Does the System Define a Manifold and How to Find Tangent and Normal Spaces?

In summary, the conversation discusses a student's difficulty with understanding Differential Manifolds for an upcoming exam. The conversation covers the process of determining if a system defines a manifold, finding the tangent and normal spaces, and using Lagrange multipliers to find the absolute extremes of a function on a manifold. The expert advises the student not to worry and provides guidance on the steps to take for each question. The expert also encourages the student to keep practicing and seeking help when needed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

OK I have a Differential Calculus exam next week and I do not understand about Differential Manifolds.
We have been given some questions to practise, but I have no idea how to do them, past a certain point.
For example
1. Study if the following system defines a manifold around (3,2,1). If so, calculate the tangent and normal spaces.

2. Determine the absolute extremes of [tex]f(x,y,z) = x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}+2y-2 [/tex] on the manifold [tex] A = \left\{(x,y,z) : 4x^{2}+2y^{2}+z^{2}-8\leq 0\right\}

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

OK. To see if it defines a manifold, I take the gradient (in this case a 2x3 matriz) and evaluate it at the point, and if it has maximum rank=k, then it is a manifold of dimension 3-k (as we are in [tex]\textbf{R}^{3}[/tex])
So the matrix is [tex][tex]\left([/tex]\stackrel{8 -1 6}{25 9 -6}[tex]\right)[/tex][/tex] I believe. This has rank 2, maximal, so we have a 1-manifold.

Now I was under the impression that to find the tangent space, you just multiply the gradient by the column vector (x,y,z) and set equal to 0. However this gives me 2 equations. Is this ok? What should I do?
And about the normal space, I know it should be a line, since the tangent space is a plane, but I don't know how to do this, except that it's something to do with being parallel to the gradient, which is a 2x3 matrix, which is where I'm stuck at the moment.

I think I have to consider the interior and the frontier differently, but not entirely sure how to do it. Any pointers here at all would be great.

Many Thanks
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  • #2

Homework Solution

Firstly, don't worry too much about not understanding Differential Manifolds at this stage. It can be a difficult concept to grasp, but with practice and guidance, I'm sure you will understand it better.

For the first question, you are correct in your approach to determine if the system defines a manifold. The gradient matrix is correct and has rank 2, which means that it is a 1-manifold. To find the tangent space, you can use the two equations you obtained by setting the gradient matrix multiplied by the column vector equal to 0. These two equations represent the two tangent vectors at the point (3,2,1). To find the normal space, you can use the fact that the normal vector is perpendicular to both tangent vectors. So, you can solve the system of equations formed by setting the dot product of the normal vector with each tangent vector equal to 0. This will give you a line, which represents the normal space at the point (3,2,1).

For the second question, you are correct in considering the interior and frontier separately. To find the absolute extremes, you can use the method of Lagrange multipliers. This involves finding the critical points of the function f(x,y,z) on the manifold A, and then evaluating the function at these points to determine the absolute extremes.

I hope this helps. Good luck on your exam! Remember to keep practicing and seeking clarification when needed. Science can be challenging, but with determination and effort, you can overcome any difficulties. Best of luck!

FAQ: Does the System Define a Manifold and How to Find Tangent and Normal Spaces?

1. What are tangent and normal spaces?

Tangent and normal spaces are fundamental concepts in differential geometry that describe the behavior of a curve or surface at a specific point. The tangent space is a vector space that contains all possible directions that a curve or surface can take at a given point, while the normal space is a vector space that contains all possible directions perpendicular to the tangent space.

2. What is the lagrange multiplier method?

The lagrange multiplier method is a technique used in optimization problems to find the maximum or minimum value of a function subject to certain constraints. It involves introducing a new variable called the lagrange multiplier, which allows us to incorporate the constraints into the objective function and then solving the resulting equations to find the optimal solution.

3. How are differentiable manifolds defined?

A differentiable manifold is a mathematical object that generalizes the concept of a curve or surface in higher dimensions. It is defined as a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space, and where the transition maps between different coordinate systems are smooth (or differentiable) functions.

4. What is the relationship between tangent and cotangent spaces?

The cotangent space at a point on a differentiable manifold is the dual space of the tangent space at that point. In other words, if a tangent vector represents a direction in which a curve or surface can move, then a cotangent vector represents an infinitesimal change in the value of a function along that direction.

5. How are lagrange multipliers used in differentiable manifolds?

In differentiable manifolds, lagrange multipliers are used to find critical points of a function subject to certain constraints. This approach is known as the method of lagrange multipliers on manifolds and involves setting up a system of equations involving the gradient of the function and the constraint functions, and then solving for the lagrange multipliers and the optimal solution.

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