensions.
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  • #15
atyy said:
There is no known rigorous construction of interacting special relativistic quantum theory in 3+1 dimensions.
And how is that related to my question!
  • #16
martinbn said:
And how is that related to my question!
Perhaps he wanted to say that it is another hint against Lorentz invariance at the fundamental level.

Related to Does the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory make predictions?

1. What is the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory?

The de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory, also known as the pilot wave interpretation, is a theory in quantum mechanics that proposes a two-tiered description of particles. It suggests that in addition to the quantum wave function, particles also have a "pilot wave" that guides their behavior, allowing for a deterministic explanation of quantum phenomena.

2. How does the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory differ from other interpretations of quantum mechanics?

The de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory is different from other interpretations, such as the Copenhagen interpretation, in that it posits a deterministic explanation for quantum phenomena. This means that the behavior of particles can be predicted with certainty, in contrast to the probabilistic nature of other interpretations.

3. What predictions does the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory make?

The de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory makes the same predictions as the traditional quantum mechanics equations, such as the Schrödinger equation. However, it also makes additional predictions about the behavior of particles, such as their precise position and trajectory, which are not explained by other interpretations.

4. Has the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory been tested or confirmed?

There have been experiments and simulations that have shown support for the predictions of the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory. However, there is still debate and ongoing research in the scientific community about the validity and applicability of this interpretation.

5. What are the implications of the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory?

The de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory has significant implications for our understanding of quantum mechanics and the nature of reality. It challenges the traditional view of particles as purely probabilistic entities and raises questions about the role of consciousness in the behavior of particles. It also has potential applications in fields such as quantum computing and quantum technology.

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