Does this epsilon delta limit proof check out?

In summary, if you have a function f(x) that is less than or equal to |x| for all x, then the limit of [(x^2)(siny)^2]/(x^2 + 2y^2) exists at (0,0).
  • #1
I started learning how to do these things today and boy, they take some interesting logic. Anyway, here's my attempt at one:

prove that the limit as (x,y) → (0,0) of [(x^2)(siny)^2]/(x^2 + 2y^2) exists

Here's what I did:

0<√(x^2 + y^2) < δ, |[(x^2)(siny)^2]/(x^2 + 2y^2) - 0| < ε.

x^2 ≤ x^2 + y^2 since y^2 ≥ 0

so it follows that
(x^2)(siny)^2]/(x^2 + 2y^2) ≤ (siny)^2 < ε

siny < y for all y > 0
(siny)^2 < y^2
(siny)^2 < x^2 + y^2 = δ^2

(x^2)(siny)^2]/(x^2 + 2y^2) ≤ (siny)^2 < δ^2 < ε ∴ limit exists at (0,0)

Does this work?
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  • #2
You might have made a common mistake, but I might be wrong.

You want to find a [itex]\delta[/itex] so that you can get from [itex]0 < x^2 + y^2 < \delta[/itex] (*) to

[itex]| \frac{x^2 \sin^2(y)}{x^2 + 2y^2} - 0| < \epsilon[/itex] (**)

by good old, cold, mathematical logic and stuff (it would be good to state beforehand that your trying to show that the limit is 0, which I believe it is--I mean, you did, but in English, for sake of us reading). So, it seems like you've got the right idea, but it seems you assumed both (*) and (**) and went from there, which doesn't make sense, here. Also, I don't know how you concluded that

[itex]\sin^2(y) < \epsilon[/itex]

because you only know that

[itex]\frac{x^2 \sin^2(y)}{x^2 + 2y^2} < \epsilon[/itex]

and that

[itex]\frac{x^2 \sin^2(y)}{x^2 + 2y^2} \leq \sin^2(y)[/itex]

(because, maybe [itex]\sin^2(y) \geq \epsilon[/itex].)

A great trick for proving these kinds of limits is often the following. Prove that

[itex]|\frac{x^2 \sin^2(y)}{x^2 + 2y^2}| \leq 0[/itex]

If you can prove that, then by a theorem of limits often referred to as the "squeeze theorem," the limit must be 0. Of course, you can just write out the absolute value in its two cases and see why its true.

EDIT: HINT: You've already done most of the work, ;)
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  • #3
Thanks for the response!

I tried what you said and it makes sense that the squeeze theorum would work on

0 ≤ (x^2)(siny)^2]/(x^2 + 2y^2) ≤ (siny)^2

as (x,y) tends to (0,0), but I'm still not sure about how I would do this with just the epsilon-delta definition. Is this a case where it's difficult to transform the epsilon inequality to resemble the delta inequality?
  • #4
PeteyCoco said:
Thanks for the response!

I tried what you said and it makes sense that the squeeze theorum would work on

0 ≤ (x^2)(siny)^2]/(x^2 + 2y^2) ≤ (siny)^2

as (x,y) tends to (0,0), but I'm still not sure about how I would do this with just the epsilon-delta definition. Is this a case where it's difficult to transform the epsilon inequality to resemble the delta inequality?

Alright, after probably too much work, I think I've gotten it worked out with delta-epsilon proof.

The following is the tactic I used.

Just to give clarity, we want to show that, if, for any real number [itex]\varepsilon > 0[/itex], there exists a real number [itex]\delta > 0[/itex] such that [itex]0 < ||(x,y) - (0, 0)|| < \delta[/itex] (*), then it is true that [itex]||\frac{x^2 \sin^2(y)}{x^2 + 2y^2} - 0|| < \varepsilon[/itex] (**). Of course, we are supposing that the limit actually exists and equals [itex]0[/itex].

Thus, we start by assuming our hypothesis (*), which can be written better as (I made a mistake in my earlier post, although I guess it might be kind of equivalent)

[itex]0 < \sqrt{x^2 - y^2} < \delta[/itex]

From here, we want to make our way to showing (**) is true. To do this, one way is to show that [itex]\delta[/itex] is greater than some value or expression in (**). Since I know this works (at least, I think), let us show that [itex]\delta > |x|[/itex], and then show [itex]\frac{x^2 \sin^2(y)}{x^2 + 2y^2}[/itex] is less than some expression containing [itex]|x|[/itex] (or an alternative, described in the following). That is, we first want to show

[itex]\delta > \ldots \geq |x|[/itex]

and then show

[itex]\frac{x^2 \sin^2(y)}{x^2 + 2y^2} \leq \ldots \leq f(x)[/itex]

where [itex]f(x)[/itex] is some function of [itex]x[/itex] where [itex]|x|[/itex] is in it, or when we set it to be less than [itex]\varepsilon[/itex] we can derive an expression containing [itex]|x|[/itex]. The latter is what I did.

Well, the first thing to do with [itex]\delta[/itex] is not too difficult.

The second thing to do with [itex]\varepsilon[/itex] is a bit difficult, as you need something specific. If you have trouble at this part, I'll give a hint. Also, note that this is all rough work. Especially the part where we let some expression be less than [itex]\varepsilon[/itex], as that is what we want to show--its that if we suppose this, then we might have an expression for [itex]\delta[/itex] that can let us actually show it.

Honestly, if you did something along these lines in your original post, and have confidence in your answer, then maybe you have the right idea after all.

Related to Does this epsilon delta limit proof check out?

1. What is an epsilon delta limit proof?

An epsilon delta limit proof is a mathematical method used to rigorously prove that a given function has a specific limit at a certain point. It involves choosing a small value of epsilon (ε) and finding a corresponding value of delta (δ) such that when the distance between the input and the limit point is less than delta, the output is within ε of the limit value.

2. Why is an epsilon delta limit proof important?

Epsilon delta limit proofs are important because they provide a rigorous and precise way to prove mathematical statements about limits. They are essential in many areas of mathematics, such as calculus and analysis, and are used to establish the foundations of these fields.

3. How do you know if a given epsilon delta limit proof is correct?

To check if an epsilon delta limit proof is correct, you need to carefully follow the steps of the proof and make sure that each step is logically sound and supported by mathematical principles. You can also plug in different values for epsilon and delta to see if the proof holds for various cases.

4. Can epsilon delta limit proofs be used for all functions?

No, epsilon delta limit proofs can only be used for continuous functions. These are functions that have no breaks or jumps in their graph, and their outputs change smoothly as the inputs change. Discontinuous functions, such as step functions, do not have well-defined limits and cannot be proven using this method.

5. Are there any common mistakes to watch out for when doing an epsilon delta limit proof?

Yes, there are a few common mistakes to watch out for when doing an epsilon delta limit proof. These include using the wrong value of epsilon or delta, not considering all possible cases, and making incorrect algebraic manipulations. It is important to carefully check each step of the proof and double-check your calculations to avoid these errors.

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