Does the Universe have finite or infinite size?

In summary, the question of whether the Universe has a finite or infinite size is still a matter of debate and exploration among scientists. While some theories suggest that the Universe is infinite, others propose that it has a finite size but is constantly expanding. The precise size of the Universe is difficult to determine, but advancements in technology and research continue to shed light on this enigmatic concept.
  • #1
At the time of Big Bang the size of Universe equal the size of an atom.The Universe has expanded and the time from the Big Bang to the present is finite.Then at the present time the size of the Universe is finite or infinite?
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  • #2
fxdung said:
At the time of Big Bang the size of Universe equal the size of an atom
Not necessarily. If the universe is currently bounded (finite), it will have been very tiny at the time of the early Big Bang. But if it is currently unbounded (infinite) then it will have always been infinite - no matter how far we go back in time.

At least, that's the implication of the currently accepted cosmological theories.

Whether the universe is bounded or unbounded is unknown.
  • #3
fxdung said:
At the time of Big Bang the size of Universe equal the size of an atom
Way less actually, but that's not the point, this is incorrect. The observable universe was smaller than an atom, it was just denser, the universe may be and always have been infinite.
  • #4
If universe always have been infinite,then how can we say about the beginning of space-time(therefore the beginning of time)?Is it because the gravity force very lage,so the space time was curved to zero?It seems there is contradictions:zero space-time but universe infinite?Are there two type of space-time:the space-time of observable universe that had the beginning and the space-time of whole unbounded universe(if universe is unbounded)?
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  • #5
fxdung said:
Does Universe have finite or infinite size?
Yes, it has one or the other, we just don't know which.
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  • #6
phinds said:
Yes, it has one or the other, we just don't know which.
Hi phinds:

Although this thread is 18 months old, the same point seems to recur, as in #48 of
I am wondering if it is possible for us to agree that some aspects of science are "known", and the remainder aspects cannot be known ever.
Category 1: Knowable and known. Example: For phenomena taking place over extremely large spaces, General Relativity produces more accurate predictions than Newtonian physics.
Category 2: Unknown and unknowable. Example: Is the universe finite or infinite?

With respect to example (2), it will generally be possible as time passes to have some degree of confidence greater than 0.5 that (a) the universe is more likely to be finite, or (b) more likely to be infinite. If I remember correctly from past reading, there was no time during the past 100 years during which the general scientific consensus was (a). Since the early 20th century it has always been (b) or undecided. The confidence level will never be 100% for any category 2 knowledge.

I found the following 2005 paper which gives a basis for calculating a probability that the universe is infinite.​
On the first page is the equation:
ΩT,0 = 1.02 +/- 0.04 .​
I understand that ΩT = ΩM + ΩΛ , where ΩM is the matter density, and ΩΛ is what may be called the "dark energy density". (It is assumed that the radiation density is negligible.) This means that statistically possible values for ΩK, the "curvature density", has a mean of -0.02 and a standard deviation of 0.04. Based on this assumed Gaussian distribution, the probability that the universe is infinite is
PROB {ΩK <= 0} = 0.84.​
My research skills are not very good, and I have not been able to find more recent corresponding data.

So, can we agree that it is OK to say that based on the 2005 data used in the cited paper, (1) the best probability estimate that universe is infinite is 84%, and (2) that no matter how much better new data becomes, this estimate will never become 100%?

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  • #7
I can't think of any way that we could ever know for sure that the universe is infinite. I think it is possible that future discoveries, refinement of measurements, and improved models could well put the likelihood NEAR 100% but our inability to go to infinity and look makes it, I think, impossible to ever say it's 100%
  • #8
phinds said:
improved models could well put the likelihood NEAR 100% but our inability to go to infinity and look makes it, I think, impossible to ever say it's 100%
Hi phinds:

I think we agree then about my (2). What I am not sure about is whether you agree it is OK to say (based on (1)) something like:
"The universe is infinite with 84% certainty,"​
"Based on 2005 data, the universe is infinite with 84% certainty."
BTW, I found some newer data based on Plank 2015, but I am not sure how to interpret it probabilistically.
The paper is the the downloadable PDF at the link:​
The top line of Table 5 on page 32 is about ΩK. There are values based on six different models, all but one with an unsymmetrical 95% confidence error range.

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  • #9
Isn't the probability of finding any particular value in a continuous distribution 0?
  • #10
Bandersnatch said:
Isn't the probability of finding any particular value in a continuous distribution 0?
Hi Bandersnatch:

As I understand your question, the answer is YES, but it is not relevant. The 84% probability value is the area under a Gaussian probability distribution curve from -∞ to 0 with mean -0.02 and standard deviation 0.04.

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  • #11
I'd be hesitant to put a number on it. I'm only comfortable with saying that it by far the most likely characteristic based on our current understanding of cosmology.
  • #12
Bandersnatch said:
Isn't the probability of finding any particular value in a continuous distribution 0?
Are you perhaps thinking of a different question - whether the universe is flat? That corresponds to a zero curvature constant which is, as you say, a single value in a continuous range of possible values. As you suggest, that would be problematic because I don't think there is any way we could ever even put a probability on that.

But the question of whether the universe is infinite is whether the curvature constant is less than or equal to zero - ie hyperbolic or flat. That doesn't require estimating probabilities of a single value but rather of a range: ##(-\infty,0]##.
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  • #13
Yes, thanks Andrew and Buzz. I see it now.
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  • #14
I say without any reason that it's finite; but so big that it might as well be infinite.
  • #15
I prefer the abbreviated form of Phinds answer: Is the universe finite or infinite - Yes.
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  • #16
rootone said:
I say without any reason that it's finite; but so big that it might as well be infinite.
So, now you have to say what shape it is
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  • #17
phinds said:
So, now you have to say what shape it is
Something like a Möbius strip but in more than two dimensions.
Well you did ask, it's not a personal theory or anything
  • #18
rootone said:
it's not a personal theory or anything

Really? You have a valid reference (textbook or peer-reviewed paper) that explores the hypothesis that the universe is shaped like a Mobius strip (or its analogue in 4 dimensions)?
  • #19
No I don't, and it's not a hypothesis.
If I were a lot better at math than I am I might explore that though.
  • #21
This thread was an old one anyway and is inviting speculation. Thread closed.

Related to Does the Universe have finite or infinite size?

1. What evidence do we have for the size of the Universe?

The most commonly accepted evidence for the size of the Universe comes from observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is thought to be the remnant of the Big Bang. By measuring the temperature and distribution of this radiation, scientists have estimated the size of the observable Universe to be about 93 billion light years across.

2. Is there a limit to how far we can see in the Universe?

Yes, there is a limit to how far we can see in the Universe. Due to the expansion of the Universe, there is a point beyond which light from distant galaxies cannot reach us. This is known as the observable Universe and is estimated to be about 46 billion light years in all directions.

3. Is the Universe infinite or finite?

This is a highly debated question in the scientific community, and there is no definitive answer yet. Some theories suggest that the Universe may be infinite, while others propose that it has a finite size. More research and advancements in technology are needed to fully understand the size of the Universe.

4. How does the concept of time play a role in determining the size of the Universe?

The concept of time is closely linked to the size of the Universe. The expansion of the Universe has been ongoing since the Big Bang, and the rate of expansion is affected by factors such as dark energy and dark matter. These factors can influence the perceived size of the Universe, as well as the concept of time itself.

5. Could the Universe be both finite and infinite?

Some theories suggest that the Universe could have both finite and infinite aspects. For example, the observable Universe may have a finite size, but beyond that, there could be an infinite expanse of space. This is still a topic of ongoing research and debate.

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