Does the Logistic Difference Equation Have an Exact Sinusoidal Solution?

In summary, the conversation discusses verifying the existence of an exact solution for the logistic difference equation $u_{t+1}=ru_t(1-u_t)$, where $r$ is a positive constant. The solution is shown to have the form $u_t=A\sin^2(\alpha^t)$, with the values of $r$, $A$, and $\alpha$ determined. The solution is then analyzed, with different ranges of $r$ resulting in different behaviors of the sequence. The conversation also mentions a possible mistake in the original source, where the form of the solution is written as $u_t=A\sin^2(\alpha^t)$ instead of $u_t=A\sin^2(a\alpha^
  • #1
Verify that an exact solution exist for the logistic difference equation
u_{t+1}=ru_t(1-u_t),\quad r>0
in the form $u_t=A\sin^2(\alpha^t)$ by determining values of r, A and alpha. Is the solution periodic? Oscillatory?

I have yet to encounter a problem that says verify a solution exist. What do they want me to do?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
First step is writing the recursive relation as...

$\displaystyle \Delta_{n}= u_{n+1}-u_{n}= (r-1)\ u_{n} -r\ u^{2}_{n}=f(u_{n})\ ,\ r>0$ (1)

Second step is investigating the [qualitative...] behavior of the solution supposing r>1. The function $\displaystyle f(x)=(r-1)\ x- r\ x^{2}$ has one 'repulsive fixed point' [a point $x_{0}$ where is $f(x_{0})=0$ and $f^{'}(x_{0})>0$...] in $x_{-}=0$ and one 'attractive fixed point' [a point $x_{0}$ where is $f(x_{0})=0$ and $f^{'}(x_{0})<0$...] in $x_{+}=1-\frac{1}{r}$. An interesting property of f(*) is that for r>1, no matter what is r, is $f(0)=0$ and $f(1)=-1$. The reader can understand better what follows observing the annexed figure, where f(x) for r=2, r=3 and r=4 are reported. Now we examine different situations…

a) $1<r\le 2$. In this case the sequence will converge monotonically increasing [without oscillations...} at $x_{+}=1-\frac{1}{r}$. As example the case $r=2\ ,\ x_{+}= \frac{1}{2}\ ,\ u_{0}=.1$ is reported...,+g(n+1)=2+g(n)-2+g(n)^2

b) $2<r\le 3$. In this case the sequence will converge at $x_{+}=1-\frac{1}{r}$ 'with oscillations'. As example the case $r=3\ ,\ x_{+}= \frac{2}{3}\ ,\ u_{0}=.1$ is reported...,+g(n+1)=3+g(n)-3+g(n)^2

c) $3<r\le 4$. In this case the 'attractive fixed point' in general cannot be 'achieved' and, with very particular exceptions, the sequence, even if bounded, will diverge. As example the case $r=4\ ,\ x_{+}= \frac{3}{4}\ ,\ u_{0}=.1$ is reported...,+g(n+1)=4+g(n)-4+g(n)^2

d) $r>4$. In this case, with very particular exceptions, any $u_{0}$ will produce a sequence diverging to $- \infty$...

In next posts I will try to investigate about the possibility to achieve some explicit expressions of the solutions of (1)...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$

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  • #3
The 'logistic recursive relation'...

$\displaystyle u_{n+1}=r\ u_{n}\ (1-u_{n})$ (1)

... has closed form solutions only for a limited set of values of r. Some years ago 'Monster Wolfram' postulated that an exact solution should have the form...

$\displaystyle u_{n}= \frac{1}{2}\ \{1-f[r^{n}\ f^{-1} (1-2\ u_{0})]\}$ (2)

... and after some time M.Trott and R.Germundsson demonstrated that such a solution exists only for r=-2, r=2 and r=4. For r=4 is $f(x)=\cos x$ so that is...

