Does This Sequence Converge in the 5-adic Metric?

In summary: This can be done using induction on n. Once you have that, you can use the triangle inequality to show that5-|j_{n+1}^2+1|_5 ≤ 5-|(j_n+1)^2+1|_5 + 5-nand continue from there.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of convergence in a metric space and introduces the 5-adic absolute value. The problem at hand involves showing that a certain sequence converges to a number in Q5 that is not an ordered field. The solution involves factoring out 5 multiple times and using induction and the triangle inequality to show that the sequence converges to 0 in the 5-adic norm.
  • #1
Metric Space and Topology HW help!

Let X be a metric space and let (sn
)n be a sequence whose terms are in X. We say that (sn
)n converges to s [itex]\ni[/itex] X if
[itex]\forall[/itex] [itex]\epsilon[/itex] > 0 [itex]\exists[/itex] N [itex]\forall[/itex] n ≥ N : d(sn,s) < [itex]\epsilon[/itex]

For n ≥ 1, let jn = 2[(5^(n) - 5^(n-1))/4].

(Convince yourself that 5^(n) - 5^(n-1) is always divisible by
4, so the exponent in the definition is always a positive integer.) The first few terms of this
sequence are
2; 32; 33554432; 42535295865117307932921825928971026432
so you would reasonably expect this sequence to diverge with respect to the usual metric on
Q (the one given by the usual absolute value).

However, show that |j2n - (-1)|5 ≤ 5^(-n) where ||5 is the 5-adic absolute value.

My Attempt:
I started by writing the claim in terms of v5(j2n + 1). Then i tried to find a recurrence that looks like this:
(j2n+ 1)^5 = (2n+1+1) + (some other stuff).

I was thinking I can show that the sequence (jn)n is also Cauchy with respect to ||5, so in Q5,the completion of Q with respect to ||5, the sequence (jn)n converges to a number j [itex]\ni[/itex]Q5 such that j2 = -1. It follows that Q5 is not an ordered field, unlike the completion of Q with respect to the usual ||5, which is our old friend R.
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  • #2

More people will be able to attempt to solve the problem if you define "5-adic absolute value".
  • #3

Fredrik said:
More people will be able to attempt to solve the problem if you define "5-adic absolute value".

Basically, you take the rational numbers [itex]\mathbb{Q}[/itex] and you define some very weird norm on it. For a rational number [itex]q=a/b[/itex], you factor 5 out of it, so you get

[tex]q=5^n \frac{a^\prime}{b^\prime}[/tex]

Then you define

[tex]|q|_5 = 5^{-n}[/tex]

For example

[tex]\frac{23}{10} = 5^{-1} \frac{23}{2}[/tex]

So [itex]|23/10|_5=5[/itex].

Also, [itex]|5^n|_5 = 5^{-n}[/itex]. So [itex]5^n[/itex] converges to 0 in that norm.

Anyway. The OP should try to look at the expression


and he should try to factor out 5 as many times as he can. Maybe try it first for small n.
  • #4

That is one crazy norm. 5n converges to 0. :smile:
  • #5

Fredrik said:
That is one crazy norm. 5n converges to 0. :smile:

If p=10 (that's not a prime, I know), then you can show crazy things like

[tex]...9999999999 = -1[/tex]

In the sense that

[tex]\sum_{k=0}^{+\infty} 9\cdot 10^k = -1[/tex]

where convergence of the series is n the 10-adic norm.

It actually isn't so crazy. A naive student (who doesn't know that natural numbers have to have finitely many digitis), might do something like

Let [itex]x=...99999[/itex]. Then [itex]10x+9=x[/itex]. So [itex]x=-1[/itex].

In some sense, the 10-adic numbers are a formalization of that (wrong) argument. In the 10-adic numbers, the argument does work :-p
  • #6

micromass said:

Basically, you take the rational numbers [itex]\mathbb{Q}[/itex] and you define some very weird norm on it. For a rational number [itex]q=a/b[/itex], you factor 5 out of it, so you get

[tex]q=5^n \frac{a^\prime}{b^\prime}[/tex]

Then you define

[tex]|q|_5 = 5^{-n}[/tex]

For example

[tex]\frac{23}{10} = 5^{-1} \frac{23}{2}[/tex]

So [itex]|23/10|_5=5[/itex].

Also, [itex]|5^n|_5 = 5^{-n}[/itex]. So [itex]5^n[/itex] converges to 0 in that norm.

Anyway. The OP should try to look at the expression


and he should try to factor out 5 as many times as he can. Maybe try it first for small n.

starting with this
where n=1 which is 2 from the first term from the given sequence
gives |22 +1| = |5|5 factored out 5 once.

repeated for the next term n=2, which gives |1025|5
where 5 could be factored out twice.

repeated for the next term |335544322+1| which could be factored out 9 times.

the last term given could have been factored at least 4 times.

how do i show that
5-V5[j2n+1] ≤ 5-n
  • #7

You'll need to show that you can factor 5 from [itex]j_n^2 +1[/itex] at least n times.

FAQ: Does This Sequence Converge in the 5-adic Metric?

1. What is a metric space?

A metric space is a mathematical concept that defines a set of points with a distance function, called a metric, that measures the distance between any two points in the set. This distance function must satisfy certain properties, such as being non-negative, symmetric, and obeying the triangle inequality.

2. What is topology?

Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of geometric figures and spaces that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, and bending. It focuses on the concept of continuity, which is the idea that small changes in a space do not result in large changes in its properties.

3. How are metric spaces and topology related?

Metric spaces and topology are closely related, as topology is often used to study the properties of metric spaces. A metric space can be thought of as a special type of topological space, where the distance function defines the topology. In other words, the metric determines which sets of points are considered "close" to each other, and therefore which sets are open or closed in the topological sense.

4. What are some common examples of metric spaces?

Some common examples of metric spaces include the Euclidean space, which is the familiar 3-dimensional space we live in, as well as other n-dimensional spaces. Other examples include the space of real or complex numbers, the space of continuous functions, and the space of matrices.

5. How is topology used in real-world applications?

Topology has many real-world applications, such as in physics, engineering, computer science, and biology. It can be used to model and analyze physical systems, design efficient networks, and understand the behavior of complex systems. Topological methods are also used in data analysis, image processing, and machine learning.

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