Does the given wavefunction satisfy conservation of probability?

In summary, the given wavefunction satisfies the conservation of probability as shown by the calculated probability distribution and probability current. However, the derivatives of the distribution and current do not exactly match the conservation equation, but with some adjustments, they can be fitted into the equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a wavefunction [itex]\psi = \pi^{-1\over 4}(1+it)^{-1\over 2} \exp{({-x^2\over 2(1+it)})}[/itex]

I want to show that it satisfies the conservation of probability.

Homework Equations

[itex]\partial_t P +\partial_x j =0[/itex] --(*)

The Attempt at a Solution

I calculated the probability distribution to be [itex]P=\pi^{-1\over 2}(1+t^2)^{-1\over 2} \exp{({-x^2\over (1+t^2)})}[/itex] and the probability current [itex]j=ix\pi^{-1\over 2}(1+t^2)^{-3\over 2} \exp{({-x^2\over (1+t^2)})}[/itex]

This gives [itex]\partial_t P = -t\pi^{-1\over 2}(1+t^2)^{-5\over 2} (t^2-2x^2+1)\exp{({-x^2\over (1+t^2)})}[/itex] and [itex]\partial_x j = i\pi^{-1\over 2}(1+t^2)^{-5\over 2} (t^2-2x^2+1)\exp{({-x^2\over (1+t^2)})}[/itex]

But how are they do they satisfy (*)?

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  • #2
c299792458 said:
[itex]\partial_t P +\partial_x j =0[/itex] --(*)

This gives [itex]\partial_t P = -t\pi^{-1\over 2}(1+t^2)^{-5\over 2} (t^2-2x^2+1)\exp{({-x^2\over (1+t^2)})}[/itex] and [itex]\partial_x j = i\pi^{-1\over 2}(1+t^2)^{-5\over 2} (t^2-2x^2+1)\exp{({-x^2\over (1+t^2)})}[/itex]

But how are they do they satisfy (*)?

If equation (*) is satisfied then probability IS conserved. And your derivatives of P and of j show just that.
  • #3

Thanks, I know that! The problem is notice how the 2 partial derivatives are not exactly equal! My aim is to fit them into (*).
  • #4
Sorry! I missed the extra t in the derivative of P.
  • #5

Also the extra [itex]i[/itex] in the 2nd expression :(

FAQ: Does the given wavefunction satisfy conservation of probability?

What is the concept of conservation of probability?

The conservation of probability is a fundamental concept in science that states that the total probability of all possible outcomes of an event must equal 1. This means that the probability of an event occurring, plus the probability of it not occurring, must equal 1.

Why is conservation of probability important in science?

Conservation of probability is important because it helps us understand the likelihood of certain events occurring. It allows us to make predictions and draw conclusions based on the probability of different outcomes, which is crucial in fields such as physics, biology, and statistics.

How does conservation of probability relate to the laws of thermodynamics?

In thermodynamics, the first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. This is similar to the concept of conservation of probability, as the total probability of all possible outcomes must remain constant. Just like energy, probability cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or redistributed.

Can conservation of probability be violated?

No, conservation of probability is a fundamental law of science and cannot be violated. If it appears to be violated, it is likely due to errors in measurement or an incomplete understanding of the system being studied.

How is conservation of probability applied in real-world situations?

Conservation of probability is applied in many real-world situations, such as in weather forecasting, risk analysis, and medical diagnosis. It allows us to make informed decisions based on the likelihood of different outcomes and helps us understand the complexity of natural systems.
