Does the vector triple-product identity hold for operators?

In summary, the vector triple-product identity holds for vector operators as well, but the final result may be different depending on the commutativity of the vectors involved. Using the Levi-Civita symbol and the convention to not write any summation sigmas, the proof for vectors in ##\mathbb R^n## involves the chain rule and can be expressed as a matrix multiplication.
  • #1
Does the definition of the vector triple-product hold for operators?

I know that for regular vectors, the vector triple product can be found as [itex]\mathbf{a}\times(\mathbf{b}\times\mathbf{c})=( \mathbf{a} \cdot\mathbf{c})\mathbf{b}-(\mathbf{a}\cdot\mathbf{b})\mathbf{c}[/itex]. Does this identity hold for vector operators as well? Specifically, does it hold for [itex]\mathbf{\hat A}\times(\mathbf{\nabla}\times\mathbf{\hat C})[/itex]? And if not, is there any other useful identity for determining this product?
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  • #2
Using the Levi-Civita symbol and the convention to not write any summation sigmas (since the sum is always over the indices that appear twice), the proof for vectors in ##\mathbb R^n## is just
(a\times(b\times c))_i &=\varepsilon_{ijk}a_j\varepsilon_{klm}b_l c_m =(\delta_{il}\delta_{jm}-\delta_{im}\delta_{jl})a_j b_l c_m=a_j b_i c_j-a_j b_j c_i\\
&=a_j c_j b_i-a_j b_j c_i=(a\cdot c)b_i-(a\cdot b)c_i.
\end{align} Going from the first line to the second, I used that ##b_i## commutes with ##a_j##. If ##b_i## doesn't commute with either ##a_j## or ##c_j##, we get a different final result.

You asked about
$$(A\times(\nabla\times C))_i=A_j\partial_i C_j-A_j\partial_j C_k.$$ Here you have to use the chain rule to move ##\partial_i## to the left of ##A_j##, so you end up with an additional term.
  • #3
Thank you for all the help so far.

I've always been pretty clumsy with working things out component-wise in general (let alone when nothing commutes), so let me do this here in public where I can be corrected on my screw-ups.

So let me make sure I understand what you've said. Your proof works fine up to here:
[tex]{\left( {{\bf{\hat A}} \times (\nabla \times {\bf{\hat C}})} \right)_i} = {\varepsilon _{ijk}}{\hat A_j}{\varepsilon _{k\ell m}}{\partial _\ell }{\hat C_m} = ({\delta _{i\ell }}{\delta _{jm}} - {\delta _{im}}{\delta _{j\ell }}){\hat A_j}{\partial _\ell }{\hat C_m} = {\hat A_j}{\partial _i}{\hat C_j} - {\hat A_j}{\partial _j}{\hat C_i}[/tex]
If I understand correctly what you were getting at regarding the chain rule, then at this point, we pause to notice that
[tex]{\partial _i}({\hat A_j}{\hat C_j}) = ({\partial _i}{\hat A_j}){\hat C_j} + {\hat A_j}({\partial _i}{\hat C_j});[/tex]
if we rearrange, we find that
[tex]{\hat A_j}({\partial _i}{\hat C_j}) = {\partial _i}({\hat A_j}{\hat C_j}) - ({\partial _i}{\hat A_j}){\hat C_j}.[/tex]
And if we substitute this result into our earlier equation,
[tex]{\left( {{\bf{\hat A}} \times (\nabla \times {\bf{\hat C}})} \right)_i} = \left[{\partial _i}({\hat A_j}{\hat C_j}) - ({\partial _i}{\hat A_j}){\hat C_j}\right] - {\hat A_j}{\partial _j}{\hat C_i}.[/tex]
Of these three terms, I recognize the first as [itex]\partial_i(\bf{\hat A}\cdot\bf{\hat C})[/itex], and I recognize the third as [itex]-({\bf{\hat A}}\cdot\nabla){\hat C}_i[/itex]; but I don't recognize the second as anything. So how do I go the final yard and reassemble this thing into a vector?
  • #4
thecommexokid said:
Of these three terms, I recognize the first as [itex]\partial_i(\bf{\hat A}\cdot\bf{\hat C})[/itex], and I recognize the third as [itex]-({\bf{\hat A}}\cdot\nabla){\hat C}_i[/itex]; but I don't recognize the second as anything. So how do I go the final yard and reassemble this thing into a vector?
You did exactly what I had in mind. I didn't think about nice ways to rewrite the final result before. Hm, I don't think there is a super nice way to do it. It can be interpreted as row i of the result of the matrix multiplication
\partial_1 A_1 & \partial_1 A_2 & \cdots\\
\partial_2 A_1 & \ddots\\
\end{pmatrix}$$ Maybe that's as nice as it gets.

Edit: That square matrix is the transpose of the Jacobian matrix of A, so we can write the final result as $$A\times(\nabla\times C)=\big(\partial_i(A_j C_j)-(\partial_i A_j)C_j-A_j\partial_j C_i\big)e_i =\nabla(A\cdot C)-(J_A)^TC-(A\cdot\nabla)C,$$ where ##(J_A)^T## is the linear operator corresponding to the transpose of the Jacobian matrix of A.
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  • #5
Oh, and when I said "chain rule", I actually meant "product rule". But it doesn't look like that caused any confusion. :smile:

FAQ: Does the vector triple-product identity hold for operators?

1. What is the vector triple-product identity?

The vector triple-product identity is a mathematical property that states that the cross product of three vectors is equal to the dot product of one of the vectors with the cross product of the other two vectors.

2. How is the vector triple-product identity used in physics?

In physics, the vector triple-product identity is often used to simplify calculations involving vectors and their cross products. It is also commonly used in mechanics, electromagnetism, and fluid dynamics.

3. Does the vector triple-product identity hold for all types of vectors?

Yes, the vector triple-product identity holds for all types of vectors, including three-dimensional vectors, complex vectors, and even operators.

4. Can the vector triple-product identity be extended to higher dimensions?

Yes, the vector triple-product identity can be extended to higher dimensions by using the wedge product instead of the cross product. This allows for the calculation of triple products in n-dimensional spaces.

5. What is the significance of the vector triple-product identity in mathematics?

The vector triple-product identity is significant in mathematics because it provides a useful tool for simplifying calculations involving vectors and their cross products. It also demonstrates the relationship between the cross product and the dot product, which is important in various fields of mathematics and physics.

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