$\displaystyle u_{n}= \frac{1}{2}\ \{1-\cos [2^{n}\ \cos^{-1} (1-2\ u_{0})]\}= \sin^{2} [2^{n-1}\ \cos^{-1} (1-2\ u_{0})]$ (3)

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
  • #4
Ok so I can get all the ranges for r's at each respective steady state. That is just solving the logistic equation as is. How is $A\sin^2\alpha^t$ used in this problem. I don't understand what to do with it.
  • #5
dwsmith said:
Ok so I can get all the ranges for r's at each respective steady state. That is just solving the logistic equation as is. How is $A\sin^2\alpha^t$ used in this problem. I don't understand what to do with it.

If it is required a solution in the form...

$\displaystyle u_{n}= A\ \sin^{2} \alpha^{n}$ (1)

... with A, r , $\alpha$ and $u_{0}$ constants I'm afraid that the only possibility is $u_{0}=0$ , $A=0$ , with $\alpha$ and $r$ arbitrary. Are You sure that a solution in the form (1) is required?...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
  • #6
chisigma said:
If it is required a solution in the form...

$\displaystyle u_{n}= A\ \sin^{2} \alpha^{n}$ (1)

... with A, r , $\alpha$ and $u_{0}$ constants I'm afraid that the only possibility is $u_{0}=0$ , $A=0$ , with $\alpha$ and $r$ arbitrary. Are You sure that a solution in the form (1) is required?...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$

Yup that is what it says verbatim
  • #7
dwsmith said:
Yup that is what it says verbatim

Can you supply the 'original source', please?...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
  • #8
chisigma said:
Can you supply the 'original source', please?...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$

J.D. Murray Into to Math Bio 1 ch. 2 question 3

If you google the book, there is a pdf file of it in the first page of google choices
  • #9
I found the J.D. Murray's book and at the page 76 is written...

3. Verify that an exact solution exists for the logistic difference equation...

$\displaystyle u_{n+1}=r\ u_{n}\ (1-u_{n})\ ,\ r>0$ (1)

... in the form $u_{n}=A\ \sin^{2} \alpha^{n}$ by determining the values for r, A and $\alpha$. Is the solution (i) periodic?(ii) oscillatory? Describe it! If $r>4$ discuss possible solution implications.

In my opinion the author did commit a slip and he intended to write '... in the form $u_{n}=A\ \sin^{2} (a\ \alpha^{n})$' and in this case the solution is...

$\displaystyle u_{n}= \sin^{2} [2^{n-1}\ \cos^{-1} (1-2 u_{0})] \implies r=4\ ,\ A=1\ ,\ \alpha=2\ ,\ a=\frac{\cos^{-1} (1-2 u_{0})}{2}$ (1)

In order to verify that see...

It is remarkable the fact that in general the (1) is non periodic and, because is $0<u_{n}<1$, the (1) is an excellent random number generator with 'key' $u_{0}$...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$

Related to Does the Logistic Difference Equation Have an Exact Sinusoidal Solution?

1. What does "sol" mean in "Verify sol exist discrete"?

In the context of science, "sol" is commonly used to refer to a concentrated solution, typically of a solid dissolved in a liquid. It can also refer to a unit of measurement for solar radiation.

2. What does it mean to "verify sol exist discrete"?

This phrase likely refers to the process of confirming the existence of a discrete or separate sol within a larger solution. This can involve various techniques such as filtration or chromatography to isolate and identify the individual sol particles.

3. Why is it important to verify the existence of a discrete sol?

Verifying the existence of a discrete sol is important for several reasons. It can help to determine the purity or concentration of a solution, identify any impurities or contaminants, and provide valuable information for further research or experimentation.

4. What techniques are commonly used to verify the existence of a discrete sol?

There are several commonly used techniques to verify the existence of a discrete sol, including filtration, centrifugation, and chromatography. These methods involve separating the sol from the rest of the solution and analyzing it using various instruments and methods.

5. Are there any potential limitations or challenges in verifying the existence of a discrete sol?

Yes, there can be limitations and challenges in verifying the existence of a discrete sol. Depending on the properties of the sol and the solution it is in, it may be difficult to isolate and accurately analyze. Additionally, certain techniques may be more suitable for specific sols, so choosing the appropriate method can also be a challenge.

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