Does the work done by friction include the energy lost as heat in a system?

In summary, friction is a nonconservative force that is path dependent and results in loss of work from a system. The work done by friction includes the energy needed to stop an object, such as a braking car, as well as the heat released during the transition. This means that the work done by friction also takes into account the heat energy, which is considered to be a form of work in physics. Therefore, in terms of energy, the work done by friction equals both the energy lost by the object and the "heat" released. This can be seen as a transfer of energy between two objects, with the work done by friction being the means of transfer. While in everyday language we may refer to this energy transfer as "heat",
  • #1
So friction as a nonconservative force, is path dependent when it comes to how much work is lost from a system right?

What confuses me however is understanding what that means, in terms of energy. So the work done by friction includes the energy that was neeeded to stop an obect (like a braking car) PLUS the heat released during the transition right?Its weird because it means we assume that the friction force times the distance takes into account heat as well. I thought heat didnt count.
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  • #2
Hereformore said:
So the work done by friction includes the energy that was neeeded to stop an obect
When you stop an object, energy is released, not needed. The work done by friction on this object is negative, in the frame where it stops.

Hereformore said:
(like a braking car) PLUS the heat released during the transition right?
Why plus? released heat energy = negative work done = reduction of kinetic energy
  • #3
Hereformore said:
So the work done by friction includes the energy that was neeeded to stop an obect (like a braking car) PLUS the heat released during the transition right?

The work done by friction equals both the energy lost by the car and the "heat" released.

Think of work as a transfer of energy between two objects. If you stop the car by running it head-on into a spring, the car loses kinetic energy and the spring gains an equal amount of elastic potential energy. The work done by the spring is the means by which the energy is transferred. If you stop the car by jamming on the brakes, the car loses kinetic energy and the tires and road gain an equal amount of thermal energy (they become warmer). The work done by the friction is again the means by which the energy is transferred.

In everyday language we call the energy gain of the road and tires "heat", but when you study thermodynamics you'll find that physicists don't call this "heat." To us, "heat" is energy transfer that is caused solely by a temperature difference between two objects (e.g. when you put a hot object into cold water). All other energy transfers are "work" of some kind. This is encoded in the First Law of Thermodynamics: ΔU = Q + W (the change in a system's internal energy equals heat plus work).

FAQ: Does the work done by friction include the energy lost as heat in a system?

1. What is friction and how does it affect energy?

Friction refers to the resistance force that occurs when two surfaces come into contact and move against each other. It can affect energy by converting kinetic energy into heat energy, resulting in a loss of mechanical energy in the system.

2. Is the work done by friction always considered as energy lost?

Not necessarily. In some cases, the work done by friction can be useful, such as in braking systems where it helps to slow down a moving object. However, in most cases, the energy lost as heat due to friction is considered as a loss of energy in the system.

3. Can friction be eliminated completely to prevent energy loss?

No, it is not possible to completely eliminate friction. Friction is a natural occurrence and is necessary for many processes to function properly. However, its effects can be reduced through various methods such as lubrication or using smoother surfaces.

4. Does the amount of energy lost due to friction depend on the type of surface?

Yes, the amount of energy lost due to friction can vary depending on the type of surface and the materials involved. Rougher surfaces tend to have more friction, leading to a larger amount of energy lost as heat.

5. How does the temperature affect the amount of energy lost as heat due to friction?

The temperature can have a significant impact on the amount of energy lost due to friction. Generally, higher temperatures can increase the amount of energy lost as heat due to increased molecular motion and more frequent collisions between particles. This is why friction can cause objects to heat up when they rub against each other.
