Does third derivative verify if we have a point of inflection?

In summary, where the first derivative equals 0 or doesn't exist, we might have a local min or max. Can we plug these critical numbers into the second derivative and depending if we get positive or negative answer, that tells us if the point is in fact a local min or max. If the second derivative does go from being negative to positive it is an increasing function and so its derivative, the the third derivative of the function, must be positive. However, in the case of the second derivative being 0, yes.
  • #1

I know that where the first derivative equals 0 or doesn't exist, we might have a local min or max. We can plug these critical numbers into the second derivative and depending if we get positive or negative answer, that tells us if the point is in fact a local min or max

Well, where the second derivative equals 0 or doesn't exist we might have a point of inflection. Can we plug these critical numbers into the third derivative and depending if we get positive or negative, verify such a result?

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  • #2
A "point of inflection" is, by definition, a point at which the concavity, which is given by the change in the sign of the second derivative. Certainly, as long as the second derivative does change sign passing x= a, it must be 0 at that point. But it is possible that the the second derivative goes down to 0 but instead of becoming negative, goes back up or vice versa. We can, however, say that if the second derivative does go from being negative to positive it is an increasing function and so its derivative, the the third derivative of the function, must be positive and vice versa for a function whose second derivative is decreasing, from positive to negative.

You should be able to see that this argument for a "third derivative test" for a point of inflection is exactly the same as the argument for the "second derivative test" for a max or min- except that we don't normally worry about whether the third derivative is positive or negative.
  • #3
dumbQuestion said:
I know that where the first derivative equals 0 or doesn't exist, we might have a local min or max. We can plug these critical numbers into the second derivative and depending if we get positive or negative answer, that tells us if the point is in fact a local min or max

Well, where the second derivative equals 0 or doesn't exist we might have a point of inflection. Can we plug these critical numbers into the third derivative and depending if we get positive or negative, verify such a result?
In the case of the second derivative being 0, yes. In general, you can just keep taking derivatives (so long as they all exist) until you get one that's nonzero. There are four cases:
- even derivative, +ve: minimum
- even derivative, -ve: maximum
- odd derivative, +ve: 'upward' inflexion (i.e. locally non-decreasing)
- odd derivative, -ve: 'downward' inflexion
You can see this by considering a Taylor expansion.
But I'm not comfortable with your references to derivatives not existing. All bets are off in that case, no?

FAQ: Does third derivative verify if we have a point of inflection?

1. What is a point of inflection?

A point of inflection is a point on a curve where the concavity changes. In other words, it is the point where the curve changes from being concave up to concave down, or vice versa.

2. How is the third derivative related to a point of inflection?

The third derivative is the rate of change of the second derivative. It helps determine the curvature of a curve and is used to identify points of inflection. If the third derivative is zero at a point on a curve, it indicates a possible point of inflection.

3. Can a point of inflection exist without the third derivative being zero?

Yes, it is possible for a point of inflection to exist without the third derivative being zero. The third derivative being zero is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a point of inflection. Other conditions, such as the second derivative changing signs, must also be met.

4. Is the third derivative the only way to determine a point of inflection?

No, the third derivative is not the only way to determine a point of inflection. It is one of the methods used, but there are other ways to identify points of inflection, such as finding the change in concavity or using the second derivative.

5. Can a point of inflection be located at the endpoint of a curve?

No, a point of inflection cannot be located at the endpoint of a curve. This is because the concept of concavity and inflection points only applies to a continuous curve, and an endpoint is not considered part of the curve. However, the endpoint can be a point of inflection for a discrete function.

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