Does the Limit of aCn/na Approach 1/a! as n Approaches Infinity?

In summary, as n approaches infinity, the limit of a choose n divided by n to the power of a is equal to 1 divided by a factorial.
  • #1
Here's the weird limit:

lim n[itex]\rightarrow[/itex] [itex]\infty[/itex] aCn/na = 1/(a!)

Don't ask how I thought this up, but let me explain my reasoning.
Let's say that a=3. Then aCn = (n)(n-1)(n-2)
And because n is approaching infinity, could it be (n)(n)(n) = n3?

I wouldn't normally think of things like this but if it's true then it helps me out.

The only thing is that (n)(n-1)(n-2)= n3 +something*n2+something*n

And when I graphed it it looked like it approaches zero.
I've never learned limits formally. Thanks.

EDIT: aCn is a Choose n, or n!/(a![n-a]!)
EDIT: Wolfram alpha is amazing!/(3!(x-3)!x^3))+as+x->+infinity
Sorry for not trying this before posting. I'd still be interested in other replies as to why this is true, though
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  • #2
nhmllr said:
Here's the weird limit:

lim n[itex]\rightarrow[/itex] [itex]\infty[/itex] aCn/na = 1/(a!)

Don't ask how I thought this up, but let me explain my reasoning.
Let's say that a=3. Then aCn = (n)(n-1)(n-2)
And because n is approaching infinity, could it be (n)(n)(n) = n3?
No, because n is not fixed, it is, as you said, approaching infinity.
In any case, aCn= n(n-1)(n-3)/3!, not just n(n-1)(n-2). That goes to infinity as n goes to infinity.

I wouldn't normally think of things like this but if it's true then it helps me out.

The only thing is that (n)(n-1)(n-2)= n3 +something*n2+something*n

And when I graphed it it looked like it approaches zero.
I've never learned limits formally. Thanks.

EDIT: aCn is a Choose n, or n!/(a![n-a]!)
EDIT: Wolfram alpha is amazing!/(3!(x-3)!x^3))+as+x->+infinity
Sorry for not trying this before posting. I'd still be interested in other replies as to why this is true, though
Now, this is completely different- you have an [itex]n^3[/itex] in the denominator.
[tex]\frac{_nC_3}{n^3}= \frac{n!}{3!(n-3)!}\frac{1}{n^3}= \frac{n(n-1)(n-2)}{6n^3}[/tex]
Since both numerator and denominator are of third power in n, that limit is 1/6.
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  • #3
I have not tried yet, but a stirling's approximation of [itex]{}_aC_n[/itex] would give the correct limit
[tex]n!\sim\sqrt{2\pi n}\left(\frac{n}{e}\right)^n[/tex]
  • #4
No, you're limit is correct. It's also not that weird. Consider the expansion of [itex]{n\choose a}=\frac{n(n-1)\ldots (n-a+1)}{a!}[/itex]. Then, consider that [itex]\frac{n(n-1)\ldots (n-a+1)}{n^a}=1\cdot (1-\frac{1}{n})\cdot\ldots\cdot (1-\frac{a-1}{n})[/itex]. Each of those factors goes to 1 as [itex]n\rightarrow\infty[/itex], thus the whole product goes to 1 as well. The expression [itex]{n\choose a}n^{-a}[/itex] is the same thing, but divided by [itex]a![/itex].

Related to Does the Limit of aCn/na Approach 1/a! as n Approaches Infinity?

1. What is a "weird limit"?

A "weird limit" is a mathematical concept that refers to a specific value that a function approaches, but never reaches, as the input approaches a certain value. This type of limit is considered "weird" because the function does not exist at that value, yet it still has a limit.

2. How do you determine if a weird limit is true?

To determine if a weird limit is true, you can use various mathematical techniques such as substitution, factoring, or L'Hôpital's rule. You can also use a graphing calculator or computer software to visualize the function and its behavior near the limit point.

3. Are there any real-world applications for weird limits?

Yes, there are several real-world applications for weird limits, especially in physics and engineering. For example, weird limits are used in modeling the behavior of fluid flow, electric circuits, and radioactive decay.

4. Can a weird limit be equal to infinity?

Yes, a weird limit can be equal to infinity. This occurs when the function approaches a vertical asymptote or when the limit point is a vertical tangent point of the function.

5. Are weird limits always well-defined?

No, not all weird limits are well-defined. Some may be undefined or indeterminate, meaning that the limit does not exist or cannot be determined. In these cases, further mathematical analysis or a different approach may be needed to evaluate the limit.

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